Country: Guam
Registered: August 16, 2017
Last post: January 14, 2020 at 10:06 AM
Posts: 131
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how far did they actually go? from this dm's it just seems like a pro commincating with an overly attached fangirl

posted about 6 years ago

my retard senses are tingeling i have this feeling SHD might win their first game today with Fuel being in this state right now

posted about 6 years ago

butthurt french guy
ur ow scene just as bad as ur cs scene LUL

posted about 6 years ago

this league seems like a big joke to me already. cs, dota even the league community is laughing at OWL because they fine people using emotes and show a finger to the camera. There's some shady stuff happening in the background and we don't know it that's my guess. Maybe the coaches are involved, but players for sure ain't
they force OWL to be a top E-sport that will be broadcasted on nationwide TV that will replace NFL, NBA one day way too much.

also this seems pretty funny hhaa

posted about 6 years ago

nenne looked pretty good sofar like a budget sbb with fl0w3r they for sure can start dominating

posted about 7 years ago

rascal will shit on them just like fissure.

posted about 7 years ago

according to reddit sherlocks SADO was the head of the boosting company.

posted about 7 years ago

fml this team is good. i remember them beating both the korean wc team and the old lunatic hai team but this is a new lineup without fearless and it seems even more dangerous.

posted about 7 years ago

ye i turned 14 last week i had to change my lifestyle.

posted about 7 years ago

any players u think will for sure join OWL when they turn 18?
for me 100% safe bet for now are these players.


ye thats pretty much all the players i got in my mind for now that will 100% join OWL with 18 or over feel free to tell me if i missed some other youngsters

posted about 7 years ago

please make it happen in s3

sin tracer
dante sombra
archi genji
super winston
choy dva
sleepy ana LUL lets go

posted about 7 years ago

Architect signed for an OWL team or why isnt he playing here?

posted about 7 years ago

so after yesterday seeing Eqo i didnt even know he was in the fusion lineup. im pretty curious what other players are we missing out on?
i think fusion still got snillo in the lineup which we havent seen a single game yet.

posted about 7 years ago

they auction this players like they did 200 years ago.

posted about 7 years ago

haha can totally see blizzard pulling this off.

posted about 7 years ago

for sure :D
some of the old cod developers and alot of former codpros helped to develope this game so it will for sure become a thing for the old cod community.

posted about 7 years ago

gotta also wait how the meta shifts once the m,ercy patch hits OWL

posted about 7 years ago

kellex lucio PogChamp
i really hope this will be the new meta i love watching this

posted about 7 years ago

if semmler learns to game basics and stops unnecessary hype stuff he could actually be pretty good
sadly thats what got him hated in cs aswell so much screaming but not much understanding of the game

posted about 7 years ago

why this game starts at 11PM CET, cuz its a full EU battle? Kappa

posted about 7 years ago

i think with the main lineup NYXL will just stomp the yard.

posted about 7 years ago

no mercy change, no junkrat change not worth reading :( FeelsBadMan

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

i really hope for that fl0w3r,akm duo :D

posted about 7 years ago

pretending dva is not a dps hero LUL

posted about 7 years ago

I CARE cuz all the owl names are cringe and suck hard compared to old ones.

posted about 7 years ago

so they dont even let the teams like optic , nv use their right name in contenders aswell.
oh my oh my

posted about 7 years ago

wasnt akm rumoured to form a na contenders team with fl0w3r and NYXL?

posted about 7 years ago

NYXL now with jjonak on support and libero/pine on dps i think pretty good team to win the whole damn thing.

posted about 7 years ago

i dont believe it i just say if it happens it will not last long :D

posted about 7 years ago

if they really start charging for social media and other stuff there would be an uprising blitzkrieg from the citizens.
they might not care about corrupted governments, but they for sure care about their social media, snapchat instagram and other bullshit stories about their fake ass life.

posted about 7 years ago

jezuz ppl make drama out of everything,. pretty sure every person in OWL masturbated already while being in competitive Q early mornings. pls ban them aswell

posted about 7 years ago

mercy meta gotta go ruins like 50% of the hype for me for this league

posted about 7 years ago

pretty sure they still need casters to make Contenders watchable and such.
but if i was zp i would just point blank boycott this company but will not happen cuz its his job and he sure enjoys it.

posted about 7 years ago

libero , pine are both like fl0w3r almost the same hero pool and pretty similar playstyle.

posted about 7 years ago

so what?
preseason dont matter anyway, just do it for the fans and play

posted about 7 years ago

i have almost 20k coins so i will get all the london spitifre skins cuz they are fire.

posted about 7 years ago

shadowburns visa i guess ?

posted about 7 years ago

ye, but then no other team will join i guess

posted about 7 years ago

lets not judge to early
owl still needs to be a success mayb we wont even get so a season2 .

posted about 7 years ago

happy kill thousands of indians and steal their land and be thankful for that DAY
enjoy that turkey and pls dont choke on it

posted about 7 years ago

if he refuses another NA offer i dont actually see him being in OWL S1
i mean hes up there with the best aimers and best hitscan players for me aswell but lets be honest who is he gonna replace in any korean OWL team.

posted about 7 years ago

even blind person sees that this shit is rigged.
probably they told korea to take it slowly on em.

posted about 7 years ago

haha any owl team with shitty NA avarage dps players are actually biting their ass right now when they see AKM play like that.

posted about 7 years ago

i dont really see them switching tanks alot with the main roster being this stable at the moment.
and mickie is pretty much a must have for any game cuz he just keeps the fun and moral up

posted about 7 years ago

blizzard is so inexperienced when it comes to non solo e-sport games
dunno why overwatch is the only more person e-sport game left in 2017 that doesn't lock rosters after big qualifiers ...

posted about 7 years ago

well its owl fault that players retire if you didn't notice what they gonna play if they are not in owl you think Blizzard will actually care about any other tournaments / league outside of the NA or OWL?
like akm said owl is a big step to make your hobby your job and without owl you have nothing left in this game.

but hey keep denying the fact that OWL rush and hype is way to early and gambled way to high from blizzard side.

i want owl to have success but i just cant see it, cuz blizzard is forcing it to be the next big esport game just like they did with HOTS.

posted about 7 years ago

im not really into ow but from what i noticed so far everything he said is kinda the reality.
its way to early to force overwatch to become the next big esport game just the same thing they did with heroes of the storm.

posted about 7 years ago

dunno if owl is helping or killing overwatch right now.

posted about 7 years ago

most kids have adhd nowadays in early ages so playing genji and tracer will probably get him far!
all the best to the kid

posted about 7 years ago
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