Country: United States
Registered: October 5, 2019
Last post: October 25, 2020 at 3:23 PM
Posts: 189
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This is pretty interesting because Ria was amazing on Dva last year, and this year sasin has been really good on everything except Dva. So maybe QOQ can be the best of both worlds

posted about 4 years ago

He was still on the team? I know he was suspended but why did it take them so long to officially cut him, was there some legal stuff involved?

posted about 4 years ago

Honestly kevster is an amazing pickup. The video didn’t show it but he is actually EXTREMELY flexible, and when he was on team envy/dodge onigod and him had could both play any dps hero and more often than not kevster played the projectile heroes. This really rounds out their DPS lineup and I hope that the video showing us him playing only hitscan doesn’t mean that he will be taking over for birdring

posted about 4 years ago

I think they announced that they are going to get rid of it but this is just a way of slowly fazing it out. Hero pools was unsuccessful but I’m not gonna lie, it was a good experiment that I am happy they tried out. I’m all for experimenting but one problem that they get with OWL is introducing something at the beginning of the season, realizing part way through that they want to change it, and having to make the decision to make the next part of the season inconsistent with the rest or keep competitive integrity with an imperfect system

posted about 4 years ago

wait, did they just drop Ellivote before lullsish? lullsish hasnt played a game this year and stuck in visa hell, just cut his ass cuz even if he gets here he wont be starting now that ellivote is gone. Also I dont have a problem with any other team being full Korean, but I do think its a bit weird that the US capital city has all Korean players. if it was mixed id be fine, but not 1 American player now on the truly American team

posted about 4 years ago

this team is just being destroyed

posted about 4 years ago

RIP Whoru, but honestly still a great pickup. But side note, why does NYXL hate libero? this is the 3rd time they have tried to replace him, flow3r, whoru, and now haksal but the haksal one just might work

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

Wow spark are about to get super scary. Next thing you know they are gonna add some god flex support and their team is gonna have almost zero holes

posted about 4 years ago

Honestly this is pretty upsetting. I’ve always thought that he was a really good player that could have shinned in any other team besides Dallas. His aim was so good, he was a defensive/passive player and could really play almost any hero. But unfortunately he got put in brig jail, then he gets benched for decay, which makes sense cuz almost everyone in the league would be benched for decay. Real unfortunately, I wish he found a team where he could start on his true hitscan role but I wish him luck in his next chapter

posted about 4 years ago

A coach? Honestly they need him more as a player rather than a coach, unless he is going to reteach beast how to play maintank

posted about 4 years ago

did New York under perform or was shanghai on a completely new lvl?

posted about 4 years ago

I havent watch this game yet, what the hell happened here?

posted about 4 years ago

on Avast's stream super already kinda leaked it. While doing power rankings super said "I think spark should be put higher now that they have Architect"

posted about 4 years ago

I think I completely agree with you when it comes to runaway, but lunatic hai unfortunately couldn’t keep up with the current state of overwatch. Miro, who created the aggressive Winston style was unfortunately out matches by people who had perfected it, zunba showed that his Dva was solid but not at all a top tier and I don’t think he ever showed off his zarya. Jehong has shown that his zen is good but his ana is the hero is he amazing at, and the same with Tobi’s mercy and lucio. These players aren’t bad, but they just don’t equal a top to tier. However, I will agree that I believe something happened with the org that caused such an explosion within the Titans

posted about 4 years ago

I think they are up there now that they have slime, but I think Shanghai has an incredible roster, and now that NYXL is in Apac I think their roster is arguably better than Seoul

posted about 4 years ago

They lost to washington when they didn't have Corey, I really don't think they have a chance

posted about 4 years ago

Dalton I think could be the Corey 2.0. He isnt as good as Corey, but he really isn't that far off. I feel like this team is going to perform like washington in season 2 or boston this season, a very very bad team, and Corey/Jerry. Dalton will probably popoff and people will see how good he is, but he won't carry this team to ANY sort of success. Although, the titans don't actually have a projectile player, tsuna and dalton are both hitscan players

posted about 4 years ago

That is true, but you don't think that him being on a bad team, being forced to play every game and having all of this pressure to perform well contributed to his burnout? Yes maybe he does love Valorant, but at a time when so many pros are unhappy with the game, I think a poor team can add to being unhappy with the game aswell

posted about 4 years ago

How can a team waste one of the most talented hitscan DPS in the league? Corey is truly amazing, and I can only assume that he has gotten extra exhausted from Overwatch because he has been trying to solo carry this team for almost a year, maybe if he had some backup or a replacement for whenever he wanted a break maybe this wouldn't have happened. I'm super salty because Corey was my favorite OWL player and i'm gonna miss him, good luck in Valorant

posted about 4 years ago

Honestly you could be right

posted about 4 years ago

Wow this team truly did collapse in spectacular fashion. On the bright side, Boston won't be the worst team in the league anymore. Also, personally I thought the wording was confusing, but Fissure has been released from the team and is no longer on the team, he was released rather than mutually parting ways with the team, I don't really know what this means and why the wording in different. But as of right now the titans have no players

posted about 4 years ago

I’m sure the organization wants to win Vancouver but the players don’t. And that’s how it is with most sports, in baseball most teams pick up Spanish players or America players, but they don’t live or even spend much time in that city/state. It’s common, the players play for the organization and the organization represents the city, the players don’t represent the city. Also, if Boston is an awful org, or if any organization is really bad, and now that players are not signed to a contract, of course they are going to say honest things. Apparently the Vancouver organization has not been treating their players the best, and players have the right to say whatever they want afterwards, and just because a player told the truth about their previous organization doesn’t mean that you should think twice about picking them up. Even though Dallas has made a lot of bad decisions, people always talk very highly of Envy as an organization. So teams shouldn’t worry about picking up players who have talked shit about their previous team if they feel like they are a good organization and they treat their players well

