Country: United States
Registered: October 5, 2019
Last post: October 25, 2020 at 3:23 PM
Posts: 189
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Apply is the only projectile player, he is pretty good but he isn’t a starter honestly

posted about 5 years ago

well, you have ksf, shax, and ksp who are all very good hitscan players. the only things I've seen from shax was his recent world cup performance and is OWL play, and he looked very good in both. I've seen a bit more of ksf and I think I can confidently say he is the best hitscan player on this team, and ksp is extremely good, just not as good as the other two. I would have preferred to seem him go to the gladiators and start over birdring since birdring is super inconsistent and has too many mental problems

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

It was ok, but most teams were better. But their goats wasn’t good because of ameng

posted about 5 years ago

If ball is what you want to run sure, but you’re probably not gonna be a top tier team if you are single note like last year. I love ameng, but he shouldn’t be a starter

posted about 5 years ago

He had 1 good rein game against the titans, and was a below average Orisa. Where were you last season

posted about 5 years ago

Leave is extremely POG, and while I do love ameng he is a wrecking ball one trick and having ATing is really good for depth

posted about 5 years ago

Damn, Ksp is an absolutely amazing player and definitely should be in OWL, but when you have shax, and KSF, I feel like Ksp will go unnoticed

posted about 5 years ago

I think this roaster looks a bit better right now, but I think if they got an amazing hitscan to pair with profit this team could be top tier. I don’t think Bdosin is truly top tier but he is at least solid

posted about 5 years ago

Taimou is far better than contenders. I think aKm should be the one sent to contenders honestly

posted about 5 years ago

Really disappointed, we finally get to see him in OWL and he gets knocked back down to contenders

posted about 5 years ago

Honestly, this is kinda perfect

posted about 5 years ago

this one really hurts. it felt like puckett was really good at leading the desk analysts while having a good combo of funny and serious. we will miss you puckett

posted about 5 years ago

Wow that is super crazy. Gonna suck cuz he was a very vocal part of the community, if you love him or hate him he got people talking

posted about 5 years ago

Rascal’s hitscan is very good, mostly his soldier and Mccree, but I think the most important part of having good hitscan is at least a serviceable widow, which I don’t think rascal has. That being said, his his soldier is very good. Him and architect have the same hero pool, except architect can play widow and rascal can play pharah

posted about 5 years ago

asking and elk is super pogchamp

posted about 5 years ago

I like the pickup, but this is interesting. I guess striker is their hitscan player, rascal is projectile, architect to be true flex (good genji, widow, junk), sinatraa appears to be a movement hero specialist and ans is a widow specialist. Jesus Christ, for other teams sake I hope it doesn’t shift to a DPS focused meta

posted about 5 years ago

my heart is broken, that amazing flick that pine hit on striker in the first week of the overwatch league inspired me to play mccree, and later on same with his widow play. he was my favorite overwatch player. good luck to pine, i know everyone is wishing you the best of luck

posted about 5 years ago

honestly agreed! wtf gimme Kaiser

posted about 5 years ago

Umm, kinda weird but I still think this is a pretty decent pickup even if he will be riding the bench

posted about 5 years ago

Honestly I don’t know who is better. I don’t know if we have seen Whoru really try since before goats. I think he is a better genji and maybe a better doom but I don’t know about his other heroes

posted about 5 years ago

Pog fucking champ. Amazing pickup, even if he doesn’t start he is an amazing player you can always have in your back pocket

posted about 5 years ago

sad to see him go honestly. i thought he was always a good player

posted about 5 years ago

I like players, not teams. I like S4, shaz, and biggoose but I don’t unconditionally like the gladiators, that’s just kinda stupid to me honestly. The only team I feel that was about, somewhat is NYXL since I’m from New York, but if they get rid all their players and replace them with an unlikable roaster, I won’t root for them

posted about 5 years ago

i mean, i love him and he is one of my fav player, but twilight is just an insane player, which is unfortunate

posted about 5 years ago

what is my reason for being a titans fan? runaway had an amazing underdog story, but the titans have no story that i care about so i have no reason to be a fan unless i live in vancouver

posted about 5 years ago

I am an overwatch fan, I want good games between good teams. But other than that I am a fan of players but teams, for example I love striker, he is one of my fav players. So I was a Boston fan, now I’m a shock fan. Obviously other factors are in play but that is the basics. A team has to give me a reason to like them, the reason for liking the titans was because they are runaway, now they aren’t runaway so what is my reason for liking them?

