Country: United States
Registered: May 29, 2016
Last post: March 24, 2019 at 4:57 PM
Posts: 339
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ok that killed me why would they choose that clip for that dialogue

posted about 6 years ago

it's weird that anyone thinks of kariv strictly as a support player, but i guess a lot of owl viewers weren't apex viewers. it was random when he was picked up as support by imt because he was a stand-out dps on his prior team

posted about 6 years ago

not disagreeing with their choice to bench him, but he's a hitscan specialist. not just mccree. tracer, soldier, think he was working on his widow as well. i think he'd be fine to run vs dragons. maybe he just isn't performing in scrims

posted about 6 years ago

yes. he's a very good dps too

posted about 6 years ago

maybe i've just been unobservant but this is the first series of shock where i actually noticed danteh. great performance from him

posted about 6 years ago

mayhem has sayaplayer and awesomeguy now. it's only shock and outlaws without a single korean player

posted about 6 years ago

sorry about ur rejection

maybe next year

posted about 6 years ago

rascal over solcree?

posted about 6 years ago

what? Toronto Big Dicks is a newly adopted OWL team

posted about 6 years ago

nobody who watches competitive overwatch thinks muma is better than miro lol

posted about 6 years ago

there's no sexism in the gaming community btw xD

posted about 6 years ago

it could be a good decision. but dallas has taimou who specializes in AKM's hero pool. and AKM could also probably fit into a higher tier team.

posted about 6 years ago

tbagging? rofl wtf?

that's like emoting. nothing to be "scrutinized" over

posted about 6 years ago

rofl @ the ppl above me only responding after the result. dumb post but it was dumb before the 4:0

posted about 6 years ago

was totally expecting them to take out custa and seagull for harryhook and taimou on oasis. also no pharah with seagull.. weird games

posted about 6 years ago

jesus christ that article makes me sad. 1 game his number of kills exceeded the total number of all of his teammates' kills combined.

posted about 6 years ago

if you look at the stats from his time in apex, he was on an entirely different level than the rest of FL back then. while everyone knew he was better, i don't think many expected he was good enough to fit into a team as dominant as Lunatic Hai. makes me wonder if even he knew he was among the top DPS in the world after being on a team with no results for so long. FeelsAmazingMan to see Fleta on the team he deserves

posted about 6 years ago

i remember a while back there was a list of chinese teams along with player photos, and there were 2-3 girls on i guess top teams in the region at the time iirc

anyway it's definitely not "sexist" as you say in OP lol. i think it's just a cultural thing and a lack of females that actually take gaming so seriously. when i was young videogames were definitely considered nerdy and a "male hobby."
with vastly less female players, there's going to be even less who care about the competitive aspect, then even less who are actually stand-out/talented players. there's just so many males who play games in comparison. i'd say the majority of my irl male friends play games of some sort whether console/pc, casual/competitive, and about 0 irl female friends play any games that i know of.

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

i'm talking about someone in OWL lol

also if you're talking about reaver, that's not why he was never heard from again. he left willingly

posted about 6 years ago

don't even know who that is

posted about 6 years ago

2 players for boosting? what?

babybay is on an OWL team and has cheated in FPS competitively not so long ago. he's not really scrutinized for it, but that doesn't make account sharing a worse offense just because fines were received for it.

whoru was benched basically for just "having an ego." compare and contrast to some of the most popular western OWL players.

also there's a player on a top western team who dropped the hard R on stream and received no punishment or scrutiny.

it's different standards of professionalism

posted about 6 years ago

also hangs out with the hottest dudes

posted about 6 years ago

i feel they'd have won more maps with birdring/rascal. i could see that being a reoccurring issue with large rosters. where the players with less results are just almost never playing when the season really begins

posted about 6 years ago

he was exposed for sure

posted about 6 years ago

he did say it was his first LAN and that he was really nervous/"shaking"

posted about 6 years ago

would be Shock(ed) if LA didn't stomp SF. just better players in every role imo, plus they should have greater team chemistry from IMT

posted about 7 years ago

it's about equivalent to cheating with third party hacks imo. pretty scummy

posted about 7 years ago

"No Korean player has won any EU or NA events"
right? it's almost like they've beaten the best EU/NA teams and don't need to compete in EU/NA tournaments to be "decorated."

if the standard is low and you're winning, it's not very noteworthy. if the standard is high and you're winning, it's noteworthy. rogue was dominating NA, then swiftly lost in KR multiple times after people had already started discussing that "they're the best team in the world." it wasn't real achievement, it was just jumping to conclusions and a bit of the western ego imo.

posted about 7 years ago

i mean the ban was pretty deserved.

posted about 7 years ago

zowie FK is the perfect mouse imo

posted about 7 years ago

sounds super scummy

posted about 7 years ago

allegedly boosting in ranked in korea

posted about 7 years ago

good numbers. i was personally expecting the viewer count to be a lot less than last year.

posted about 7 years ago

they didn't say that lol

posted about 7 years ago

sticking on a comp to see what they get away with doesn't make sense? lol the same thing happened yesterday with team USA vs SK

posted about 7 years ago

i feel like korea is fine with losing a first map and just use it to test the waters. flower wasn't performing well on pharah and they decided to stick on it anyway. despite this they win the map which is a bad sign for france this series. i think flower could have swapped to soldier at any time and it would have been much easier

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

dafran and sado

posted about 7 years ago

surefour carries the curse FeelsBadMan

also ieatuup is NUTTY

posted about 7 years ago

i personally don't think SK's dps duo is the best that korea has to offer, and i still don't like mano over miro. i'll say SK 3-2. i feel they should win through coordinated teamplay, but i think it could be a 3-0 with a slightly different roster.

posted about 7 years ago

did you watch apex s1? a badly timed patch drop made the entire season a meme. in any case that tournament was a year ago and its results are meaningless now.

also the other 2 results kind of prove what i just said. they haven't compared to the best eastern team/s.

posted about 7 years ago

wait so why do you think Fuel has a chance?

the same thing keeps happening. a team is dominating the west, they go to the east and it becomes really clear there's a huge gap between the best western teams and the best eastern teams. then those teams come back to the west and continue dominating the same teams they were dominating before they left. and after enough of a winstreak viewers apparently forget how they were in proportion to other regions, and suddenly they're the "best in the world."

posted about 7 years ago

wouldn't be shocked if this ended up being close. but i do expect it to be relatively one-sided for korea. i just don't feel they have the best possible roster that could be made from that country.

posted about 7 years ago

hate to say it but i really can't see it doing well just based off of the viewership of competitive overwatch right now. plus even the game casually seems to have calmed down since release. longer queue times, big names leaving the game, a lot of players i personally know have stopped playing, and i've stopped playing myself. i still watch it competitively and hope it does well, but seems doubtful

posted about 7 years ago

not enough Kims

posted about 7 years ago

feels so good seeing fleta on a competent team after losing every game on flash lux for so many months in a row. clearly a top dps player

posted about 7 years ago

jesus this series is reminding me of league of legends for some reason. i've never seen something like MY's coordination

posted about 7 years ago

ez 4 chinese moonmoon

posted about 7 years ago
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