Country: United States
Registered: November 1, 2015
Last post: February 10, 2017 at 3:54 PM
Posts: 48

I got removed when I left splyce as well. I think its fine cause they are consistent about it

posted about 8 years ago

its not badlands

posted about 8 years ago

there is a huge skill gap. You have people who have been playing since the beta. You are starting to see an influx of people who want to play competitively, but only have pub play ranking. They don't have any tourney experience, enough scrims experience etc. You still have a limited pool of talent because people are still catching up.

posted about 8 years ago

you down with OPP

ya you know me

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

dhak is a great pickup

posted about 8 years ago

should be exciting!

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

depends on the hero, some heroes its slightly faster.

posted about 8 years ago

unf is good

posted about 8 years ago

jkw is now on gfe, half of prime and half of humblebrag is now team xensity.

gl with your search

posted about 8 years ago

its not gotfrag and i hate it

posted about 8 years ago

chimp is good

posted about 8 years ago

its not just tf2 people, its pretty much everyone. tf2, quake, dirty bomb, and everything in between.

posted about 8 years ago

I wish them the best. Its def not easy living with 5 other people you've never met before. Hopefully everything works out

posted about 8 years ago

next time just post to the frag clips thread

posted about 8 years ago

panzer is good

posted about 8 years ago

they had a locked client for pax and I assume dh this weekend, which forced a bunch of setting options.

high graphics settings (they are there to market the game. make it look pretty)
could not change default key bindings
could not enable push to talk
60 hertz monitors
Old build of the game, which did not include the latest mccree stun nade changes.
Changed some Windows settings around to disable alt-tapping or any way of exiting the game client

Any lan event that will want a lan client will probs need to work with blizzard to get support. They will not likely release dedicated server files.

posted about 8 years ago

if you watch some of the vods from the overkill group stages you can see a lot of

2 tracer, 2 winston, 2 lucio
2 mccree, 1 winston, 1 zarya, 2 lucio or 1 lucio, 1 mercy

check out the overkill finals this weekend

posted about 8 years ago

good stuff babel

posted about 8 years ago

we only had 4/6 players on sunday and tyrone had to catch a flight so we were dqed

posted about 8 years ago

shit happens. was fun to see shun again and everyone else :D

posted about 8 years ago

I wasnt gonna pick up slayen, but when I read he won a Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament...

posted about 8 years ago

10/10 title

posted about 8 years ago

ranking wise on gosugamers it was an upset

posted about 9 years ago


posted about 9 years ago

also sad airshot

posted about 9 years ago


posted about 9 years ago

posted about 9 years ago

You know this already, but we are not the ones that need convincing. That subreddit continues to downvote any matches. I think for your next vlog you should try to address reddits concerns. Lot of these people just downvote because "im not in the beta".

You had ppl who got upset cause there was a prize pool of $33 per person for first. Then you got rid of that and people still complain. The comments are the most toxic and selfish things ive ever heard. If it was up to reddit, we would be forced to pub only. Can't be scrimming or 6 stacking that would give you an advantage when the game comes out /s ! People complain cause they "only let streamers in", but refuse to believe that they let in some of the best tf2 players to test the game. Why wouldn't you want the best players testing your game?!

Reddit downvoting your streams/matches/tournements is hurting the community a lot. I've seen comments that say fishstick is some evil selfish guy only having these events for his own personal gain and exposure. Its really saddening. I hope you keep up the good work.

posted about 9 years ago

you could message enigma on these forums via pm, or you wait like an hour cause he will read this thread anyway

posted about 9 years ago



posted about 9 years ago

if coL picked up enigma's team or carnage's quake team are you really gonna feel like "i didnt get a chance to make a name for myself". I'm sure coL would be taking a huge risk on these no-namers who are former members of coL /s

posted about 9 years ago

people were very negative in the reddit thread about last Sat's event. No matter what fishstix or teams do, people will be salty that they arent in the beta.

they were downvoting the thread out of spite

posted about 9 years ago

i heard that this might not happen due to Beta test weekend. Also heard some rumors they might limit the map pool for the weekend as well.

posted about 9 years ago

what terrible team names

posted about 9 years ago

ya, cooldowns management and positioning will play a big part going forward. I would compare the mechanic of "aiming" to "last hitting" in dota. You need to know how to last hit to play the game, but the game isnt solely determined by last hitting.

posted about 9 years ago


posted about 9 years ago