Country: Brazil
Registered: September 6, 2018
Last post: May 17, 2019 at 11:22 PM
Posts: 6

Climax, Arrow, Kaiser and Hoombaba didn't play against EM.

Their roster on all 4 maps was: Proper, Pelican, V1LLANY0, Cr0ng, RaiN, Myunbong.

And AlphA played maps 2 and 3 over Takoyaki.

posted about 5 years ago

Restya is a coach now. Jervisss is Nova's main support.

romeo, Chas3r and Boomburapa played all maps for GIANT LYNX. NutsuruSama, Bello and Rodtunglnw didn't play this match.

posted about 6 years ago

No, Bio and Duzi had different names when he was listed on Skyfoxes roster on Contenders official website. Bio's name is 정동영, Duzi's name is 김창재.

posted about 6 years ago

Bio played all maps for Skyfoxes, not Duzi.

Edit: CherryRing did not play this match either.

posted about 6 years ago

Pine also played multiple roles before OWL, he would be a great example to be mentioned here.

He already was main Zarya, main Genji and Flex support.

posted about 6 years ago