posted about 5 years ago

Cuz they aren’t as good players? Zarya players that can’t do the same lvl of dmg. Other than that it was team coordination and working as one unit and poor ult usage. Like jjonak, he is an amazing zen but had really bad ult timing. And the justice, Janus isn’t a bad rein he was just in a different page than the rest of his team. Corey bubbling at the wrong times, Janus going in when his team wasn’t ready, waiting armor packs and defense matrix. Stuff like that was what made a team bad

posted about 5 years ago

The only reason why I liked the titans is because they were runaway, the only reason I liked Dallas was because they were envy, the only reason I liked Seoul was because they were lunatic hai. I don’t like these teams because they are abandoning their roots, and I really don’t appreciate it. Bumper 100% is a top 5 main tank, if he was bad the rest of his team couldn’t carry him, that’s not how professional overwatch works. Their play style was to enable bumper to carry, they made him an unkillable monster. If they didn’t do that bumper would still perform extremely well, that was just they style of play that they capitalize on. Teams have to use someone on their team that plays differently in order to get ahead. The shock used sinatraa with his super high dmg output with his aggressive positioning and their secrete weapon, NYXL used jjonak in a very similar way. Jjonak is still a good player, even though he has created bad habits with his selfish Transcendence usage, same with sinatraa with his position and bubble usage, and finally, same with bumper and his aggressive positioning. A bad habit that he has created, but he is still a super good player. I was a major titans fan, now I will be rooting against them in every single game

posted about 5 years ago

That was bumpers play style during goats. Do you really think he would do that same play style during double shield? Of course not, and in the past bumper has shown a slower play style. Do you know why shock and titans were the only good goats teams? It’s because they played that super aggressive style that was enabled by bumper. In NYXL mano played a much more passive style and that was far less effective, even though every other aspect of their goats play was very good. That being said, Mano has the ability to play more aggressive, and all pros can change their style, it really isn’t that hard. It’s just knowing when to press your W and S keys. Yes some of bumpers dumb plays were getting shut down, which is why he was doing it less and less. Bumper was doing these dumb plays, because he could get away with it. Bumper is a top tier main tank no matter what, is he the best main tank? Absolutely not. Is he the best main tank for the titans? Absolutely, without a doubt

posted about 5 years ago

first of all, he is a pro player, you really think he has one style of play and cant adapt? maybe his super aggressive style is the most effective, but he can definitely play slower if he needs to. Second, youre assuming that in a non double shield meta that style of play wont work. i know this team would be able super aggressive if rein or winston every become meta again. third, they picked up fissure, who doesnt play as aggressive and suicidal, but still has a super aggressive play style. in the dive meta on winston he didnt need much support but he will definitely need a lot more support on rein and he cant play that aggressive on orisa

posted about 5 years ago

i completely agree. i remember sideshow had a clip of him talking about the titans style in stage 1, and basically the team allowed bumper to carry and even if he died, he had created so much space that it was easy for someone else to take on the hard carry role. the reason why their style worked so well was because bumper knew he could play so aggressive because of the synergy they created with an extra year or two playing together compared to every other team. even if fissure has a similar he wont be able to play like bumper

posted about 5 years ago

I have just soooo many negative feelings about this. 1, fuck Vancouver for this move. I liked runaway, but something I loved about Vancouver is that they were willing to pickup all of runaway together, now that they are split up I don’t really care about this team. 2, I don’t think this team will work as well without bumper. He was the glue this team needed and he allowed his team to play at such a high level. He isn’t the only reason this team is good, but he is the reason that other reasons exist that made this team good. Goodbye bumper, you were an amazing part of this team and you will be missed

