Country: United States
Registered: May 4, 2016
Last post: November 16, 2017 at 2:37 AM
Posts: 34

I would feel so sad being on the team of 5 left behind by Fleta, although he deserves the spot on Seoul Dynasty.

posted about 7 years ago

WhoRU at least top 3. He played so great in S2 grand finals he got benched for gaining an ego from it.

posted about 7 years ago

It's so fucking sad a team as good as Runaway was never got picked up or recognized for their accomplishments in Apex.

posted about 7 years ago

Carpe is a phenomenal player that I think is underrated because of BK Star's performances. I don't think Midnight would be a better replacement at all.

posted about 7 years ago

It really bothers me how OGN stacked this group for Rogue and AOD when it seemed like they would've made playoffs in the other groups. In general the other groups don't even compare in overall skill level. 3 out of the 4 teams have the same W-L record now but only 1 of them is making playoffs even though they all lost head to heads with each other (Rogue to KDP and KDP to AOD and AOD to Rogue). Number of maps won should be rarely used to determine who makes playoffs and yet that was a given for this group from the beginning. Hopefully next season it doesn't happen.

posted about 7 years ago

Yeah I definitely feel like sonething is messed up in the tourney organization when it's possible to miss playoffs even after beating the best team in groups with a 1-1 record. Rogue's group was really too stacked compared to EnvyUs.

posted about 7 years ago

Unless they get the entire NFL to buy into OW this scene is fucked

posted about 7 years ago

what's the left handed issue for Nico?

posted about 7 years ago

Yeah I have a gut feeling that after Denial's strong results at the Monthly Melee and xQc's stream growing to around 2k viewers the org still didn't want to negotiate benefits or a raise.

posted about 7 years ago

sick 12 on 12 action here

posted about 7 years ago

East Wind isn't sponsored

posted about 7 years ago

yeah I know it was exaggerated. I played on a team with half of the players from "you guys get paid?" and they're talented and have worked really hard to try going pro. It makes me mad when up and coming teams are discounted for beating pro teams. People did that to Kungarna (now Splyce) and bird noises (now LG Evil) during the Winter Premiere because "LUL quad-tank meta" since they love their popular closed beta personalities and teams so much like Seagull and Fnatic.

posted about 7 years ago

You're a professional lineup that has been around since closed beta in a gaming house with multiple months of LAN experience against the best teams in the world at APEX and then lose to a half-month old team that's been given no opportunities or money whatsoever. It's the equivalent of losing to a 6 stack of Bronze players in ranked and a situation that should be physically impossible if you're playing at that caliber. Your excuse is dogshit.

posted about 7 years ago

Hafficool from Fnatic was the first one to talk shit on NA teams. Then they come back with more than a month of experience against tough Korean competition and get destroyed. It doesn't even matter if it's BO1 at that point it's inexcusable and embarrassing for a professional team sent to represent the West in Korea to lose against a new amateur NA roster.

posted about 7 years ago

As a long time FPS player i actually find the lack of movement accel in Overwatch to be a really good change for FPS games. You can argue that accel/air strafing adds another dimension of skill to the genre but the mechanics are so subtle most players let alone eSports spectators will never ever notice how important it is. It's fucking retarded to lose duels in an FPS if you have equal or better aim and gamesense simply because your opponent can stafe jump to the pickups better in Quake or reset their recoil/movement spread faster in CS:GO.

That is a disadvantage you cannot willfully overcome without putting more time in the game; there is no other alternative. It wouldn't be an issue if most popular FPS games in the genre didn't have incredibly specific movement mechanics that barely transfer well between each other adding artificial difficulty to each separate title.

MOBA mechanics aside Overwatch plays like an incredibly clean and straightforward FPS title which I find hard to criticize.

posted about 7 years ago

that's definitely a solid af lineup

posted about 7 years ago

quad tank by Hammers was most likely just a counter-pick to triple DPS

posted about 7 years ago

ez win 4 bird noises

posted about 8 years ago

Most of those "big teams" from NA weren't present in that "smaller LAN" because they didn't qualify for it on their own merits. Look at the Winter Premiere qualifier brackets and Group stage fixtures and you would have seen pro teams dropping BO3's to multiple unknown amateur lineups.

posted about 8 years ago

You're actually a fucking idiot if you think those "T2 NA teams" can't compete well enough at an international scale. If anything the only thing wrong with this article is overrating the APEX/Korean scene when we haven't seen enough international competition between Korean/Western teams. NRG was a bad representation for the NA scene in APEX season 1, EnvyUs remains uncontested representing EU in Korea, and the LG/Misfits/Rogue shuffle has arguably made each of their respective lineups weaker overall.

The grand finals of that LAN btw was between Immortals and an amateur team (now pro under GHOST) that had to score landslide 'upset' wins with a fraction of the experience and resources most of these "professional" teams have had since closed beta. Instead of underestimating the tournament results only because C9/Fnatic/Envy weren't there you should ask yourself why Renegades, NRG, FaZe, Luminosity, Complexity, or Selfless didn't make it to the finals over a team that has been unpaid for MONTHS.

posted about 8 years ago

Reaper and Mei was always 1-shottable by Roadhog pre-buff as long as you did the movement trick that pulled enemies closer to you. Blizzard just needs to lower his overall damage or change the spread so he can't 1-shot the most reliable anti-tank characters in this game.

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

Uhhhh no. The TJO duo had legitimate CEVO cheating bans if you looked it up. Babybay was ESEA banned not VAC'd.

posted about 8 years ago

no, even though the current super tank-heavy meta is cancer this speaks to the fact that all the sponsored favorite teams everyone idolizes are "pro" for so long because of their early access to the game from closed beta not because they were the best Overwatch players around

posted about 8 years ago

Unfortunately the same reason Gale Force and Denial got sponsored: having the right connections.

posted about 8 years ago

Oink Oink has been dead for like 3 months lol

posted about 8 years ago

Out of the free agents who do have enough potential a lot of them are super flakey as well. A lot of them would rather wait weeks and miss Gosu and FACEIT weeklies to somehow get an offer from a pro team than commit with any other improving semi-pro team.

posted about 8 years ago

no hero limit. in payload they measure the farthest you push the cart for point scoring instead of stopwatch.

posted about 8 years ago

Absolutely not. Even if class limits fit the flow and balance of the game better now, it doesn't account for future hero and meta-game changes and will stagnate this competitive scene faster than TF2. Blizzard doesn't want hero limits in pubs or ranked play, and tournaments (looking at gosugamers especially) should do the same if they really care about Overwatch becoming an e-sport. Perhaps hero bans would be a welcome middle-ground that could be featured in ranked play.

posted about 8 years ago

To be fair not everyone has the luxury of getting "competitive experience" from closed beta and an ESEA Main CS player is way more qualified than the tons of League of Legends/MOBA/WoW players who invent their own sponsors and think they can immediately go pro in Overwatch.

posted about 8 years ago

I've been really wanting to get into the Overwatch comp scene since closed beta but never had the opportunity to do so until now. I was a solid ESEA 6v6 scout and top level UGC Highlander sniper with a few years of high level competitive TF2 experience.

I'm looking for a dedicated and driven Overwatch team to play for during the open beta and after release. As far as my hero pool goes I love playing Genji and Tracer the most but I'm versatile with other heroes like Widowmaker, Pharah, Soldier 76, and Mei.

BNET: bowswer5#1539

posted about 8 years ago