xQc, Taimou, Silkthread and TaiRong disciplined

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Screw the title length limit.


  • Taimou fined $1000 for anty-gay slurs on his stream
  • Silkthread fined $1000 for account sharing
  • TaiRong received a warning for his Twitter bomb meme but his apology and donation to the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation played in his favor
  • xQc suspended for 4 matches and fined $4000 for the TriHard 7 spam when Malik was on screen and for shittalking everyone in general on Twitter and his stream

It's really sad to see all of this is happening this early in the league imo.


Today is our Dramadan


xQc is going to end up in literal debt to Blizzard at this point.

Also, didn't know about the trihard spam until just now. Fuck that dude, that is straight up racist.


xQc's going to be on an even tighter leash now. He's also going to miss the last 2 weeks of the stage so things are probably gonna be even rougher for Dallas.

TaiRong's warning makes sense, I don't think he had malicious intent and there was a cultural knowledge gap, now he knows.

Timo circa APEX, bount to go on another PMA journey to reform...again I guess?

Silk I had no idea about but he's on notice now so I'm assuming we probably won't hear about this again.


Silkthread fined $1000 for account sharing. Sado still suspended 30 games for something similar. I know I keep bringing it up but Sado deserves justice.


So the thing that makes xQc much higher also is he's a "repeat offender" in the eyes of blizzard and much like normal sports repeat offenders punishments increase every time

Raisin [#5]

Silkthread fined $1000 for account sharing. Sado still suspended 30 games for something similar. I know I keep bringing it up but Sado deserves justice.

Sado was boosting people who were much lower rank though. As far as I know Silkthread hasn't done that

Raisin [#5]

Silkthread fined $1000 for account sharing. Sado still suspended 30 games for something similar. I know I keep bringing it up but Sado deserves justice.

Sado didn't share accounts, he boosted, that's way different. Boosting is basically getting paid for bringing several people to an undeserved rank while account sharing brings at most one people to an undeserved rank. Plus boosting is a very grave offense in Korean culture.

CamRa [#2]

Today is our Dramadan

Popcorn Plis (>'.')>

just one tho, I had alot of food yesterday so I feel fat


I think the sad thing about xQc is I don't know if he comprehends that his behaviour is wrong, and feels like he's always being picked on. If it was any other job you wouldn't get away with some of the things he says, so I don't know why he expects to in OWL


call me when owls drama free thanks gurls

Blue [#9]

Popcorn Plis (>'.')>

just one tho, I had alot of food yesterday so I feel fat


Sayabi [#8]

Sado didn't share accounts, he boosted, that's way different. Boosting is basically getting paid for bringing several people to an undeserved rank while account sharing brings at most one people to an undeserved rank. Plus boosting is a very grave offense in Korean culture.

A violation of the User Licence Agreement is a violation of the User Licence Agreement. The reason what Sado did was wrong was that it compromised the integrity of ranked play, which is what Silkthread did when he shared accounts, what xQc did when he threw games, and what pretty much everyone does when they create alt accounts to make it so that the top 500 is really only about 300 people. Also, I don't care about it being wrong in Korean culture. Blizzard has to have an even metric for punishing players, regardless of where they are from. Sado being Korean does not make what he did any worse.


If I was xQc I’d make an apology, quit, and focus on streaming. Similar to Dafran, he obviously cannot handle playing on the professional level. It’s really sad because I like him, but he needs to step down

Raisin [#13]

A violation of the User Licence Agreement is a violation of the User Licence Agreement. The reason what Sado did was wrong was that it compromised the integrity of ranked play, which is what Silkthread did when he shared accounts, what xQc did when he threw games, and what pretty much everyone does when they create alt accounts to make it so that the top 500 is really only about 300 people. Also, I don't care about it being wrong in Korean culture. Blizzard has to have an even metric for punishing players, regardless of where they are from. Sado being Korean does not make what he did any worse.

Murder and theft are both crimes, but one will usually get you in more trouble than the other. In this case boosting seems to be a more serious offense and Blizzard reserves the right to judge accordingly.

That being said, the players probably need a Players Association to make sure that their rights and privileges are protected when it comes to discipline, or other topics.

nigtherig [#11]

call me when owls drama free thanks gurls

Farewell then :^)


xQc is literally the biggest retard I've "seen" on twitch. When I see he has xk viewers, I get reminded what the average overwatch player is like and vice versa. When I see a retard in matchmaking, I automaticially assume he's a xQc follower.
Same with Taimou, apparantly he's 24 and still acts like a fucking child.

I'm a big fan of these punishments and for my part they get more severe.

