Country: United States
Registered: December 6, 2016
Last post: October 7, 2019 at 11:21 AM
Posts: 450
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I kinda think Dallas should just bench Effect for a week. Like their season is over, they should just eat the losses from it and give him a reset. I bet he'd come back way stronger. Soccer teams bench superstars all the time for that exact reason.

posted about 6 years ago

"just go out there and try to hang in there long enough for Effect to kill everything" - Kyky's coaching

posted about 6 years ago

lol rip #agree

posted about 6 years ago

I don't know if the punishment fits the crime but people are definitely underestimating the severity. Philly spent 20 mil and Bliz spent many many more millions and they need all the advertising they can get. Advertisers don't want any kind of racist or offensive controversy. Doesn't matter how offensive it really is, it's just bad for branding always.

posted about 6 years ago

I've played against KSF in ranked which makes him the first OWL player I've ever seen in ranked. He was #137 in NA at the time

posted about 6 years ago

effect is fucking dumb. So broken.

posted about 6 years ago

I mean, its fine. It works but from a professional standpoint or to a critics eye, it's subpar. Stock font, no particularly strong branding besides using their colors, very little retweet potential besides the news, they used drop shadows on the font without backfill which is always a nono,

But ya, most people won't notice those things but those things do reveal an amateur.

posted about 6 years ago

is Dallas playing well or SH playing poorly or what? Hard to tell since they both suck but shanghai is even worse.

posted about 6 years ago

wait, are you joking? this looks like a middle school art project?

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

Trading in sports is extremely complicated and happens for tons of a reasons. Usually all parties have a say in the process but if the GM wants to trade you and you don't have a no trade clause in your contract, he can do what he'd like. Here are some of the top reasons you might get traded.

  1. The player is not happy or their teammates are not happy. Either with contracts or environments or anything.

  2. Sometimes, money is involved too. Maybe a player 1 wants x amount of money and player 2 wants y amount of money and while they'd like both players they prefer 2 and can't afford both so they trade 1 and pick up a cheaper player in the same role. I don't know OWLs rules on finances but this happens CONSTANTLY in every major sport. It's why superstars move homes sometimes because teams can't afford two of them and make salary cap.

  3. Another team (LAV) is offering up a player like Unkoe and the pairing of Unkoe and AKM seems like a no brainer. They have established synergy and maybe the only player they could agree on trading for Unkoe was Custa even if maybe they would've rather traded HarryHook or Chips.

  4. Releasing Envy or trading Rascal was to free up roster spots in places that they didn't agree with or need the players. London just didn't need him. Why would you ever start him over Birdring or Profit? Now they can fill that spot with something else they'd like. They have room to improve in both flex and support roles so maybe they were looking to fill those spots.

  5. Most importantly is to improve chemistry. Some players just don't gel but they're still good and other teams have players in the same position. Might as well trade em and see if you can find the missing ingredient.
posted about 6 years ago

I don't think Jolson is good enough to really even play Contenders. He sometimes has trouble staying in GM. He's hilarious though. I think if he really committed to instead of DPS and got on a solid team even as a backup he could get there but he has a bit of a pride problem

posted about 6 years ago

ez 4 my boy shadder6k

posted about 6 years ago

Oh ya forgot hes french

posted about 7 years ago

but what no one is talking about is a potential rogue reuniting. What French players are actually better than Knoxxx and Winz at those roles? and obviously AKM, Unkoe, Soon and maybe Nico but they might have options there.

Edit: I guess Superplouk and Leaf are both viable options

posted about 7 years ago

good. Shadder needed so badly to get out there to show how good he really is. It is an atrocity that he's not in OWL

posted about 7 years ago

right? like what if come stage 3, it has all been a ruse, and they win out 4-0s the last two stages and take the title.

posted about 7 years ago

Dhak is only benched cuz no one plays Lucio. If Lucio was meta, you better believe Dhak is in.

posted about 7 years ago

when are u making your glorious return for a run straight to OWL?

posted about 7 years ago

Anyone else think Agilities is under performing??

posted about 7 years ago

if they should bench anyone it's Tviq.

posted about 7 years ago

I mean he's clearly better than both mendo and Clockwork. It's not even a question and Buds is extremely comparable on Widowmaker. He was better than Linkzr in the beta widow meta, obviously that was awhile ago but it's not like she's that much different now.

Linkzr's Tracer and Genji are clearly better than Buds but Buds definitely plays both at OWL level, at least as a backup. Their Mcree's are probably comparable but Linkzr might be a little more explosive or command more respect.

Buds is probably a better Soldier and Pharah.

So yeah, I'd say they are comparable. Buds is very underrated and when he eventually goes OWL, people will see.

Compare all of these heroes to Mendo and Clockwork and Buds is better across the board.

posted about 7 years ago

Man, what if instead of clockwork and Mendo as their backup DPS, they had a player that used to play with this team called Buds... You know the guy who plays all the heroes Linkzr plays at nearly the same level and his Widow is arguably better. Man, what a thought lol.

Instead they have benchedokusaii and clockwork the soldier 1 trick.

posted about 7 years ago

doesn't matter how well he's playing, Munchkin is just better... Munchkin is probably the best second dps in the whole league. There is absolutely 0 reason to take him out. They also benched jehong and that's dumb too. None of it makes sense.

posted about 7 years ago

Why do they take Munchkin out??? I actually don't understand. That's why they're losing

posted about 7 years ago

because is not the only place to go for Overwatch news like tftv is. Everyone who cares about competitive tf uses that site. Overwatch has winstons lab, overbuff, masteroverwatch, two thriving subreddits, discords, wikis, major news sites, and other sites like overgg as well.

