this just shows how OWL fucked the rest of competitive OW
not having eng casters for this games is literally a joke.
1-9-17: OWL Skins/DF bug fixes
1-23-17: Blizzard World + cosmetics
1-30-17: Mercy/Junkrat changes
It's not an official cast, but does a cast of OTS and its very good. Just watch them in ENG.
Agree to disagree. I think if Blizzard wants to grow a worldwide brand, sitting two casters on a desk and putting together an Eenglish cast on the official Overwatch twitch channel would be greatly beneficial and should be part of the Blizzard responsibility. Blizzard partners with every tournament already so adding an English stream to every one should be a requirement for them.
What? lol Should Blizzard find english casters for these tournaments as well?
You don't really know what you are talking about, do you?
they hire a former csgo caster that has 0 knowledge about this game and will never have knowledge cuz he also didnt had any knowledge in csgo just shows me how much they care about the people that helped to grow ow since the start and if i was one of this guys i would just never ever cast a blizzard thing in my life again