Country: United States
Registered: December 6, 2016
Last post: October 7, 2019 at 11:21 AM
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It's too bad Dallas doesn't have just two more Effects. I don't really know why they didn't play Seagull on Ilios to be honest though. I think that was a mistake. I don't know that he's a better pharah than Fleta but I'm confident he could duel him well enough to give Effect time to kill everyone.

posted about 7 years ago

ok, I knew Dallas was going to be good but they are curb stomping the clear favorite....

posted about 7 years ago

I thought this was a meme at first but it's working so far lol. WTFFFF how??? Look at the fucking heroes they've picked. They have a fucking reaper and their support on Bastion. What is going on?!?! They don't even have a shield anymore?!

posted about 7 years ago

wait, who's playing tank for Dallas?????

posted about 7 years ago

So lets talk about the legitimacy of the 400k. I'm not sure so I'd like to hear what y'all have to say.

Is this a sort of manufactured artificial number because even the world cup and blizzcon don't really pull this number?

Is it meaningful in the long term? or are people mostly tuning in to check out the hype and potentially get their skins?

Where do you think they viewership numbers will settle in at once the season really gets underway? Do you think it'll maintain over 100k?

Personally, I think this might be a bit fluffed up and I would be surprised to see matches in a few weeks consistently maintaining more than 50k with the exception of popular teams or particularly competitive matches.

Also worth mentioning, the teams they decided to show on the first day. Both LA teams and then Seoul and Dallas who are without a doubt the most popular or visible.

posted about 7 years ago

They didn't sign for contenders because they know they're all getting picked up to replace this shit roster.

posted about 7 years ago

Someone get Surefour a shave. Jesus lol.

posted about 7 years ago

Valiant showing off how good their core really is. Fate, Envy, Unkoe and Kariv are actually nutty. Soon too is a huge addition for them. He's so consistent. Literally never had a slump.

posted about 7 years ago

I'm wondering if they are waiting it out to get picked up midseason. We know Shanghai hasn't looked so good so far and they've got 4 open spots but depending on if teams can cut players, I wouldn't be surprised to see some of those players get released.

posted about 7 years ago

and ZP by far has the best analysis of any mid gaming casting personality. The rest of these yahoos barely know whats going on. I'm not sure if most of them have even played the game. Those of us who actually care about stuff like that appreciate someone who is aware of that.

posted about 7 years ago

casted a bit during contenders but also is an old TF2 guy so a lot of people on this forum in particular know him well.

posted about 7 years ago

Still an atrocity leaving ZP out. Really hard to stomach that one. Hella glad they got Sideshow and Hex, very well deserved. Congrats to Sideshow if he sees this!

posted about 7 years ago

Eissfeldt maybe

posted about 7 years ago

I just read up on all the ZP stuff and I'm actually pretty disturbed by the decision to leave him out. I can validate some of the reasons to leave some of the others but without question Hexagrams and ZP should've been the first choice. Then Monte and Doa and then everyone else.

When will Blizzard actually get something right?

posted about 7 years ago

I think the only team I surprised by is SF. I thought weren't gonna have the depth they would need but Babybay really stepped it up.

Also, LAG looks stronger than I thought and I'm not surprised but what really helped them is that S4 is not just playing everything. He has a specific role for the first time since Reaver was his other DPS. Not that S4 got carried but Grego, Debett, Adam and Kyky were an amazing core and Reaver was underrated so he was able to shine because they were all so fucking good. That's how LAG looks too.

And I think Dallas is a lot stronger than they looked because they were clearly just trying out some new strats and if that is the way they are approaching this season, the other teams have no chance. They were infinitely creative and their new strats mostly worked.

I'm not surprised by Misfits either but I really want to highlight how awful they are. It's not surprising. Logix and Manneten are great players and teammates. Tviq is a good player and horrible teammate with a giant ego. The rest of the team is questionable. Cwoosh straight up doesn't even belong in OWL. There are no less than 10 tanks in the world that are better than him.

