Country: Singapore
Registered: January 11, 2017
Last post: February 22, 2020 at 7:38 PM
Posts: 115
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That's a lot of maps...

posted about 5 years ago

Some highlights:

  • SHD massive stall on Hanamura B into OT
  • SHD playing musical chairs with half their roster while CDH used the same roster throughout
  • Lip owning Leave on Reaper despite being caught by Mei Wall
  • Dive vs Dive on R66

SHD dominated a lot of fights and were hyper aggressive with their R66 attack round.

posted about 5 years ago

Hahahahah gotcha thank you

posted about 5 years ago

Title puns are back??

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

This is the craziest timeline OWL has been in.

And also perhaps the most +/- in total for the rankings.

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

A full on flag meta!

posted about 5 years ago

Oh. The double negative got me there.

posted about 5 years ago

Now that all teams have played at least one game, it's a good time to share on the first look on S2 teams, especially the new ones.

To my pleasant surprise, the expansion teams won more against the S1 teams. I was expecting more from the S1 teams given that they should be more used to the format, tempo, infrastructure, etc.

While some S1 teams had major reshuffling so they're basically new teams, were the results from the expansion teams due to nerves (coughs), luck, or are some of them simply just straight up stronger? It's only 1-2 games, but have at it.

This season might be more interesting. No moth meta and what not please, ty.

posted about 6 years ago

Rip flag meta

posted about 6 years ago

Having watched them since APEX, it felt so surreal when they finally won the title after so many close attempts.

"Omg they've freaking finally done it!"

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

Dare we ask for more?

On a side note, very relatable (how is this not a word?) perspective from someone who has dabbled into observing. I wonder if it's possible to get them to discuss about the different stylistic approach they might have taken throughout the stages though.

posted about 6 years ago

Awesome article, great perspective.

posted about 6 years ago

Shhhhh 🀐

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Omg feels 😭

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Really happy that Sideshow and Bren both became apart of the OWL talent lineup.

posted about 7 years ago

The world is not ready for Brenism yet.

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Yea let's not speculate, thanks.

posted about 7 years ago

I thought so too initially, but both are officially correct.

posted about 7 years ago

Patch notes or riot @!

posted about 7 years ago

Res will probably be a lot less powerful, that's likely a given from Jeff's posts. I don't really care about her appeal or accessibility to the player base. What matters is how strong her kit is right now. Giving her more damage to pressure Res means nothing. You might as well say give Lucio more damage to do the same thing. It doesn't make any relation.

Triple bodyshotting is, really easy if the target does not LOS you in time, and effective at all ranges. Though granted, that's not achievable for the player base but balance should be top down anyways. Not to mention, 2 shot + nade is an even more achievable combo that people might end up complaining about anyways.

But to clarify, I'm not 100% against 70 damage Ana. It's more of the timing to try it out is really bad and heavily blurs whatever meaningful usage impact it might have when Mercy changes are still ongoing. I'd be more in favour of testing 70 damage after Mercy is finalized. As a player myself I would enjoy playing Ana with 70 damage more for sure. If Ana continues to see limited niche after Mercy rework finishes, there would be more validity in doing that and allows for a much clearer picture as to what the impact of changing the damage would be. Otherwise, it'd be the same situation with 60HPS Mercy where some people didn't even know it happened, and we never get to know the full extent of what 60HPS affects. We all just end up rolling with 60HPS without questioning it as much as it should have been.

If we can safely deem Ana as rightfully weaker than she should be when variables are reduced, that would be a much better timing to test things out. While it might seem counter intuitive to push out such changes slowly, it is a better approach in the event that they do decide that 70 damage isn't the approach they want to take and then they have to take additional time to figure out what they need to do all over again. There isn't a strong necessity to need to have multiple changes ongoing right now wrt Ana and Mercy. Better albeit slower approach to doing the changes one after the other, with the limiting factor being Mercy changes. And really I doubt Ana changes will push through without first changing Mercy again. So why confound things when it isn't that much slower to immediately test changing Ana after Mercy anyway?

Also woooo rambling a little (haha) at 2am hope things sound right.

posted about 7 years ago

What I'm going to say is probably the less popular. I feel strongly against increasing Ana's damage for 2 main reasons.

Firstly, this is a blatant power/damage creep, again. When Ana was introduced and became meta with her really strong healing, Mercy was changed from 50HPS to 60HPS, just because they set this as the new benchmark as a main healer when originally 50HPS was perfectly fine and not even low. It felt like a feeble attempt to force Mercy into relevancy and understates the impact of the change. What they should have done at that time was address Ana instead of trying to creep Mercy's base heal.

