Country: Canada
Registered: November 1, 2015
Last post: March 24, 2016 at 10:05 PM
Posts: 43

sc2 has a ton of people using maphacks, hots used to have problems with maphacks but blizzard banned a lot of people who were hacking so it doesn't seem to be as much of a problem anymore

posted about 8 years ago

Appears that invites went out with this patch, I can play now. No email yet though.

posted about 9 years ago

They sent out full beta invites at the same time as the weekend ones, you either got one or you didn't. There's nothing you can do to change your status.

posted about 9 years ago

deetr#1958 in stress test lf NA gamers

posted about 9 years ago


posted about 9 years ago

Never am I ever fucking lucky sometimes lucky, I can launch the game but servers are still down

posted about 9 years ago


Players will no longer see their own real name displayed whenever they speak in chat
BattleTag numeric IDs will no longer display in chat whenever a player joins or leaves Voice Chat
Made several additional improvements to matchmaking


If multiple Meis are attacking the same target, their freeze effects will no longer stack


Fixed an issue where some players weren’t able to use microphones with Voice Chat
Fixed several client-side crashes

One user on reddit said the fps has been recapped after the cap was removed last update, can anybody confirm?

posted about 9 years ago

I wonder how many people they let in. Probably doesn't matter seeing as I'm never lucky.

posted about 9 years ago

never am I ever fucking lucky

posted about 9 years ago

The ranked mode in hots has actually evolved an insane amount to the point that many moba players now consider it one of the best mm systems aside from the fact that it can have bad mmr matchups due to low player count. If they do something similar allowing for a solo/duo queue mode separate from the 6 stack mode I really think the ingame mm could be great.
Aside from Hearthstone blizz actually has pretty good ranked systems imo and if the OW team has been talking to their other teams I expect a great mm system.

posted about 9 years ago

enigma has proven that he can run a forum well and also the people on tftv who have migrated have proven that they are dedicated to helping new players as well as having (mostly) good discussions. I don't see why we would consider any other forum tbh

posted about 9 years ago

Contents of the Origin Edition:

"Origins Edition Includes:
21 Heroes + 5 skins:
Blackwatch Reyes (Reaper)
Strike-Commander Morrison (Soldier: 76)
Overgrown Bastion
Security Chief Pharah
Slipstream Tracer
Overwatch-themed content for several Blizzard Entertainment games:
Heroes of the Storm™ - Tracer Hero
World of Warcraft® - Baby Winston Pet
StarCraft® II Portraits
Hearthstone® Cardback
Diablo® III - Mercy Wings"

Looks like it is f2p then, a "collectors edition" that comes with a few heroes and some skins was what they did for hots too when it first came out. Also worth noting that when this version came out for hots anybody who wanted to play the game had already gotten in and if you had been playing since the beginning you probably would have had every hero. Another great side effect of this bundle (if they do it the hots way) is that you can buy keys for the heroes in the bundle for just a few dollars from key selling sites (eg G2A) instead of spending $10 in game or a bunch of in game currency.

Any hero in the free rotation will be seriously overplayed, unless of course they start dumping new heros on us, does anyone want that though?

Hots does balance changes every 6 weeks with a new hero every 3 weeks and it seem to work pretty well. Wouldn't be surprised if they kept a similar scheme for Overwatch. This only was official once the game was out of beta though so we might not see it for a bit while blizz works on changes to the heroes already in the game as well as core mechanical changes.

posted about 9 years ago

I disagree only because I have played quite a bit of Heroes of the Storm and I think Blizzard has actually done ok at making that game good for people who don't want to spend a lot of money. Recently it has kind of gone to shit with them not dropping the price of new heroes for a few months, but before that it was entirely possible to buy the heroes you want with just in game gold that you got from playing and leveling up. There are quite a few heroes on the weekly rotation of free heroes and there is a sale every week for buying a hero with real money. I've spent $10 total on Heroes and I have all the heroes I want (about half) even taking a few months off from playing. If I spent $60 I would easily have every hero in the game. As long as the Overwatch team made it plausible to get all the heroes for free I don't have a problem with having to play a few hundred hours to get them all. It also helps as a new player to keep you from being overwhelmed. I find it very hard to get into dota because never have any clue who I should pick, and being limited to ~10 options which change every week until I get the hang of the game is completely fine to me.

posted about 9 years ago

As a friendly heads up: There will be no new beta invite waves until after BlizzCon.

posted about 9 years ago\

As of this morning, GameStop is taking pre-orders on the hero shooter for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, according to clerks at an NYC store I just spoke to.

They’re offering the game for $60, which feels off—this seems designed to be a free-to-play game—but who knows? It’s worth noting that Blizzard also sells the free-to-play PC game Heroes of the Storm in a $20 physical bundle, which comes with heroes and skins. So GameStop taking pre-orders for Overwatch doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not free-to-play.

It’s likely that GameStop just spoiled an announcement Blizzard planned to make at BlizzCon in Los Angeles tomorrow, so we’ll see if official news hits then. For more on Overwatch, check out our impressions of the beta.

IGN has also contacted several GameStop locations in New York and received a similar response. Additionally, one store in Connecticut told us the game is currently titled "Overwatch: Origins Edition."

Thoughts? Will it turn out like console TF2?

Edit: Also just found this reddit post

posted about 9 years ago

BabyRage NEVER LUCKY BabyRage

posted about 9 years ago

We've got a treat for you tonight! We've datamined a load of Hero Sprays which are potentially going to be available in a future unlock system. Check them all out below!

Sprays are usable by heroes to tag the map with a picture. We aren't currently sure how you'll get to select which spray you get to use.

tbh most of these actually look pretty cool, although I hope there is a way to have a custom spray (I know it is probably not happening but a man can dream)

posted about 9 years ago

Back when I played console games competitively you could "rent a server" where it was basically a console with a really good connection hosting a private lobby and then the players join it. Entirely possible to do in this game, although without a dedicated server the PCs they would use would probably have to be pretty decent and therefore pretty pricey.

posted about 9 years ago

Tier lists don't generally take counters into account. You could have 2 amazing heroes that just happen to counter each other and they can both be tier 1. The only case where counters are taken into account in my experience is if any hero(es) are so prevalent that they are in every game then heroes that they counter are going to be inherently lower tier.

posted about 9 years ago

I would think that leagues would start as soon as there are enough people in the beta to sustain one. We could potentially see a season before the closed beta ends.

posted about 9 years ago

Whatever music you normally listen to and enjoy

posted about 9 years ago

Most of the /r/tf2 cringe threads are funny because we know the game way better than them, but we don't know overwatch way better than most people as it stands

I bet the first few vods or posts that seem legitimate now will look ridiculous in a year

But we can still always post standard reddit idiots

posted about 9 years ago

we don't know yet

not enough time not enough people in

it took years for tf2 to get to the 6v6 meta that it has today

posted about 9 years ago

I have heard (no empirical data) that you are more likely to get in with a lower end PC because they already have had a lot of testing on decent machines at various events and during development

so its still up to chance lol...

two identical pcs arent both going to get in.

Ya whichever one has more twitch followers is getting in

posted about 9 years ago

supposedly after blizzcon, but that's unverified by blizzard

posted about 9 years ago


posted about 9 years ago


posted about 9 years ago

have hundreds of dollars in blizzard games and thousands of hours of fps experience but retards on reddit get in over us

posted about 9 years ago

Pharah has rockets so Pharah

posted about 9 years ago

deetr#1958 no beta yet babyrage

posted about 9 years ago

Is there a website or IRC where people are pugging?

posted about 9 years ago

a lot of people are just wait

posted about 9 years ago