Um I'm not too sure what silk brings to table for LAG. He's like a slightly worse surefour but can't play widow. I don't know what situation he will ever be played in. The only thing I can think of is if he grinds out tracer (which I already know he's good at), and gets better than surefour's tracer so he can be played with Asher when Asher plays hitscan. Or have him focus on main projectle heroes like genji and pharah and have hydration play more niche projectile heroes like doomfist and Mei. But, I think the thing that could work best for them is to have silk be a tracer specialist, Asher on hitscan specialist, surefour on every DPS, hydration on projectile. I'm not sure how impactful this will be in terms of other pickups they've gotten (obviously fissure made a huge impact and I'm sure void will as well), but I'm still excited to see how things will go.