Country: United Kingdom
Registered: February 19, 2016
Last post: July 8, 2016 at 7:12 PM
Posts: 26

dont even give the trash comments any attention

posted about 8 years ago

6years :(

posted about 8 years ago

my fps has gone way way way up as of the latest patch


posted about 8 years ago

ozzie hype

posted about 8 years ago

my heart goes out to you beautiful people

posted about 8 years ago

gl with your cup

posted about 8 years ago

I feel like the positional audio is better, however the sound quality sounds so distorted and unnatural. There is way too much bass, too little treble, some weapons lose their "umph" and don't feel great. It's very polarizing. In fact a lot of the time it just sounds like a fat man farting in my ear.

I keep it off.

posted about 8 years ago

disaster big noob and terrible interior designer
expect him to be dropped soon


posted about 8 years ago

s/o to the boys

posted about 8 years ago

nice person
fun to talk to
has good game
absolutely no aim :dDdDD
experienced (aka old)

posted about 8 years ago

matuka#21420 @ eu

posted about 8 years ago

in haffi we trust

posted about 8 years ago

Let us not forget the most exciting and explosive event that will be occurring this weekend at the Microsoft Store on 5th Ave!

Cybersports expert and award winning professional eAthlete Kenneth "WinD" Spaziani of AE is going to be providing his colourful shoutcasting this event. Not only that, but he and the delusional bullshit extraordinaire Rod "Slasher" Breslau will be smacking lips with one another -- gloves off -- in the Interview (as presented by The O.W discord community). Wham! Bam! Shazzam!

edit: he got fired

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

i remember waterboarding and wrukus from dirtycups
waterboarding is a stand up guy, very nice chap

posted about 8 years ago

I think some things with the website need some fixing up. Shouldn't be anything too hard I think. My only requests are that I'd like to see the Recent Discussions box be present on every other page of this website. it just seems like one of those things that should always be present. I'd also like for the post count to be right-aligned (Just look at how much neater it is!). It would be great if it was also fixed as well, so that we can scroll up and down and it will always be on the left.

All I can really say so far is that I absolutely appreciate how minimal the website is, it's great and it's what more websites should be doing. Don't ruin the website by attempting to crush all the information into one small box or using a lot of imagery (please keep advertising to a minimum and avoid the entire background img as an advert technique, it does not make for a nice viewing experience, look at esportsheaven or a perfect example of how NOT to design a website). White space is good.

posted about 8 years ago

quality gameplay highlights imho
don't use that CG footage though, it's very cliché :(

posted about 8 years ago

Are you a time traveler? August 12th? xd

posted about 8 years ago

has nice speakings for a finn
would recommend

posted about 9 years ago

good luck hentai

posted about 9 years ago

Well... I hope we all had fun.

posted about 9 years ago