I'm just gonna copy some thoughts I posted on a discord:
I think it will be great for the pace of the game, and removing some of the reliance on teamwork and shifting it over to individual play, will be great for longevity and playerbase, especially on fucking EU....
I can imagine a spread out Dva dive meta with this, and that fits me just fine
as a tank player i always have to rely on a tank that either plays around me, or that knows what opening to look for and take, AND very rarely did i get that, mostly just a flanking hog, that think him having gold elims while letting me get overly pressured alone isnt the reason we're losing
this is all speculation though, hope I'm not wrong.
I would have prefered if flex became its own role and main tanking got, huge survival buffs (similar to what they showed, maybe even more)
a flex role with all the off tanks, and heroes like sym, doom, reaper, mei etc. rebalanced ofc