They literally think the mercy reacts video is targeting them OMEGALUL
edit: BoneFace
edit: LUL
edit: BabyRage
They literally think the mercy reacts video is targeting them OMEGALUL
edit: BoneFace
edit: LUL
edit: BabyRage
So 🔛 your 👈 move 👣, Blizzard 🌨. I 👶 strongly 💪 encourage 👏 you 👈, that if you 👈 want 🙏 OWL 🦉 to survive ☠️, to start 🔚 cutting 🔪 down ⤵️ the toxicity ☢️. And if you 👈 decide 🤝 instead 👀 to permaban 🔨 me 👶 from the forums 😱, I 👶 will not 👎 hesitate 🙅♂️ to uninstall ❌ all 😯 Blizzard ❄️ games 🕹, start filing 🗄 lawsuits 🗑 and DEMAND 😡 a refund 💸 of all money 💰 I 👶 spent 💳 on your 👈 games 👾 so that I 👶 can pay 💸 off the student 👨🎓 loans 💰, and will then use 💳 the remaining 💸 money 💰 to put Blizzard ❄️ games 🕹 on blast 🤯 on every reviews 💻 site 📠 I can find 👀 on the Internet 🖥 (and believe 🙏 me 👶, I will 👍). I may 🌞 be 19 👦 and not mature 👶 mentally 🧠, but I know 🧐 when something 🤨 is not ok 👎. Doa and Montecristo's 😫 comments 🗣 are not 😠 only not ok ❌👌, they are unacceptable 😱. Last post before locked thread is an OMEGALUL
Also after the thread locked they resumed witchhunting effect.
Mercy mains are offended EVERYONE else is literally happy and gets it. Literally every character was suffering because of Mercy. The game is actually so much more enjoyable since. Being a dps player is actually fun again and not like bashing your head into a wall. Also, being a dps player and flexing to support is fun too because Ana is actually fair now. Tanks are in a way better spot because of it. Lucio is better because of it. He's not so UNBELIEVABLY out healed and outclassed by Mercy.
The ONLY viable downside to it is that Mercy is probably WAY less fun to play. Every change they've made since the first rework has made her more clunky than even her original design. Like she's more balanced but if they made me have to be AFK to use one of my abilities on a hero I enjoy, I'd be bummed. That's not very fun.