Country: Canada
Registered: January 16, 2018
Last post: March 10, 2018 at 10:13 PM
Posts: 39

Bad day for Koreans, getting exposed in the spotlight by the West!

posted about 7 years ago

Mickie should have ulted mid-air, not on cart.

posted about 7 years ago

mickie not doing well. wasting ults. logix getting free kills, fuel should have countered with AKM or taimou's widow, and easy win in gibraltar.

posted about 7 years ago

So glad Logix getting served by karma for that unnecessary BM, getting 2-0'd by a broken team. I hate BMs.

edit: just realized I posting on a site that may be visited by children. Edited post.

posted about 7 years ago

Got beef against TaiRong huh?

posted about 7 years ago

don't underestimate 2 Korean DPS + NV + Rogue

posted about 7 years ago

The match we've all been waiting for

posted about 7 years ago

Fissure proves he's the #1 Winston.
Surefour desperately trying not to be shoved off as Tier 2, and it shows.
LAG telling all the doubters to STFU on communication issues, etc!

Also the head coach for LAG is pretty damn sexy.

New fan gained.

posted about 7 years ago

KariV Unkoe MVP

posted about 7 years ago

He's the same homie that spelled out "NA TANKS LUL"

posted about 7 years ago

Great man, best of luck on his next endeavors.

posted about 7 years ago

If you're gonna put Genji, use Hydration, not S4.

Kariv on Reaper to counter Fissure. Think about it

posted about 7 years ago

What the hell is going on with VAL?

posted about 7 years ago

NA style.

posted about 7 years ago

Chips is shit tier compared to Jjonak, Rawkus, etc. At least in this game, he underperformed.
Taimou just needs to stop masturbating before a match.
Effect needs to get a girlfriend to cheer him up or bench him for a while. You can tell how salty he got after the match by refusing to shake hands with half of the opposing team.
AKM and Rascal look like they're being bottlenecked by the sub-optimal tank rosters.
Seagull dead or something?
I'm a shitty Diamond player, but I would bring back the old Envyus just without Taimou. Bring back the old NV, replace Taimou with aKm, and there you have a solid roster. World's best Soldier, best Tracer, best Dva player, best expressionless player, and quality EU support.Have AKM be trained on ALL DPS heroes, and have Effect grind and grind on Tracer until he reaches his edge, where he would practice even more and get on the god tier of tracers. Don't bitch about "Oh, but we need player who's good at--" then you're not doing it right idiots. Use what you have, and if something doesn't work, don't replace it -- simply tweak it a bit. That is what the Koreans have done. Every pro player can play DPS, but since this is team game, communication is key, as well as the mood and dynamics. Taimou is toxic, has always been and always will be toxic unless he does something about it. No one can fix his mindset but himself, and drinking alcohol, calling others "fa**ots", and engaging in reckless behavior is the total opposite of the esteemed definition of being a "professional" gamer. He is also a very bad role model for young kids, drinking on stream in front of thousands of young kids and just being toxic overall. I don't want to sound like a hater, so I'll throw this in: he can pop off when he's in the right mindset, and that mindset does not involve bringing even more toxic players such as xQc and aKm. (aKm is known to have engaged in activities that publicly insult a nation's culture)

Another solution would be to just experiment a bit and have Harry back on Soldier, Effect on Zarya, Mickie on something else. Make your enemies keep guessing. Try having AKM on Tracer. Effect looks like he's expended most of his energy and motivation. AKM still has it, I can tell by his decision to enter OWL and help Dallas get back on its feet. I would like to see Rascal play Tank.

If I were Taimou, I would finish this season strong, leave a solid mark in pro OW, and retire back on streaming. He already has a massive following from all over the world, especially in Korea, which he can capitalize on with ease. Yeah sure, you get paid yearly for being a pro gamer, but then you could be doing something else being your own boss etc.

posted about 7 years ago

3 koreans 2 europeans and 1 american vs 3 koreans 2 europeans and 1 american

mildly interesting

posted about 7 years ago

Fissure is overrated. He was carried since the beginning KDP days, where he was carried by 5KEvermore and Void.

He will never survive in this team. His days as pro gamer is over. There's already a huge chink in his armor.

posted about 7 years ago

Why are Korean teams getting bad? I heard Jake hooked up with Soe after that match against spitfire.

posted about 7 years ago

Rascal sucks ass lmao. Overrated little pos

posted about 7 years ago


Note, it's in Korean. But these are some entertaining matches.

posted about 7 years ago

Bischu is the one that works!

posted about 7 years ago

his diarrhea is worth more than you and I combined so that makes sense

posted about 7 years ago

Amazing series overall congratulations to Los Angeles, my city, so good job to my boys for playing their minds out against Dynasty, who didn't seem like they were on top form. Vibrant crowd and great casting by Monte and Doa.

Sucks for Dynasty :/ hope they use this setback as an opportunity to wake the hell up and train even harder

posted about 7 years ago

Profit just having fun, yall need to chill. You're talking about the same guy who carried his team against the best teams in the world at Apex.

posted about 7 years ago

to me it's worth it. I love seeing stomps like this.

posted about 7 years ago

SFS 3-1

regardless, autism wins.

posted about 7 years ago

Surprised Boston Celtics lost. Shocked!!!!

posted about 7 years ago

GC Panthera baby.

posted about 7 years ago

Great series, Pine and Libero showing what they're made of. Wonder exactly how much they (and the rest of the team) dedicate their time to practicing.

posted about 7 years ago

OWL and Blizzard being annoying lately.

APEX was the best thing that happened to Overwatch, and now they're taking it away.

Goodbye overbitch hello pubg

posted about 7 years ago

One step back, two steps forward.

Misfits loses this one, they'd better spend at least 18 hours a day studying every second of that match until it's drilled in their skull, permeating every second of their lives. No pain no gain, no sacrifice, no trophy.

As Tyler Durden once said, "Without human sacrifices we'd have nothin (n-word)." Misfits will 4-0 Lunatic Hai in their next meet up. This is just their warm up.

posted about 7 years ago



posted about 7 years ago

Why the hell can't China beat SKorea?

Because Kpop

posted about 7 years ago