Los Angeles Gladiators Los Angeles Gladiators OWL Rank #0 Shu Kim Jin-seo flex support kevster Kevin Persson dps Patiphan Patiphan Chaiwong dps Reiner Corey Scoda tank FunnyAstro Daniel Hathaway support head coach dpei has officially become a free agent after not re-signing with the Gladiators.

dpei first suggested he would become a free agent in mid-September when he put out a tweet stating he was looking for a new team. At that time, he was still with the Gladiators. One of the Gladiators' assistant coaches, JohnGalt, also made a looking for team tweet around the same time.

The Gladiators went a combined 42-26 record in two seasons with dpei as their head coach, making the playoffs in both seasons. The team went a combined 2-4 in postseason playoff matches and were 0-3 in stage playoff matches. The Gladiators finished in the top six in both seasons.

Prior to joining the Overwatch League, dpei was the head coach of Kungarna for much of 2017. This includes when they qualified for Contenders Season One through Contenders Season Zero.

Currently, the Gladiators are without a head coach. None of the team's assistant coaches have stated they are free agents.