posted about 4 years ago

I was honestly not expecting this, but I guess it does make sense. He has had a long career and he has never had the most amount of success, I do wish him luck with whatever he does next

posted about 4 years ago

My guess is that jjanu is still in Korea and didn’t come back with everyone when they moved back to Vancouver. So if any team where to make a move in picking him up it would be Seoul or one of the Chinese teams that isn’t the hunters

posted about 4 years ago

Well, I think when you sign onto a team I don’t think they are signing onto “Vancouver” I think they are signing into the “Titans” it’s their only chance to play in the Overwatch League so they will take it regardless of where the want to live. But when it comes down to it, they want to live where they live. I bet 80% of Korean players want to play for Seoul, but that not always possible, and I bet if the overwatch league adds a Busan team and maybe one other Korean team, so many of them will flock there. It’s just unfortunate that there are so many Korean players but only one Korean team. Also I think the season why Vancouver moved their team to Korea in the first place was because that’s where they felt they would perform the best, and probably not the players demanding to go to Korea

posted about 4 years ago

what is going on with this team? I feel like they are about to explode. Also I guess its an unwritten law now that we must have 2 bad orgs in OWL and one of them has to be Boston. Florida seems to be doing better so now the titans are taking their place

posted about 4 years ago

Im really disappointed, I really liked Mouffin, he was very good and very charismatic. I just wish he didnt do something to stupid

posted about 4 years ago

i actually think im37 is a very good player, i think his OWL speedrun kinda makes people think he isnt very good. i cant wait to see him shine in contenders

posted about 4 years ago

Wow this team went down hill so fast. They were by far the best current western tier 2 team, and now they aren’t even in contenders

posted about 5 years ago

oh no

posted about 5 years ago

I think crimzo is one of the best western flex supports, so I’m really excited to see him in OWL

posted about 5 years ago

I think that point doesn't really hold up because Carpe can play every single hitscan hero along with genji and hanzo as well. I think a more fair comparison is Pine, who was more or less limited to widow, mccree, and im sure has a good ashe as well but his tracer wasn't anything special. Maybe in this new era of OWL he wouldn't really belong (I'm saying this as a massive Pine fan)

posted about 5 years ago

at some point, with a combination of bans hammond will be the meta tank at some point

posted about 5 years ago

Now they gotta get rid of AKM, HarryHook, and maybe an upgrade for unkoe, then this team looks pretty good

posted about 5 years ago

I’m so happy that reinforce is back, he was one of the best parts of the desk in season 1. Unfortunately we won’t be able to have the chemistry he had sideshow and bren. I love all 3 of them individually, but they are far better together

posted about 5 years ago

I really like this, because I’m OWL there are a lot of players who are absolutely amazing on one hero and that is about it. I want to see players have a wide depth of hero’s they can play. If you can only play one or two heroes I don’t think you should be considered the best player in the world, or at least be the best team in the world

posted about 5 years ago

Well it forces teams to either A, have a well rounded roaster or B, have well rounded players. Players like Note and ameng can’t basically one trick a hero in the top lvl of play anymore. It also doesn’t really create a luck factor, after 2 weeks the most played heroes will be banned, after the first few games you should be able to tell which heroes are gonna be banned next time. And if you’re argument is that a teams best heroes won’t be available, then that team shouldn’t be considered a top tier team if they can’t adapt

posted about 5 years ago

Unfortunately but absolutely necessary

posted about 5 years ago

I don’t go on YouTube a lot. I’m on twitch more, I moved there because of OWL and hate having to move back

posted about 5 years ago

I only come on this website at the beginning and end of the day

posted about 5 years ago

YouTube gaming really isn’t good. The chat system is worse, even the ability to find the live-stream is more difficult than twitch. With twitch if you go to the home website the overwatch league is right there at the top. I’ve watched live-streams on YouTube because channels I’m subbed to are live at the moment, I legit have no idea how to find live-streams on YouTube. There is a very high chance I’m going to miss half of the games because it’s so much more inconvenient

posted about 5 years ago

the more i think about this the more i hate it. God this is truly an awful decision, im probably gonna miss half of the games because of this. viewer numbers are gonna drop dramatically

posted about 5 years ago

youtube gaming? wow that really sucks, i loved watching it on twitch

posted about 5 years ago

The match would be amazing for the spectators and horrible for the casters lol

posted about 5 years ago

I have no idea what to think. I think he might be good but idk if he'll be great. I think if the main tanks can't perform then this team is doomed

posted about 5 years ago

really? i didnt see this tweet and honestly this is kinda weird. ksf was actually one of the better USA hitscan players. But now that i know that he is going to be a flex dps player, their dps line makes more sense

posted about 5 years ago

Surprising as hell, I guess this shows how important gator and hawk was to this team

posted about 5 years ago

Anyone know where you can watch these matches?

posted about 5 years ago

yeah, but the difference is that the shock has extremely flexible players. the only one who isnt flexible is striker, but put him on a hitscan hero and he just destroys. the valiant just have 3 hitscans, ksf can play hanzo, and apply as their only projectile player. they should have gotten water from GE pantheon or blase from Huston (or got him before he went to Huston from Boston) and I could see them, doing much better

posted about 5 years ago
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