Country: Finland
Registered: January 30, 2017
Last post: July 25, 2018 at 10:32 AM
Posts: 16

Actually last year Finnish Championship was not won by Gigantti but by Ence (trickwide, ripa, lhcloudy, rck, cali and baito). So Gigantti has not actually ever won that :)

They did win the "assembly" tournament last year thought :)

posted about 6 years ago

Me being so wrong, sorry papa poi, you knew it.

posted about 7 years ago

is it?
4-0, another day in the office and focus for the next game.

posted about 7 years ago

I think Scrubasaurus writes good stuff and is very intelligent and one of the best writers in the entire universe.

posted about 7 years ago

You my friend, are crazy.

But I do hope Orgless can win a few fights on this match, or maybe at least get a kill or two.

posted about 7 years ago

The twitter link was about tournament game. This game was played today and as Kryma said 2-1 for Ence.

posted about 7 years ago

So you getting to the casting again are you? I hope you are. I really really hope you are. Actually that has been my re-occurring dream for the last 3 months.

posted about 7 years ago

#theHUNT begins.

posted about 7 years ago

love you too my Irish brother

posted about 7 years ago

It's not a draft if all the teams are just given the player information and they are free to negotiate with players from there.

However I do feel like they will announce the rosters as some sort of draftish environment with teams announcing their players 1 by 1 in front of the cameras and fans cheering but all the contracts has still been made before hand for legal issues (like Monte has mentioned before)

posted about 7 years ago

ppl are just making way too much fuss about the random powerpoint slide :)

posted about 7 years ago

I feel like something that haven't been discussed about the OWL format is the different conferences like the Western Conference (LA, San Francisco, Las Vegas etc), Eastern Conference (New York, Boston, Philly, etc), European Conference (Frankfurt, Paris, Barcelona, etc) and the Asian conference (Taipei, Seoul 1-3, Hong Kong etc). With all competing in the same league but teams inside the conference's playing more games against each other than the rest of the league. So in basic what there is in every major sports league in NA (except from NFL where they just play way less games than in any other sport).

Most likely starts from the NA only with like 12 teams and after the first season (if and when successful) will grow to global.

posted about 7 years ago

too small for NiP? about the others, hReds, Void Child and Ence are bubbling just under the tournament of this caliber. Also hReds are actually in Lantrek (another Finnish Lan) atm.

posted about 8 years ago

awww you make me so sad :(

posted about 8 years ago

ofc :)
You coming?

posted about 8 years ago

Will we see Admirable joining the Winter Assembly AGAIN to share a drink with us and maybe even do some coverage about the NiP stompage?

ps. hReds will take 1 map from NiP in the finals.

posted about 8 years ago