But I think Seoul, LAV, Dallas will be the top 3 with London, Houston, SF, and NYE all in the chase.

posted about 7 years ago

I heard he's gonna cast the regular season. I think because of the Rumble commitment was why we didn't see him in preseason. He was at WC so it would be weird to think Bliz didn't want him.

posted about 7 years ago

lol reason number 53123 why they should be on twitch. I know they will be but ya.

posted about 7 years ago

Is there a way to watch Day 4 (today) vods yet like on Twitch or do I have to wait for blizzard to put em up?

posted about 7 years ago

flag meta far more important

posted about 7 years ago

tbh...Numlocked is probably never going to play in regular season. No reason to when Fate is on your team.

posted about 7 years ago

Did Shaz just carry LAG? Playing Zenyatta AND Genji? dude's a monster.

posted about 7 years ago

Fate is literally insane and I think Envy's english has probably improved and thats why we are seeing him do a lot better. I remember hearing he hadn't had the chance to learn much English.

posted about 7 years ago

Silkthread gettin carried hard. They are hurtin without agilities. Envy and Fate have showed up to play tho.

EDIT: of course I say this and then he gets a 4k and wins them the round in overtime. But that was the only thing he did basically the whole game.

posted about 7 years ago

I think we are seeing why Mayhem is going to be weak... I don't know if Tviq is just being stubborn or of they are really committed to this strat but they would benefit probably from a tracer but Logix is their tracer but I think he needs to stick on widowmaker there...

posted about 7 years ago

871 different artists...

posted about 7 years ago

Dhak is underrated and probably a top 5 Lucio and maybe even higher. Like he could compete wtih Tobi. He's arguably the reason that Selfless could do what they did besides the raw talent of Sinatraa and Dafran.

posted about 7 years ago

not for the largest video game company and one of the largest sports franchises in the world. Both do it many many times a year. It's just a failure to file paperwork and a lack of communication and it's embarrassing for the org.

posted about 7 years ago

They gonna let this dude's contract run it's course and drop him. No way they keep him. They're just contractually obligated and they want to save face for PR.

posted about 7 years ago

I'm good at soldier when I practice it. I just don't practice it much anymore.

posted about 7 years ago

I'm down to play with you guys. I can be a good teammate but I can be critical of myself and my teammates but not to the point where I'm like completely mean. I'll just point it out and I want everyone to get better.

I play a lot of stuff. In relation to my skill level, I'm like an S4 or Tviq. I can play all of the DPS heroes including the weird ones (hanzo mei etc) but my best are Tracer, Genji, Junkrat and Mcree. My Roadhog and Zarya are both really good as well. I can play Ana, Zen and Moira too. Reinhardt and Mercy are the only two heroes I straight up can not play at my rank.

Add me Generation1#11707 if you'd like.

posted about 7 years ago

Hit me with that DPS spot.

posted about 7 years ago

stevoo and ster as well.

posted about 7 years ago

Ok, the team would have to be,

DPS: aKm, Shadder, Kruise and if you could get Dafran to play. If Dafran didn't play, this would be lacking a solid tracer. But great genji and pharah with tons of flex. aKm picks up the change with Mcree, Soldier Reaper and possibly pharah. Dafran plays second soldier or anything because he's insane at every hero.

Tanks/Flex: Gods, Knoxxx, Emongg. Huge brains, tons of flex. Gods and Emongg both have no problem with the flex tanks and I have no doubt that Gods would be an insane Reinhardt. Sort of lacking a strong Zarya but I think Emongg could learn this and obviously Gods could.

Supports: Adam, Fahzix, Winz, Grego. Adam plays mercy and possibly lucio. Fahzix and Grego pick up flex support roles. Winz is the brain of the whole team. Maybe not playing a ton but leading the team for sure. Maybe playing Lucio and shot calling or unconventionally pick up Zarya as he's shown to be nuts with it. Winz could be a huge hole filler for the team as he's capable of monster DPS plays.

posted about 7 years ago

Apex S2, 3, 4 finals all amazing.

