Country: United States
Registered: June 10, 2017
Last post: October 26, 2018 at 4:58 PM
Posts: 3

I've played ow casually on and off since release, and I'm beginning to think I might have fun playing in organized matches with a team.
What are the best amateur leagues, pugs, or platforms for someone looking to get into organized play?

posted about 6 years ago

2nd game of the 2007 season between browns and bengals was historic

posted about 7 years ago

shadow of mordor is a lot of fun and it's only 4 bucks
doom is only 15 right now so if you haven't played it yet maybe consider it
castle crashers is only 3 bucks right now and its an awesome local coop experience if you ever have guests

posted about 7 years ago