Contenders South America runner-ups
based tryhards
based tryhards
Andre Carravieri
Mateus Kröber
Tiago Righi
have announced their disband. This follows an announcement made by Lowkey Esports in which members of LFTOWL and based tryhards joined their roster.
Infelizmente por meio deste estamos anunciando o nosso disband do cenário. Cada player preferiu seguir seu rumo em oportunidades novas e o disband acabou sendo a melhor opção. Agradecemos imensamente o apoio que vocês nos deram! Espero que continuem apoiando os players.#gobased
— based tryhards (@basedtryhards) February 5, 2019
Unfortunately, we are announcing our disband. Each player preferred to follow their path in new opportunities and the disband ended up being the best option. We greatly appreciate the support you all gave us during this time! I hope you continue to support the players. #gobased
Translation by feco linhares.
based tryhards were born from Brasil Gaming House, who left Overwatch following Contenders Season 2. They were the champions of Contenders South America 2018 Seasons 1 and 2.
However, the roster drifted away from its Brasil Gaming House over time as players were signed to organizations. Main support alemao joined the Boston Uprising and DPS Klaus -- who was set to play his first season for BGH/based tryhards -- was signed to Uprising Academy. Following their second place finish, kolero retired and more recently liko and Honorato left to join Lowkey Esports.
neil and dudu were the only remaining players from the original Brasil Gaming House core left on the based tryhards roster.
Despite the changes to the roster, the team remained successful in Contenders Season 3. They went undefeated in their group stage and made it to the grand final before they were eliminated by LFTOWL.
The remaining members of
based tryhards
based tryhards
Andre Carravieri
Mateus Kröber
Tiago Righi