Cant wait to see the new C9 especially after patch. Im not up on Korean overwatch, how is CONBOX Spirit ranked among other Korean teams?
They're decent but have had a couple roster changes recently including losing zunba who imo was their best player
conbox not a top team though i'd still expect them to win this match.
If all the korean teams improved as much as MVP infinity did, I dont give c9 a chance in hell.
With Gods joining there are now 3 DPS in C9, will be interesting to see what comps they are going to run especially in this tank meta.
Twilight and SleepyBear looking like great pickups
Symm9 PogChamp
Once again proving that cloud9 suck on Illiios, have sucked on illios, and will most likely continue to suck on illios.
Exept on Illios, C9 looked really great. Can't wait to see them against KD Uncia and AFBlue which will probably be harder.
did we see any gods on mcree action or just him on road?
Why would you ever see gods on McCree with s4 on his team?
bc gods would let s4 play genji with mendo on hog
mendo on that surefour Kreygasm