This site honestly has some amazing titles. Tell everyone your favorite(s) here. Mine would be "Meet Your MKers"
Also, "South Korea are a shit team" is probably relevant.
Pixelfish [#2]Anything that Adamirable writes. Scrubasaurus needs to step up his game or he might get fired and replaced by poi98
Pixelfish [#2]Anything that Adamirable writes. Scrubasaurus needs to step up his game or he might get fired and replaced by poi98
half of my titles aren't even my own because they are changed for being too pun or not enough pun
my favorite of the ones that didn't make it was "Geguri finds her porpoise with ROX Orcas"
ideekae [#1]This site honestly has some amazing titles. Tell everyone your favorite(s) here. Mine would be "Meet Your MKers"
Also, "South Korea are a shit team" is probably relevant.
also the mkers title was admirable's
i was too busy reading the team name as "em-kayers" to create such a brilliant title
i still have a lot to learn in the art of punsmanship