this will be a great match to watch
Excluding Davin the rest of Gigantti have looked worse than some of the trials teams whereas Orgless have looked strong
You my friend, are crazy.
But I do hope Orgless can win a few fights on this match, or maybe at least get a kill or two.
Glad to see you being wrong ;)
Davin deserves better
You may not recognize the names on Gigantii alot but they will reunite into a strong team under Seita's coaching
Meanwhile all of Orgless have played on a top 10 in europe team at one point in the game
And Gigantti still won!
Morte to fill in for Kruise I guess.
Gigantti going to crush some nerds
Well losing your shotcaller is not the best news....but i hope we will see a great match anyway
Let's go Davin!!!
My boy Scaler!!!
So uhm... no ZP in Contenders either? :/
probably for the na contenders
he is casting NA contenders with Jamerson
the casters are brilliant
Maybe it's just me and English not being my native language, but they both speak too much/fast/without stop.
EDIT: btw is good to see Dezachu casting again OW