posted about 5 years ago

This makes no sense to me. Maybe ChipSa is good, but he’s not OWL good, and I do think it delegitimizes the path to pro as well. But in the end I don’t think I feel too strongly about it either way

posted about 5 years ago

Wtf is this move? Why do this? It’s so stupid, I mean yeah fissure is mechanically gifted and has such a strong solo carry potential, but bumper is the heart and soul of this team. I think bumper might be the weakest link on the team, but I also think he is such a strong leader. He is the tip of the spear, it might not be super refined but it doesn’t matter when when there is so much weight behind it

posted about 5 years ago

ok, ill be honest NYXL have not not the best main support player. ark and anamo are good player but not top tier, so i hope that this can be a great addition. Saying this as an NYXL fanboy, i think this has been their weakest role

posted about 5 years ago

Stand1 is a great pickup, solid main tank. Void is super weird, i dont think he is much better than Envy and now they have 3 off tank players, so i dont understand this pickup honestly. I have no idea who LIP is, so i checked his liquipedia page and he has done almost nothing and is very inexperienced. according to liquipedia he plays sombra and widow, which the dragons absolutely dont need with their DPS tri, so this is also a weird pickup. And LeeJaeGon is always a great and solid pickup. so overall im 50/50 on these pickups

posted about 5 years ago

outlaws are bringing in the good luck charm

posted about 5 years ago

dont know much about Bianca but i have heard good things, so i guess its a pretty good pickup

posted about 5 years ago

Right now the only teams that possibly could be getting new main tanks would be Philly (they could just stick with Sado but who knows), Shanghai, and Rumors of the Titans letting go of Bumper. The only one i could see happening would be ChangSik or Stand1 going to the Dragons which still leaves a large amount of talent open for Paris. both of these tanks are better than nosmite, and nosmite was a free agent

posted about 5 years ago

this is interesting because Philly is basically saying "we understand that Carpe can be unreliable so we got a backup" which i can understand, but im a little disappointed they got Heesu as a backup. Heesu could be a solid starter on another team and id still be pissed if he played over Carpe. That being said Philly is stacked as hell

posted about 5 years ago

it depends, if youre looking for a western main tank you could pickup numlocked who is a british tank player for Team Envy or Tonic who is a Russian player who is on Young and Beautiful and has had some good performances in the world cup. If you are looking for a Korean main tank you could pick up Tizi who the Titans just released, ChangSik from Fusion University, Stand1 from Gladiators Legion, or Panker from Gladiators Legion (since he is on 2-way contract this one is less likely). All of these are far better potions than nosmite

posted about 5 years ago

taimou should probably stick around, you never know if he can work on his consistency he can be great again, but i agree with everyone else. that being said the titans dont really have a hitscan dps. i mean they have stitch, but for some reason they decided to run hooreg instead of stitch which is a bad sign

posted about 5 years ago

oh boy. look, i think nosmite has the potential to be a good player but man... this is a super super weak pickup. especially since benbest isnt that good either, so this team will have a weak main tank no matter what. nosmite needs to go to contenders and prove himself (which i think he can do) before rejoining OWL

posted about 5 years ago

Yeah, I do too :)

posted about 5 years ago

What do you mean?

posted about 5 years ago

Titans are gonna suck next year... they just let go of the best good luck charm in overwatch lol

posted about 5 years ago

what? blase is a DPS player who played hog for boston in stage 4 because for some reason rCk couldnt or wouldnt play

posted about 5 years ago

his English might not be the best, but whenever players speak in interviews they want them speaking a language they are fluent in, just in case and to make the interview better. that being said, if he knows zero english it still shouldnt be a problem, all he needs to know are basic calls to communicate ingame. a lot of koreans in the league have never spoken english before and are able to pick up the basics pretty well. even if he is just an off-tank bot and doesnt communicate at all, his mechanical skill is so much better than spree and coolmatt that be will be a massive upgrade

posted about 5 years ago

Danteh plays tracer but not widow or mccree. He plays tracer, sombra, junk, and genji

posted about 5 years ago
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