Country: United States
Registered: November 13, 2015
Last post: May 15, 2020 at 10:20 PM
Posts: 106
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From TF2 meme to OW coach.


posted about 4 years ago

"I've let my life pass me by, which isn't the happiest thing a 19 year old can say."

posted about 4 years ago

I mean to be fair, this is what a forum kind of is about, speculating and discussing what's going on, do we know the facts? no and we never will and I'm sure that applies to about 98% of the people involved in the OW scene so what else are we supposed to do? nobody claims to spit facts but all we can do is spill our opinions which is again, the purpose of a forum, sadly that seems to be lost either on this forum or in general nowadays.

I appreciate the analysis that went into the thread though.

I can see why both sides might be right.

Viewership numbers are something I can't speak ti, because I don't know what the league considers "a disappointment"

Compared to other big twitch gaming events, viewership is mediocre. csgo/dota majors.

I feel the assumption that profits would be their end goal/success rating. And were already seeing some owners not being able to run a profit in the short-term--i.e. optic/outlaws. It should be seen as a long term investment, but how long-term sustainable is competitive OW... needs new players and needs to keep people playing. OW doesnt release #s of actual people playing in comp queues or in general. it could be ded game rating in a year or 2 but we would never know.

posted about 5 years ago

OWL is about to get into the hardest part of its existence. Home games and logistics of worldwide sport. Will the teams really make back this money they invested? Definitely hard to be in management going forward if it goes south. Wise of him to move on I guess?

posted about 5 years ago

Almost unfair for Seoul. The bracket shouldn't be re-seeded for semi's. But if Seoul can beat the 2 best teams in Stage 1 then props to Tobi and Jehong for their redemption.

posted about 6 years ago

They can have road trips that bring 4 teams to 1 city. Across 20 teams they could each host games throughout the season so that your home team is playing 4 games as season? There are ways of accomodating the schedule to assist with travel. With that said the schedule this season is really awkward when youve got some teams playing each other twice in one stage and some teams being done playing before the end of the week. So they better improve whatever system helped them balance it.

posted about 6 years ago

They can start their own team called

Xtra Large Leftovers

posted about 6 years ago

An all-Chinese roster, that's a bold strategy Jeff, never seen that before (except last year terribly) let's see how it plays out for them...

posted about 6 years ago


That's an acronym I haven't seen used in a while...

posted about 6 years ago

Why would winston work? Not enough burst and you can't do anything from long range. is just so good, you can finish off low targets far away, you can micro missile targets down, you have a good team wipe ult and you can get a new life against bronze ppl who probably have trouble killing baby dvas.

posted about 6 years ago

POGCHAMP quick way of seeing the details of swaps

posted about 6 years ago

Bren and Sideshow casting together? Oh boy!!

posted about 6 years ago

necro FeelsBadMan

posted about 6 years ago

Poggers this could be an excellent match.

posted about 6 years ago

I predict US to miss OW World Cup just like US Soccer missed the Football World Cup.

posted about 6 years ago

It's patch 1.25 but Sym is banned.

posted about 6 years ago

Hanamura sick, great D from GOATs in end and both teams had a solid offense.

posted about 6 years ago

Gladiators are 7-0 on blizzard world! wow maps favor glads

posted about 6 years ago

Playoffs start July 11th. All games in July probably on 1.24 or greater.

posted about 6 years ago

Just in time for the summer PogChamp.

posted about 6 years ago

"Dallas Fuel says FU Aero new head coach."

posted about 6 years ago

Hell if I was in Saudi Arabia I would play as a lat player.

So far 9 full registered teams, 51 pending, for 128 they say starts next Friday.

posted about 6 years ago

Perhaps if teams couldn't ban the same heroes they banned last game, then over the course of a season you might see several metas evolve over lack of certain heroes. Also clearly they can't figure out balancing so it limits some ridiculous things.

posted about 6 years ago

This is a valid point, Bliz/OW wants to expand OWL in the future and probably thinks hosting the Grand Finals in a new venue is a way to do that, but if no one in the NYC area wants to go to OWL finals then it's gonna look pretty silly. Barclay's Center says it can hold 19,000, so it's not like they are filling up a football stadium. Also much bigger capacity than OWL arena.

posted about 6 years ago

64 Saudi teams AND 64 teams from the seven other eligible countries will compete in a single elimination bracket,

I'm trying to be funny, i'll be shocked if there are 64 teams full of people from saudi arabia. Maybe theres a large community? IDK

posted about 6 years ago

It's all about the benjamins.

posted about 6 years ago

There is all-star weekend after the finals.

posted about 6 years ago

He's definitely had entire games where he's underperformed this season, but he has also carried very hard some map wins against big teams.

posted about 6 years ago

Heroes played are wrong for both teams, I guess.

posted about 6 years ago

Even having a korean tracer to scrim with is probably a benefit to the team, can probably help coach jake linkxr and clock when they do flex to tracer

posted about 6 years ago

They must have figured out what went wrong last week. Tanks definitely didn't help in the big losses.

posted about 7 years ago

Your tracer blink and 180 to stay locked on to targets is incredible, i need to learn that.

posted about 7 years ago

Best Necro, learning where legends were made...

if it matters I earned top 500 EU playing soloq on a bootcamped macbook pro with wifi from the floor above me

fuck me i couldn't even make gold on that setup.

posted about 7 years ago

I can't tell if that Korean emotion is disgust or beauty.

posted about 7 years ago

The oasis final stage was 100% to 95% actually

posted about 7 years ago

Since it's 12 teams, they can make Atlantic/Pacific teams with 1 member from each team obviously. Will end up being strange how they do voting since people might pick 6 dps stars.

posted about 7 years ago

They should be coloring it in shades of red vs. blue. The white in a video game makes it seem pastel and bland.Even if they gave the white a slight team color hue it wouid look better. Home skins solid, white skins need iteration.

posted about 7 years ago

There was already another thread on this topic and the other one had rosters. can we consolidate to 1 thread?

posted about 7 years ago

Would be nice if since the season is so long, teams are forced to play subs x amount of games.

posted about 7 years ago

All the buffs/nerfs are relative. Roadhog makes a good counter for strong Doomfists since he has the highest raw health pool and can heal doomfist charges. Probably still won't make pro meta but I might play more roadhog since people undervalue him.

posted about 7 years ago

Scott Mercer was interviewed on stream with seagull and one of the teasers he dropped was a match history and various info about what they might do with stats.

Pretty necessary right now. It was amusing to see somebody on Reddit offer to analyze someone's online stats when there really isn't a valid stat system for game history. (Which surprise, Paladins already has smh.)

posted about 7 years ago

My friends and I are just sick of how it always seems like you get to the point just before overtime is over and still lose. The timer is not kind, whether it's lag related or some overtime compensation. There was also a video on reddit that showed that the overtime fuse favors the one of the teams, i.e. if someone is booped off the fuse doesnt tick down right away.

posted about 7 years ago

I will eat Sideshow's shed if there isn't an EU-based franchise. They just haven't locked it down yet.

posted about 7 years ago

This is a well planned executed announcer list. Sounds like they'll have a main casting desk local and away locations with legit casters in each area.

posted about 7 years ago

:( at least LH and KP so strong it might be a 7 game GF

posted about 7 years ago

Teams need to be running ana more against Sombra. Zen 100hp so weak to her.

posted about 7 years ago


^^^, his bigger mistake was not having the small healthpack hacked his team ended up getting stuck around

posted about 7 years ago

Date is wrong at bottom?

posted about 7 years ago
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