That said, it is hands down the best place to get scores and tournament info. By far.'s is the most concise and organized out of all the sites.

posted about 7 years ago

Mercy mains are offended EVERYONE else is literally happy and gets it. Literally every character was suffering because of Mercy. The game is actually so much more enjoyable since. Being a dps player is actually fun again and not like bashing your head into a wall. Also, being a dps player and flexing to support is fun too because Ana is actually fair now. Tanks are in a way better spot because of it. Lucio is better because of it. He's not so UNBELIEVABLY out healed and outclassed by Mercy.

The ONLY viable downside to it is that Mercy is probably WAY less fun to play. Every change they've made since the first rework has made her more clunky than even her original design. Like she's more balanced but if they made me have to be AFK to use one of my abilities on a hero I enjoy, I'd be bummed. That's not very fun.

posted about 7 years ago

exactly. Now you can keep effect on Tracer full time and AKM can play everything that Taimou and Seagull can't. Taimou can't play Pharah or Genji and Seagull can't play widow soldier or Mcree. AKM plays all 5. He's like a Fleta or a Babybay.

posted about 7 years ago

Say what you will about Seagull's other heroes, his JR is insane.

posted about 7 years ago

Why do they keep putting in Wekeed over Munchkin and Kuki over Miro??

posted about 7 years ago

What he meant by it and what come across are not the same thing. You can MEAN anything you want by what you say but it still matters what other people got from it and the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

The problem here is demonstrated by the fact that although Muma did nothing wrong (he didn't make xQc get in trouble or anything) he still has people calling him offensive names and other things now.

Words are powerful bro. While to most of us reasonable people, it doesn't mean much, there are many, many unreasonable people that words like these mean a great deal to. These people take the acceptance of this sort of language and use it for cruel things. It's not a joke and it's very real. There are LGBT people literally being beaten and murdered all over the world simply for being who they are. While xQc is not directly responsible or can even take blame for it, it is a cog in a very large machine. The only way to dismantle the machine is to remove the cogs which xQc can choose to do by not demeaning people in ways that are aimed at LGBT or anyone (mentally disabled people, people of color, women, etc). He simply could've said, "Muma should fuck off" "Muma got carried by Linkzr" or "Muma is an idiot" or any number of other insults and none of those are offensive beyond insulting Muma.

Don't tolerate this shit because it is a very real problem and being an apologist is almost as bad as doing it yourself.

xQc hurt more than just Muma with his choice of words. If you'd like to read about the violence against the LGBT community, you can do so here: text

posted about 7 years ago

cuz he now has 6 times as many viewers on Twitch so the 2k penalty is chump change. People are actually so stupid that they don't understand how this is wrong and come in to support him. It's unbelievable.

posted about 7 years ago

It's not wrong because it was between him and Muma its wrong because he said it to 2000 and some of those impressionable people now think it is ok to say the same thing about Muma or anyone else. It has nothing to do with hurting Muma's feelings.

posted about 7 years ago

Yeah Semmler was by far the worst major CSGO caster. Dude doesn't know shit about CSGO so I doubt he will ever commit the time to learning Overwatch. He misses shit constantly. Gets hype about weird things or misses what actually happened.

But at least he doesn't talk about blood thirsty supports every time boombox gets a kill or know literally nothing about the game like Soe and Mr. X (Mr. X has definitely improved, he just needs to speak up and express what he knows better. He sometimes says good things in a really dumb way)

posted about 7 years ago

This has been the closest match of OWL so far.

posted about 7 years ago

They have 3 amazing Koreans though. Envy is proving to be probably the best off tank player in the league. Fate is BY FAR the most underrated main tank from Korea and Kariv is a nutter and carries on every support. They also have the 3rd or 4th best tracer player in the league and one of the best genjis AND they have Unkoe who is probably besides Jehong the best support in the league.

posted about 7 years ago

I mean, yeah, that's how sports analysis works. Under the current conditions, these are the stats we have so you make predictions using that. One of the facts in the first week is that Koreans are doing really well.

posted about 7 years ago

sorry bud, this is going to be a slaughter.

posted about 7 years ago

SDB came to play today. His Pharah has NEVER looked that good so he must've put in some work.

posted about 7 years ago

Why do you take Linkz out for Clockwork? Clockwork is looking like a bot.

posted about 7 years ago

That's how we do it in Philly

posted about 7 years ago

Interesting that London is only fielding these 6. I wonder if that's a strategy to save players for the next game or give different looks or what? I mean, I think it's sort of obvious that these are their best 6 though.

posted about 7 years ago

would you rather your team was made up of the not OWL worthy players from UK? except boombox and kruise...

posted about 7 years ago

What just happened???

posted about 7 years ago

London maybe not looking so good or ????

posted about 7 years ago

Effect is insane. I actually think they might be under appreciating him because of Fleta. I think they are very close in terms of individual impact.

posted about 7 years ago

I mean sure, you can put him on the Genji but he's really not going to compete with fleta or munchkin on tracer or genji themselves especially with his weaker form on Genji lately.

posted about 7 years ago

The only problem is on Ruins you have to run effect on widow and Seagull just probably can't play Pharah and will be a bot but maybe you just have to cede that point and hope for the other two

posted about 7 years ago
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