In tf2 I played first as SneakyPolarBear then later as simply sneaky. I don't like people asking me if i play league of legends anymore though, so JAKE#16465 will have to suffice for overwatch.
Intermediate division Champions S16 & S21 (roamer s16, pocket and maincaller s21)
UGC Platinum Highlander S18 Champions (playing soldier/demo)
10+ other seasons of HL/6s
Ego MGE tourney 2nd
S1 EU top 500 (CR: 77)
Winston #251 (
Best/Comfort Heroes:
Flex: 76, Genji, McCree, Pharah, Reaper, Junkrat, Bastion, Dva, Mercy
I'll be in the Netherlands for another week, so this post is to gauge interest and maybe farm bumps off some old tf2 players :). I'll back in NA and ready to play tryouts on Monday, August 15th. I'm looking for a team with genuine ambitions and potential of playing with the very best, but also one that wants to grow and become great together over a large timeframe.
Oh yeah, and if it matters I earned top 500 EU playing soloq on a bootcamped macbook pro with wifi from the floor above me ^^, going back to a 144hz + desktop + ethernet for the first time since launch a week after get back to NA.
I also have a friend from tf2 who is lft (flex dps), so if you need 2 players then you might be in luck.