Secondly, Ana's low usage has barely anything to do with her damage in the pro scene. IIRC Ana has almost always been <50% win rate on the ladder at GM level, not that it means much, and pub players will tend to favor increasing her damage as it feels more fun and gives her more control. But that doesn't mean it's a good thing or the right approach. Before the Mercy rework, Ana still saw valid usage depending on maps and team composition, with the core lack of usage being attributed to D.Va and Winston negating her heals, and dive in general. Changing her damage addresses neither of the two key reasons.

Bumping up her damage feels like it's trying to force her to compete with Mercy, creep her into Zenyatta's damage specialization, and make her feel more 'fun' to play with. I feel that there is no need to meddle with Ana's damage at this point in time, especially without first completing their iteration with Mercy. 60HPS Mercy should have never been a thing, though its impact was never really pronounced with her lack of usage in tournaments. I strongly believe that 70 damage Ana shouldn't be a thing either. There is no need for that change to ensure her viability. More likely than not we'll get to see healthy usage of Ana when Mercy is toned down, unless dive with the new D.Va is still too oppressive for Ana.

TL;DR: Fix Mercy first before touching Ana's damage. Going to 70 damage introduces more problems than it solves. If / when Mercy is finalized, then should we be looking at Ana. Otherwise, heck no, stop interfering with 2 heroes that compete for the same slot in the current state.

posted about 7 years ago

Great save.

posted about 7 years ago

I don't have any examples in my mind. But if someone recently cheated in another game, their punishment should be carried over to whichever game they move on to. That can only be enforced by tournament organizers or Blizzard though, and is still ultimately their decision whether to uphold their preexisting punishment in OW.

If their old punishment already expired and they wish to move on to OW, I think that's fine because they have already served their due punishment. If players got perma'd in another game, it's still the discretion of OW on whether to allow them on a case by case basis.

posted about 7 years ago

Idk mans .-.

posted about 7 years ago

Harsha stop stealing my stars

Also would like to point out that my thoughts and suggestions for this changed a lot of times before and during the writing of this article. I've had different iterations as to how I felt ultimates should behave with regards to stuns. Ultimately, these changes were what I felt the best after gathering different opinions and forming my own.

posted about 7 years ago

Congrats MEGA ! :D Hollywood was super close too and could have been anyone's game.

Was fun watching all the different compositions and role swaps that they used.

posted about 7 years ago

MEGA win! :D

rip that was close

posted about 7 years ago

NC Wolves putting their Tracer on Reinhardt to play 2 Tank composition on King's Row. That's interesting.

posted about 7 years ago

I really like both teams x_x

May the best team win then!

posted about 7 years ago

Do you have any video recording or something? There are several heroes who can end their reload animation early as they fully reload before the animation ends, aka animation cancelling. For Roadhog, as long as your ammo counter is back up, you can do anything else you want and it's still going to be fully loaded, no need to wait for the full reload time.

posted about 7 years ago

You should see SG then.

/runs x)

posted about 7 years ago

Never go against the power of the EnVision banners.

posted about 7 years ago

Thailand showing their dominance over the SEA scene?

Congrats to Bazaar though! Well deserved.

posted about 7 years ago

Woah what the heck happened with HKA. 2-3 to FW and 3-0 BLANK?

posted about 7 years ago

Back to the good old MVP Space I knew! Awesome.

posted about 7 years ago

We're updating VODs atm. Seems like Contenders takes down their live VODs pretty quickly and put up their sliced versions.

This game VODs are updated now.

posted about 7 years ago

3 special flags > 2 special flags. There we go!

posted about 7 years ago

Great analysis aside, what I like is how Sideshow just randomly gets excited about the most obscure of things.

Especially when it involves a Winston.

posted about 7 years ago

MEGA Thunder must show that the team with more rare flag wins.

Edit: oh no :(

posted about 7 years ago

We are deeply sorry and disciplinary actions will be taken against Mert.


Soooo one of the many interesting changes going to happen before Contenders? :eyes: Wonder how they'll do since it's been forever since we saw them play.

posted about 7 years ago

Oh noes. harsha has a fraction of a star now.

I must hasten to dethrone him.

posted about 7 years ago

Not sure if I'm reading this right but, let me address the concerns regarding online play. If you cast any sort of ability and the server rejects it because on the server side you died before you used it, your ability is automatically refunded. i.e., if you pop Transcendence to save yourself but still die anyway, it would be treated as if you never used the ult and it doesn't incur the drain. Same goes if you use an ability and die before you actually got to use it -- cooldown gets refunded.

The only reason why I brought up online play is that it makes Sound Barrier unreliable, if not undesirable if it were to drain fully during the cast. It would make Sound Barrier a no-go against Big Bang combos for online, whereas on LAN it's still good against the same combo. It makes this interaction weird by skewing the risk vs reward.

Also for #13, I previously wrote about it on Medium; your game client will almost always render whatever you do as if it was successful. If the server denies actions, it'll just look as if it never happened, though the reversion is awkward. Don't worry about it.

posted about 7 years ago
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