Looking through the frag clip thread, there are a lot of long streaks, but no huge solo plays. What hero do you think has the potential to make casters lose their minds with huge plays?
all the heroes with aoe/multi-target ults
zarya, mccree, reaper, pharah, reinhardt, hanzo, roadhog, tracer
zarya, pharah combo will make big plays. As for solo, a sick tracer or reaper
Zarya + anyone else really, imagine zarya ulti with pharah, road hog, junk rat, McRee all shooting their ultra at it, insane.
zarya and pharah/tracer ult combos probably, maybe mccree or reaper ults. widowmaker can probably get nice picks that can get people excited though
Bastion is probably the best character.
Who are you? I've seen your posts all over, but I can't tell if your seriously misinformed or a low level troll.
Perhaps character capable of huge skill-shots, so Pharah, Junkrat, Widowmaker and Roadhog (with his hooks), off the top of my head.
I think there is potential for a good Hanzo player to give insane plays.
me too