Country: Austria
Registered: February 22, 2017
Last post: April 11, 2018 at 6:56 AM
Posts: 66
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afaik hes a support

posted about 6 years ago

would be a joke to put him to jail cuz of that.
literally half of the us government are or had pedophiles claims against them, no one gives a shit about it either. cia sells kids to rich fucks all over the world if they pay enough $$$$$.

posted about 6 years ago

so does anyone have an actual proof of sexual interactions?
first I saw this https://postimg.org/image/ax6qris3z/ and I was like wtf dude u fuked up, but then I actually also saw the full conversation and the context was meant on his own hands because he said he has soft hands. she probably only pictured it like this and not the full conversation for a reason.

I can tell you what the case here is an overly attached psycho bitch that refused to reveal her real age at first because she's obsessed with getting the attention from an owl player and as soon he stopped the contact she went bat shit cray.

posted about 6 years ago

Rolf if this is true, in this case we should be allowed to hit the female gender again with our leather belts.

posted about 6 years ago

this is a pretty logical swap tbh
kariv > unkoe > custa on zen/ana
custa > kariv > unkoe on mercy/lucio
custa > verbo > unkoe > kariv as shotcaller.

posted about 6 years ago

how is daco not in OWL? his dva is just a picture perfect.

posted about 7 years ago

this game sure could be part of the OWL

posted about 7 years ago

why get dafran when u can get sayaplayer

posted about 7 years ago

now the sayaplayer move might actually become reality with a former meta athena coach in FM

posted about 7 years ago

well lets be honest i dont think it matters what lineup they play they will still end top3 of this league.

posted about 7 years ago

so how they care about contenders when they didnt even release any news yet after saying 3 weeks ago news soon about contenders haha. blizzard will and always will be a money hungry company

posted about 7 years ago

contenders is tier2 scene blizzard dont care about
owl is tier1 scene blizzard cares about and puts all the money in
i guess in 2017 most ppl in the world are able to speak atleast a little bit of english to propperly communicate in a video game

posted about 7 years ago

blizzard will not allow that they want that NA flag cuz ye NA LUL

posted about 7 years ago

no love for EU, first game starting at 1AM CET.
without EU and SK players this league would be just an avarage tier20 tournament.

posted about 7 years ago

i call the upset here shanghai to take it in a close serie.

posted about 7 years ago

shocking news I met this awesome and down to earth person at gamescom several times.
rest in peace and my condolence for friends & family
nur die besten sterben jung

posted about 7 years ago

kng fnx lucas hen1 and 1 more random thug that will probably kill everyone before the league even started.

posted about 7 years ago

wait seoul also signed bunny now?
holy shit that team is stacked now with godly tracer players.

posted about 7 years ago

both arent :D

posted about 7 years ago

if they dont sign akm mid season of OWL i dunno whats wrong

posted about 7 years ago

throughout the season gc busan team will mostly play all the time together ?

posted about 7 years ago

lets be honest, korea was not even trying first maps and just had some fun, see how the turned the switch and rolled over them in the maps that actually counted at the end.

posted about 7 years ago

i dont understand this system.
why does the away team always wear white even tho the home team is not white at all ?
like for example canada vs australia
australia was green but why canada wasnt wearing the red home skins ?
should not need teams to wear the away skins if the colors of the home shirt are not both the same.

sry my english :D

posted about 7 years ago

I'm glad I'm not the only one that had this feeling south Korea made so many mistakes that they normally would never do. like mano just jumping in without any backup or any heal.
Wouldn't shock me if blizzard told them to take it easy on them the first maps and maybe let them win maps.
Because they just switched from 0 to 100 every time they took over a point they rolled over them like a plow

posted about 7 years ago

i thought adam is the problem after the qualifiers but now that its a mercy meta hes actually the guy carrying them super hard :D

posted about 7 years ago

exactly what i needed, thanks
but mayb put the ingame nick first instead of the nationalitity ?

posted about 7 years ago

my friend told me once how about make her like wraithking in dota2, give her a change that brings 1 person back alive for mayb short amount of time some seconds and then they actually die.

posted about 7 years ago

damn from news to news i start disliking owl even more
i just hope blizzard will also keep the tier2 tournament scene alive and not focus only 100% on OWL and dont bother about t2 scene.

posted about 7 years ago

#rigged boys

posted about 7 years ago

if it's not like HLTV or DOTATV where I can choose the Player PoV to watch its not even worth inventing a new spect mode

posted about 7 years ago

kyb,mistake,fischer sick combo the others i didnt really follow that much but dream seemed like a pretty good player with a pretty wide heropool

posted about 7 years ago

now things got really interesting in case of OWL because I really need to see GC BUSAN there.
and all this worthless NA OWL teams beside nV so far that are based on friendship will just get totally annihilated by any asian team there in my opinion

posted about 7 years ago

effect should get double MVP Award for this final.

posted about 7 years ago

spectating a lucio instead of taimou that just got a quad kill.
whos observing this pls, just throw him out of the arena

posted about 7 years ago

will be interesting to see how they handle their roster in OWL.
all of the 4 dps players have a pretty big ego so lets see who warms the bench first.
also super happy for sleepy and dhak pretty dope suppot combo in the makin.

posted about 7 years ago

beside his zen i never really seen dogman as a pro player tbh, so if he really ends up in an OWL team while many other great and way better supports dont i will be kinda shocked. but hey thats my opinion
for the 123 pickup i would be super happy

posted about 7 years ago

got my money on GC BUSAN again, profit and hooreg looked amazing so far this whole tournament.

posted about 7 years ago

haha, blizzard never disappoints with their stupidity.
i thought they threw a official match but noo its just a ranked match.
they should just fine all the onetricks at master or above and see how that goes

posted about 7 years ago

biggest homecrowd rigged game LUL

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

what patch is this played ?
can they pick doomfist or not ?

posted about 7 years ago

without pasha,neo,taz,snax should be easy win for netherlands then :(

posted about 7 years ago

another sick game not streamed at all
if owl will be like this it can only be great, just like any other blizzard game that only cares about money and not about the community .

posted about 7 years ago

so many good games and only 1 stream .
SELLOUT game without passion all is for the money .

posted about 7 years ago

korean tracer players and pulse bombs LUL

posted about 7 years ago

haha ez4rogue

posted about 7 years ago

they better stream this game and have the camera on the korean boys

posted about 7 years ago

easy for my boi azk the north american player but the titan he is the french stars

posted about 7 years ago

hopefully this was worth to stay awake for and not a 2:0 spawn camp the shit out of them game again

posted about 7 years ago
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