Some suggestions for the site

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  • Don't do this upvote/downvote shit. It discourages somebody saying something that could even remotely conflict with common opinions. Reddit is an example of how much of a hivemind this creates. People will see something downvoted, and just ignore it completely. Ask for some volunteer moderators if you really want shitposts to be eliminated.
  • Allow for direct replies. The quoting thing makes discussions difficult to follow unless all things in the post are quoted, and then it just looks awful.
  • Make the different sections on the front page a bit more defined. Everything is text in the middle of a white box. It leaves a better first impression, and makes it clearer to see what everything is.
  • Get on creating profiles for teams/players, or at the very least teams. Match history and roster history are huge things to have.

Having an HLTV for OW is really important, and I honestly think it'll preserve the lifespan of competitive OW drastically. I'm honestly not sure how difficult it would be to implement these things, but I think it would be worth it in the long run.


These websites are modeled after gotfrag's old forums, I doubt the format will ever change.

beelthazus [#2]

These websites are modeled after gotfrag's old forums, I doubt the format will ever change.

Just because the old thing did it doesn't mean the new thing should. I'd think that anybody working on the site would value functionality over following the original model.


thanks for the suggestions. there's a lot of work being done on features and i'm actively looking for a ui/ux guy to address the design issues.


I wasn't sure if you were done making the changes you had mentioned earlier Enigma, but really was missing the consolidated list of tournaments coming up. I really like the new match feed, but it was nice to be able to see when a tournament was and get information about it as well. Would wireframes help in development?

Sumtingwong [#5]

I wasn't sure if you were done making the changes you had mentioned earlier Enigma, but really was missing the consolidated list of tournaments coming up. I really like the new match feed, but it was nice to be able to see when a tournament was and get information about it as well. Would wireframes help in development?

event schedule is coming soon


Right now I really wish for a bracket overview for each event. When I click on a match, I'd want the name of the series/event be a link to another page with some info and the bracket. Currently I look up matches here because I really like the schedule display, but then I always have to hop over to GosuGamers to see where the match actually fits in (is it a semi-final, loser bracket, group stage RR etc.)


pls do this

matuka [#8]

pls do this

seconded :>


I doubt the site will have any significant changes to format. Enigma is the developer for this site, and has maintained teamfortress.tv for a long ass time, which uses the same format. Of course there are pros and cons to the current format, and one of the biggest issues is how easily it is to shut people's ideas down, but I think that if moderation is more active than it was on teamfortress.tv this wont be too big of an issue.
The bottom line is that this format, while not perfect, has been proven to work decently.

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