LaurenceR [#10]

I think the sad thing about xQc is I don't know if he comprehends that his behaviour is wrong, and feels like he's always being picked on. If it was any other job you wouldn't get away with some of the things he says, so I don't know why he expects to in OWL

The "any other job" argument is really, really dumb. Being a pro in OWL isn't anything like other jobs. Streaming for many hours a day to large audiences isn't anything like other jobs. One HUGE aspect of his actual job is to be an entertainer and his style is to push the limits and boundaries of what is acceptable and what isn't.

You can't hold him to the same standards as you would a "normal" job. No shit you'd be fired if you told Sharron from HR to go suck a fat cock but xQc isn't working in a cubicle at an office. Same goes for Taimou, yeah if you called Billy from accounting a fucking faggot you'd be out the door zippity zip, but the same argument rings true, he isn't working "any other job".

I'm not defending xQc here or excusing any of his actions, just pushing back against this ridiculous argument that I've seen so many people make. Condone, judge, condemn all you like but stop with the normal job nonsense.

zero [#17]

xQc is literally the biggest retard I've "seen" on twitch. When I see he has xk viewers, I get reminded what the average overwatch player is like and vice versa. When I see a retard in matchmaking, I automaticially assume he's a xQc follower.
Same with Taimou, apparantly he's 24 and still acts like a fucking child.

I'm a big fan of these punishments and for my part they get more severe.

Please don't use offensive language when complaining about players using offensive language.

Wombat [#18]

The "any other job" argument is really, really dumb. Being a pro in OWL isn't anything like other jobs. Streaming for many hours a day to large audiences isn't anything like other jobs. One HUGE aspect of his actual job is to be an entertainer and his style is to push the limits and boundaries of what is acceptable and what isn't.

You can't hold him to the same standards as you would a "normal" job. No shit you'd be fired if you told Sharron from HR to go suck a fat cock but xQc isn't working in a cubicle at an office. Same goes for Taimou, yeah if you called Billy from accounting a fucking faggot you'd be out the door zippity zip, but the same argument rings true, he isn't working "any other job".

I'm not defending xQc here or excusing any of his actions, just pushing back against this ridiculous argument that I've seen so many people make. Condone, judge, condemn all you like but stop with the normal job nonsense.

Okay, agreed he has more public exposure than the majority of jobs. But I don't think it's unreasonable of the league to expect him to behave like a decent human being at all times. If the standards are so high, then the other 120 or so players in the league would also be in trouble all the time.

Yes we all have bad days and say stupid things we don't mean. But it's consistent, and despite warnings he stays the same.

At the end of the day, he might just not be cut out for the publicity and exposure of OWL, which it seems like he's realising himself.

zero [#17]

xQc is literally the biggest retard I've "seen" on twitch. When I see he has xk viewers, I get reminded what the average overwatch player is like and vice versa. When I see a retard in matchmaking, I automaticially assume he's a xQc follower.
Same with Taimou, apparantly he's 24 and still acts like a fucking child.

I'm a big fan of these punishments and for my part they get more severe.

From your language and statement I'm going to assume you're an xQc follower

LordOfHorns [#14]

If I was xQc I’d make an apology, quit, and focus on streaming. Similar to Dafran, he obviously cannot handle playing on the professional level. It’s really sad because I like him, but he needs to step down

Dafran couldn't handle playing on the professional level, the guy clearly got burnt out and started hating the game.

Raisin [#19]

Please don't use offensive language when complaining about players using offensive language.

I'm sorry, please replace "retard" with "an individual with a mental disability".

zero [#23]

I'm sorry, please replace "retard" with "an individual with a mental disability".

That doesn't make it any better buddy.

gabeconte [#24]

That doesn't make it any better buddy.

Call a spade a spade.

zero [#17]

xQc is literally the biggest retard I've "seen" on twitch. When I see he has xk viewers, I get reminded what the average overwatch player is like and vice versa. When I see a retard in matchmaking, I automaticially assume he's a xQc follower.
Same with Taimou, apparantly he's 24 and still acts like a fucking child.

I'm a big fan of these punishments and for my part they get more severe.

Its not like you’re behaving like a child right now.

Age checks out.

zero [#25]

Call a spade a spade.

Or maybe don't use mental illness as an insult! Plenty of people suffer from similar things and a re still good people.
Just a thought :)


Just in from his stream. He is not stepping down. He accepts and understands the penalties and is looking to improve as a person and player

gabeconte [#27]

Or maybe don't use mental illness as an insult! Plenty of people suffer from similar things and a re still good people.
Just a thought :)

shut up nerd LOL


spamming twitch emote =/= racist


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