Name your favourite (feel free to say why too):
OWL team - LA Valiant
Current non-OWL team(s) - Eagle Gaming, Runaway, CAG
Pre-OWL team(s) - Rogue, EnvyUS
Player (only one allowed) - So0n
Other players - Unkoe, Taimou, Poko, Carpe, Ryujehong, Linkzr
Streamer(s) - Seagull, Ster (not so much anymore, sadly), Alphacast
Caster combo - Uber/MrX
Analyst duo - Bren/Sideshow
Main desk presenter - Goldenboy
Match - OWL S1 finals (not intrinsically the best, but I was too damn hyped)
Tournament - OWC 2017
In-game moment - Profit's cleanup on Volskaya 2nd point during OWL finals
Clutch moment - Same as above
OWL entrance - Didn't pay that much attention to it
About your personal Overwatch career:
SR now - /
SR peak - 2037 (After doing only placements in S4 - the only time I actually bothered to do it)
SR goal for this season - None, I don't really have time to invest in comp
Main class - Support
Main hero - Zen
Other heroes you regularly play - Roadhog, Soldier, Ana, Mercy
Favourite hero - Zen
Hero you hate - Symmetra
Favourite map - Nepal
Map you hate - Hanamura. And pretty much all of 2CP maps, really
Favourite game mode - Control
Least favourite game mode - 2CP
Best play - Nothing comes to my mind
Best achievement - /
Reason why you play Overwatch - I don't play it that much, but it's usually to have some fun with a friend
What got you into Overwatch in the first place - Was following Ster when he got into it. Also, a friend of mine started playing it
About other video games:
Games you are playing at the moment - Rocket League, Trackmania, various Pokémon games, a crappy little-known MMO called Champions of Regnum
Other esports you watch - Pokémon VGC, RLCS, Trackmania, SSB4/Melee (Only occasionally for all these, I only closely follow OW esport)
First game you ever played - Pokémon Sapphire
Favourite game as a kid - Pokémon Sapphire
Favourite game of all time - Pokémon, hard to pick a single version. Heart Gold maybe ?
Biggest achievement in a video game - Becoming one of the best healers in the crappy MMO mentioned above I suppose. Or getting a sizeable number of full-odds shiny Pokémon, an old hobby of mine.
About you personally (no pressure to answer any of this if you don't want to):
Age - 22
Location - France, Paris
Describe yourself in 3 words - Introverted, Bored, TooMuchHair (Ok, I cheated a little)
Favourite music artist - Rammstein
Favourite music genre - Metal
Sports you play - Badminton
Sports you watch - NBA, Olympics, Football WC
Hobbies - Reading, playing video games, learning about chemistry
Weird fact about you - I only have 3 wisdom teeth. Awesome, right ?
Shameless social media plugs - Not much into that