Country: Luxembourg
Registered: October 26, 2017
Last post: May 23, 2018 at 1:40 PM
Posts: 44

best title on this website ever period.

posted about 6 years ago

this is toooooooooooo funny

posted about 6 years ago

releasing rascal after roster lock? yeah that's gonna be a no from me

posted about 6 years ago

clockwork said on OverSight that mendo has had health issues and issues with insurance. also that he doesn't come to scrims usually or the practice facility

posted about 6 years ago

i assure you that there are completely separate teams that work on overwatch league player management and overwatch game development... it would be extremely redundant if people working on creating the game were expected to help keep players in line with the code of conduct

posted about 6 years ago

here's to hoping that they make this extension work with contenders in the future! it doesn't seem too far fetched

posted about 6 years ago

just today it seems that the overwatch league twitch channel has added an extension that shows ingame stats for each player and also has player portraits with a transparent background. it's always bothered me how there are spots for pictures of the player on their profile, but there has never been any pictures there. assuming these pictures are allowed to be used on the website, i think they'd be a great fit for the profiles here.

here is an example of snillo's picture -

posted about 6 years ago

pack it up everyone we got facism talk on a website about overwatch esports

posted about 6 years ago

that is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard

posted about 6 years ago

i enjoy this a lot more than the gauntlet style playoffs, even though it was only 2 rounds

posted about 6 years ago

the game would be cancelled in this case though, wouldn't it? i don't see anything wrong with this

posted about 7 years ago

i love this! always something i wanted since i use hltv so much

posted about 7 years ago

dallas will win

posted about 7 years ago

one small step into playoffs for my gladiators :p

posted about 7 years ago

surefour hooking up his old teammates with a contenders team poggys

posted about 7 years ago

im so proud of surefour!!!

posted about 7 years ago

i don't think we knew that gladiators were trying to sell iremix's contract though, so that is new.

posted about 7 years ago

wow fuck him

posted about 7 years ago

said "fuck off, stupid fucking f*ggot kid" to a tracer on the enemy team

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

they had plenty of time to figure out a schedule that works out and allows for a full round robin though. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

posted about 7 years ago

in my opinion it could turn it into more of an endurance test near the end

posted about 7 years ago

every team playing every other team seems like a no brainer to me for a league type system. i really hope it changes in stage 2 and onward or this is gonna be a real undermining problem

posted about 7 years ago

so london/houston have to play 3 series in 1 day? does that seem like a bit much to anyone else

posted about 7 years ago

he has been playing lots of tracer recently tho, and it has been looking nice

posted about 7 years ago

in league fans from the region vote on the players they want on the all star team. i don't know how/if other esports do it though

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

i am that way too :p

i think the format of overwatch league allows a lot of flexibility, so we will probably see a lot more creativity from those teams now that mercy is not as necessary as before. i still think even 1 rez is really good, cause it's hard to match that kind of utility with other abilities

posted about 7 years ago

why would triple tank be what teams default to?

posted about 7 years ago

you honestly think tbagging is more offensive than what xqc said? you are crazy

posted about 7 years ago

fuck off

posted about 7 years ago

nothing :<

posted about 7 years ago

when is the latest that we can lock in our picks?

posted about 7 years ago

awesome!!! i was wondering when matches would be added :>

posted about 7 years ago

this excites me

posted about 7 years ago

sureeeeeeeeeeefouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur :> <3

posted about 7 years ago

sad to hear that some of the players still aren't in LA due to visas. you'd think that kind of thing would be super streamlined by now

posted about 7 years ago

i thought that cloud9 bought kongdoo panthera and that it was now cloud9 kongdoo? i didn't know that they could just make a new team and be kongdoo panthera again

posted about 7 years ago

my canadian boys are gonna win

posted about 7 years ago

apparently surefour is on the team? fucking sick

posted about 7 years ago

i reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally hope that the camera isn't going to be third person all the time, and "smart" camera didn't work very well at all in the league spectating system. i hope that it's better and just randomly switch all the time

and i hope the replay system isn't abused by the people running broadcasts. that's a problem in league of legends right now where after any kind of kill or play happens they show an instant replay right afterwards. it's annoying when it's just something small that shouldn't be detracting from what's currently happening

posted about 7 years ago

OWL: houston because of spree, one of my favorite streamers

WC: canada, cause surefour :>

posted about 7 years ago

wow that tracer skin is amazing

posted about 7 years ago