Country: France
Registered: October 10, 2016
Last post: August 9, 2018 at 8:18 AM
Posts: 12

RIP LNL for this playoffs round but definitely hope they'll go far, either together or individually. I'm sad I tuned in to Contenders NA late this season, their story has been amazing to catch up with.

posted about 6 years ago

Damn you're right, I didn't think about that. True that the color scheme is pretty sexy. It's actually the first OWL skin I bought just because of that.

posted about 6 years ago

Just a theory, but with the Mayhem rebrand seeming very likely, perhaps we'll also see a Outlaws rebrand happening in s2. Perhaps not as drastic as Mayhem's but maybe just enough to really differentiate it from Contender's design?

posted about 6 years ago

Are you still looking? I'm a 3.8k Ana/Zen main LFT.

posted about 7 years ago

Jesus christ this is gold. I never cared for RL's content, but now I'll definitely steer clear of it. What a bunch of bs arguments for no interesting reason. -stin just became my favorite Redditor

posted about 7 years ago

Am I getting mixed up or is this the 3rd Overwatch top player called Adam?

posted about 7 years ago

I'm not aware of a Twitch investment into C9. Where can I read up on that?

When it comes to Series A (which this funding round is), 3 million is in the lower end but still very much on par with what's usually seen (higher end being in the $12-$15M mark). Typically, this wouldn't be surprising given that esports right now falls under the category huge risk, high potential reward. Sure there's a potential $1B market but it addresses a demographic that has very low purchasing power right now, as well as very little incentive to spend. It will be hard, but once the wallets unlock, we'll be in for a wild ride. Before then, over-investing in a Series A round sounds like the big mistake to me, not the other way around.

posted about 8 years ago

From interviews, reports, and articles I've seen, I can only say good things about Regi to be honest. Perhaps he had a rocky start transitioning from LOL pro to esports team owner but it's easy to understand he lacked experience back then and he's made up for it tenfold by now. Just looking at the Riot incident around Worlds last year, I think Regi was instrumental into pushing fairer rules for prize pools and player's payoffs during the tournament, as well as patch releases. I'm not saying he's the sole reason Riot adapted, but he happened to be VERY vocal about these problems right before Riot decided to address them...

My impression is that many people get angry at him for managing TSM like a "traditional" org, not specifically like an esports org. Every statement I've seen from him have seemed fair and reflective of his mistakes in a way I'd like my owner to be if I was in this company. I personally was glad he dropped rosters with former cheaters and I praise him for it.

Heck, for all we know it is a smart move to build a team with >75% NA players. It's a rule in LOL's LCS, it may become one in the OWL at some point, who knows?

Now, behind the scenes may be a different story and I have no idea why he has this reputation of "dicking over" people. Perhaps that's true. But it seems to me many people base their judgement on memes and reports from reports from "someone close to the org", even players statements don't mean anything as they very well can be incredibly biased. (if I spend 2 days in an org before getting dropped, am I likely to say it was my own fault or do I rather blame it on the org? I know which option gives me the best chance of finding another org quickly).

Disclaimer: I'm not a TSM fanboy or a Regi fanboy. I just want to try be the devil's advocate here and start a conversation based on fact and rationale rather than twitlongers and banana memes.

posted about 8 years ago


Hey there. I worked very hard on this edit. Hope you guys like it. Happy to answer any questions and feedback even if you didn't like it. Cheers!

posted about 8 years ago

Thanks man! Haha yeah. Makes me think I had this idea of making a "vindication" video for these guys who were wrongfully accused of hacking back in beta/early days... But I guess everybody is past that now so there's not much use to it.

Thanks, really appreciate the kind words!

Anyway, I also made a main thread but for those who end up here, here are my 2 latest videos: zen and another Zarya comp best off s2 glorious days

Hope you like 'em, cheers!

posted about 8 years ago


Would love to hear your feedback even if you didn't like it! :)

ps: And for those who didn't see it, my previous montage, "zen" got pretty big on Reddit and is over 30k views : youtube link

posted about 8 years ago

Posting a couple of my first videos I made, with special care on editing:

Zarya - Fully Charged: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiJZRg7MQXI
Overwatch Open Hype Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAyhccDvBtc

Would love to get your feedback on them. I'm currently working on a Zenyatta montage and on a fragmovie for Kephrii (a great NA Widowmaker)

posted about 8 years ago