Rogue vs Selfess at the Alienware Monthly Melees

France vs SK World cup 2017

IMT v Rogue beat invitational finals

posted about 7 years ago

Well the NFLs salary cap is 168 million. That's enough that every player could make over 3 mil a year which is plenty for them all to be paid fairly. But it means you can't have Tom Brady, Calvin Johnson, Suh, Von Miller, and Antonio Brown on your team because they would all want more than you'd have the room to pay. I'm assuming OWL will have a similarly high cap but it won't be so high, you could have 12 150k sinatraas on your team.

Keeps the league competitive. It's good for everyone. Players would get paid more because of it. "High value" players like Seagull will make more because they won't have to make room for 11 other high value players on the same team.

Although, in Tim Duncan's final 2 seasons he took a significant pay cut so the Spurs could sign a couple super valuable players so they would be really good. A true team player.

posted about 7 years ago

it would be the ruling body of OWL which is essentially Blizzard. The NFL sets the salary cap for example. It is to prevent the richest teams from having all of the best players. IE the Yankees as baseball has no traditional salary cap. If the teams picked the number it would defeat the purpose.

In the case of OWL, Robert Kraft could afford to buy any player he wants, and a team like IMT would never be able to match his money.

posted about 7 years ago

But more challenging doesn't equal most decorated. A major in NA is still a major.

And has been mentioned, Envy won in Korea and Rogue won APAC and has done well against Korean teams despite early exits in APEX so they are hardly lacking the skill to play there.

If we are counting majors, then AKM, Winz and Unkoe are the most decorated for sure
They've won
APAC, ESL Showdown, OW takeover TWICE, OW Rumble.

Numerous first places in MMs, and other minors, and many 2nds and 3rds in other majors. BY FAR the most decorated players.

posted about 7 years ago

I played with KSF once...

posted about 7 years ago

I don't understand how people don't get that it's not any of the Koreans?

It has to be players from Envy and Rogue as they've been winning tournaments on multiple continents since beta. They've won in the US, EU, China, and Korea. No Korean player has won any EU or NA events besides World Cup which kinda hardly counts since they're exhibition matches.

posted about 7 years ago

all hail mighty enigma

posted about 7 years ago

lol just kidding. 123 put on incredible showing and all of y'all at least deserve consideration. But you are kind of an easy target...sorry.

posted about 7 years ago

But nobody saying Hafficool. Feelsbadman

posted about 7 years ago

I don't think Talespin because no one wants to pay what he wants for someone who hasn't competed or even actively played the game in almost a year.

I do think Shadder has a decent chance though as teams reevaluate their flex DPS and Genji choices.

posted about 7 years ago

I can tell you they don't get banned because there are no stories of it. Nobody stops doing it because they've heard about people getting banned. Nobody gets small bans so they fix their behavior and the same people get in your games over and over and over again.

posted about 7 years ago

lol he reported that symmetra for "poor teamwork" this was like 5th game that they were in his game and I think the third time that he reported them for the same thing.

posted about 7 years ago

Well yeah...That's why I said it's paper thin. It'll appease people for now but until there is real action, nothing will change.

posted about 7 years ago

I said the same thing. The truly sad part is it will work. The majority of the community will agree with Blizzard and will believe the bullshit. It's brilliant PR but it is paper thin PR. Whoever is in charge of the public perception of the game is doing a nice job of making people think the game is doing positive things.

posted about 7 years ago

I'm actually extremely disappointed with Blizzard for this. I don't even watch xQc's stream

posted about 7 years ago

wait wth?? Can anyone provide more in depth detailing of high profile bans? I just want to get the whole picture.

posted about 7 years ago

Here to recommend another Zowie mouse. I have the ZA-12 and I love it. It's the exact shape you are talking about. Zowie has incredible sensors and this specific model is really popular with long time gamers like older CSGO and quake pros.

Pair it up with their GSR mouse pad and it's as smooth as can be. I'm a digital artist as well so having precision is really important for me. I've had mine for over a year now and it's been through hell as I've moved about 10 times in this one year and its still going strong too.

posted about 7 years ago
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