The Guangzhou Overwatch League franchise has announced its team branding. The franchise will be known as the Guangzhou Charge Guangzhou Charge OWL Rank #9 Cr0ng Nam Ki-cheol (남기철) off tank Farway1987 Cao Jiale (曹家乐) flex support choisehwan Choi Se-Hwan (최세환) dps Develop Chae Rak-hoon (채락훈) dps Rio Oh Seung-pyo (오승표) tank Unique Yoo Dong-hyun support .
Feel The Charge!
— Team Guangzhou (@GZCharge) November 9, 2018
The Charge are the first of China's three Overwatch League expansion franchises to reveal their branding. While the Hangzhou and Chendgu franchises have not officially revealed their branding yet, logos and names were leaked through API of the Overwatch League's mobile app.
Currently, the Charge have only announced the addition of one player to their roster. The Philadelphia Fusion traded HOTBA to the Charge last month.
The Guangzhou Charge must have eight players signed to their roster by December 1. The next season of the Overwatch League begins February 14.