Country: Germany
Registered: January 18, 2017
Last post: March 26, 2018 at 2:28 AM
Posts: 4

Looks nice. Thank you

posted about 7 years ago

in what way was that hilarious? Seeing total beginners just laughed at? Its the same thing as if Messi would go to a highschool now and start playing every game with them AND laugh the whole time while doing it. Do you think people would find that funny? I bet it would cause alot of frustration.
And that sombra example could happen to literally anybody, just cause 1 guy threw his teleport few meters further then he was supposed to, it doesn't necessarily qualify as a rookie mistake, does it.
The criticism he is getting is warranted, I have watched his streams enough to see him get frustrated and complain about his teammates in a not so nice manner.

posted about 8 years ago

The Kings Row reaper from CoL was a total disaster.
I'm really sorry for harbleu., he clearly deserves a better team.

posted about 8 years ago

The answers in this interview are as vague as possible.
"but I am never the kind of person to hold grudges" this seems like a statement made after some conflicts between C9 members happened.
He even dodged the Gods performing question, imo he doesn't really believe Gods belongs in that roster.
No doubt he is a talented player who has a good knowledge of the game but I'm really curios how much does EnVy really need a coach right now.

posted about 8 years ago