Country: Canada
Registered: May 18, 2017
Last post: September 7, 2019 at 12:52 AM
Posts: 206
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Do you not see the new tank line? They found their musical chairs

posted about 7 years ago

I feel like this comment is still appropriate, this time for NYXL LUL

posted about 7 years ago

Dallas fighting POGGERS

posted about 7 years ago

Well this match just got more interesting

posted about 7 years ago

This is true and it did Surefour no favors when the camera went to him and he missed shots. Meanwhile he would kill Carpe, Snillo and some supports off cam, then get dove on by about 3 Fusion players while the rest of LAG just let Carpe rain down headshots on their team

posted about 7 years ago

Danteh has been stepping up BIG this stage, sinatraa won't be that much of an upgrade on Tracer if he even is given how much things have changed already. They can still run both sinatraa and Danteh on a map like KR since Danteh hasn't looked impressive on zarya, one of sinatraa's strong heroes

posted about 7 years ago

Huge playoff implications here. Hoping for a 3-1 Spitfire win so Gladiators can move up to 2nd. Then get better again since I'm not convinced yet they can beat Philly and Boston convincingly

posted about 7 years ago

Sad to see one of these teams has to lose given their recent hot streak

posted about 7 years ago

That LAG comp on ruins lmao. Shaz Tracer, Hydration Lucio. Kyky sending in his application for head coach

posted about 7 years ago

They stuck with Sombra way too long, and Shaz switching too early to Mei was a thonker. Mei is good for 2nd point but you're giving up one of the best Zen's

posted about 7 years ago

Us Canadians have to retake the eligibility test if we win 100 tokens

posted about 7 years ago

Jake has a pulse bomb

posted about 7 years ago

First map already better than all of DAL/BOS

posted about 7 years ago

He'd still make a better tank/support than DPS IMO

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

As a LAG fan, please 4-0 revenge after stage 1 demolition

posted about 7 years ago

If true, Houston the only team left with no Koreans

EDIT: below ah yes just korean players

posted about 7 years ago

I expect a huge boost for LAG after this week.

posted about 7 years ago

Ok as a pessimistic LAG fan, let's fucking go! First win in the 2nd match of a week and it couldn't have come against a better team

posted about 7 years ago

Ok London stop messing around and put in Birdring Bdosin and Fury

posted about 7 years ago

I'd be madder if I got fined the same amount for flipping the bird. Oh wait, that's the same as using an anti-gay slur according to Blizzard

posted about 7 years ago

And he had the audacity to call out Blizzard for demodding him. What a scumbagg

posted about 7 years ago

Who makes these schedules? The Uprising are playing back to back again for the 2nd week in a row.

posted about 7 years ago

S4 actually gets more value out of his blades. And he's able to flex to Widow like he did at the end of their first attack which he hard carried

posted about 7 years ago

SHD took another map monkaS

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Last time these 2 faced, SHD took the last map and from then on SEO was shook

posted about 7 years ago

Match went by so fast forgot to update Nepal

posted about 7 years ago

LAG will continue to play like trash every 2nd match of the week. EZ 4-0 foe SEO

posted about 7 years ago

What are you talking about? His Tracer was top tier and he was so impactful. KAPPA

posted about 7 years ago

Those lineups are just placeholders. Mendo probably won't see any playtime again

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Well, that 4 match streak is against 2 teams, though admittedly they have looked much better

posted about 7 years ago

This is gonna be good. Fusion looking much better post mercy meta with Eqo. HOU takes this 3-2

posted about 7 years ago

Rawkus plays DPS on different circumstances, ie when they run a 1 healer comp. Kariv specifically played on a lineup that included all 3 LAV supports to specifically play the DPS role. That's indeed a RIP Grim, but I'm sure they'll give him a chance eventually. For all we know he was unavailable as well

posted about 7 years ago

Lol? He was hard carrying that sad LAG team. As a tank. Where do you see a tank hard carry like that?

posted about 7 years ago

I expect all teams in the bottom 6 to get better in stage 2 except Shock, considering they look content with just waiting until sinatraa and super turn 18. But those 2 won't solve their support problems and if their match against LAG last night is anything to go by, Dhak back on Lucio will not turn that team's fortunes around.

LAG on the other hand looks like a completely rejuvenated team with Fissure and after LAV's underwhelming performance against Seoul, I can see the Gladiators being the better LA team in stage 2. Again, still early, but really excited for LAG. iRemiix is good but it was night and day on how he was their weakest link and it clearly showed what the team is capable of when given space by Fissure

posted about 7 years ago

Sure Dhak goes back to his trademark Lucio, but Biggoose cancels that as he's probably even the better Lucio. LAG won 3-1 before and now they also have a much better tank in Fissure. I don't expect SFS to win here.

posted about 7 years ago

He's like sinatraa and the others. Already signed, just not old enough yet. I believe he won't turn 18 until May

posted about 7 years ago

the devil is back monkaS

posted about 7 years ago

Shadder is not even on a Contenders team, so I wouldn't be surprised if FCT doesn't have one either

posted about 7 years ago

Should pretty much list Taimou as a flex now that he will probably be playing Roadhog a lot more since AKM can fill the hitscan role

posted about 7 years ago

I was hoping for FCTFCTN but they got a better one FeelsGoodMan

posted about 7 years ago

LAG always looks shit on their 2nd match of every week, so this will be a battle of which team can throw harder

posted about 7 years ago

Would love to see Adam+Surefour again. Kind of unfortunate that Mercy probably won't be in the meta for Stage 2 since Adam is widely considered as one of the best Mercy's but still a great Lucio and shotcaller. Would be great to see him and/or Roolf with LAG though I doubt Roolf considering they already have Shaz

posted about 7 years ago

Honestly, iRemix has been pretty underwhelming for the Gladiators. Hasn't created the space needed for their DPS to do work, so their dive has been very weak lately. FCT would fit well with that team

posted about 7 years ago

You just can't do the shit xQc did in today's world. Imagine if a famous person called out another famous openly gay person and told him to suck a fat cock, doesn't matter whether he did it intentionally or not (how do you even say that kind of shit by accident? xQc is a child). That's pretty much career suicide whether you're an actor or an athlete etc. OWL will not stand for that kind of behavior if they want the league to flourish and get an audience. If he does it again - guaranteed he's done for season 1 and that's if Dallas doesn't drop him first

posted about 7 years ago

Then they proceed to run the same comp they couldn't do anything with on OT

posted about 7 years ago

when the expected ResidentSleeper match goes full PogChamp in map 1

posted about 7 years ago
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