Is good my friend :)
Country: | Italy |
Registered: | January 11, 2017 |
Last post: | April 5, 2020 at 7:53 PM |
Posts: | 1618 |
The real problem with mayhem is that they have an insane classical offtank with zarya and roadhog...but cwoosh is mainly a wiston player so they will not have 100% chemistry on tank side....will de if Philly will go with Sado Hotsba or Fragi Poko
100% faith in you guys
Also there wasnt a numbers but showed 12 teams for contenders so i think is 12 for that
from the video XD....but from the articles is not clear if they are 10 or 12...
edit: just a question: are u or moursi playing instead of Nlaeer or have you found anothere replacements? ( also i really want you guys to make through contenders N#1 Golden Sausage fan here)
ps ( just notied last match chat as i said nothing :) )
((Same for Mkers but is another story))
Looks a lot cool also there are 12 teams for contenders...hype!
I think you are one of the best pick up as sub at all for the OWL. You can play projectile hitscan and offtank all at high/rwally good level...i thunk you will be in the OWL if not in the mid season pick up in the season 2. Flexible players are the future of OWL imho
I think you can only takes players that are not underage....(like he said on runaway)
Well now i know who is gonna win all the winnable
Nice!!!!!! Pixelfish for the race to 4 stars! #whoisgonnahave4starsbesidesryugreatagagain?
Harsha and Pash for the win
edit: Sideshow will do it or not? Cause in case he is the lord.
Battle for the final 5th/6th OWL final placements imho...SO HYPE!!!!!
well he actually refuses offers from a western team in OWL so i dont know he will be gonna taked ( maybe NY??)
i think so because they tried to have uNkoe in their contenders team so i think they will not go with the full KR and seems like there is love between AKM and ex-nanohana
Davin in for Houston would be an awesome add. I could probably reconsidered them
About Mkers my point is that imho thwy didnt have the right composition of players....tek is forced on dps and danye is a main hitscan who is playing projectile....also Tek speciality is Dva but Ryb ones is reinhartd and this is something not good for the synergy. They are all great players but not all fit togheter in a team as heropool. If you search on twitch the game they made against Golden Sausage you will understand what i mean. Imho if they works well togheter i think they will be able to be ready in the next contenders but for now they have this type of problem.
Also fighteR problem is not now...when i watch him on No heaven or Wip you van clearly see the differences when he was playing against a good or a bad team. Against the bad team he was like the chuck norris. But with the first problems he disapper. This is why i relate this to his mentality. Its easy to be a god with players worse than you. Also i think some players have the mindset but not the mechanical to plays in EU but it is all about training. Mindset is different. Just thinks about Epok they are ruling italin scene from a lot of time but they never archieved something on Eu level a part of the last Open Divison. I truly hope fighteR can change his mindset and go rule the EU cause he has skill...but italian scen overrate him.
I am so angry with italian scene cause we are wasting options....when can say something but we need a move.
Well actually i know EU T2 scene and Mkers team actually has no identity....good backup but no dps( danye is not that good and txao on dps is a monotracer so they have to make Tek flex to dps because he is better than txao on normal hitscan and with ryb more able on rein than wiston so they didnt run Dva and tracer who are the speciality of Tek and they dont have a real projectile cause dayne is mainly an hitscan...)
Bimb link and Nisa where the most near on the Takeover and probably is the most important results of italian players in eu scene. And for fighteR....really watch him palying against a better team than the one he is in and he literaly dissaper just watch OWC....fighteR was dead every team i was asking myself where he was....he had the ability but not the mentality his stream ( at least befor summer) he was always saying that the fault was of someone else when they were losing and this make sense cause he dont improve on playsense style. The problem of Italy is that they give importance to the wrong players..this is why no one archieved nothing.
Fortunatly i am out of the italian scene so i can have some better judgment..... i am not talking of their italian level but of a possible future in eu who are two really different things....fighteR literaly dissapear when he is against a team better then the one in wich he is in. Just thinks at Takeover 2 qualifiers....Pow3r ( who is a pretty good player) fighteR and Carnifex plus Draceus and Art1er( so a team with better names) lose in the first turn against Team YP while the team with Bimbz Nisa and link( plus Tek and Juv3nile who are really good players but not rated hig as art1er plus draceus at time) beat Team Expert Valfard and put off a great game against Hammers....Neither fighteR neither cerys arrived at any time at such a big results....just because Nisa link and Bibmz doesnt play in the italian scene that doesnt mean they are worst than the players who rule it......( and they are better of them). Also Legol reinhartd is better than Cerys and poinT archieved more than probably everyone on the italian scene....dont let italian level overlap european one they are really different things....just watch OWC fighteR got ruled out while Nisa was the one who really was able to say something
Also from Hal report seems like the only two main tanks they tried were Hinu and Cerys( while Hinu is also not a main tank)....
Yea...the italian best players are probably Carnifex and Nisa( the zen/ana but most important mercygod now on Mkers) and probably link( he played genji in OWC but he is a roadgod and is really flexible). Im not a bog fan of the one who played wiston cause i think there are better italian main tank( legol and poinT) but he is not that bad. Also fighteR is not a bad player but italian scene make him like a god when he is only a pretty decent/good playrr.
Edit: the , probably, only one player who can aspire OWL is Nisa...i really hope he can take the light he deserves to let people see his amazing ability( maybe also link can say something for OWL but i am not really sure about that)
Carnifex is really good with all hitscan heroes from window to tracer and he really deserves a spot.....fighter is overrated.
Dante is a great pick up
The only match that i will be able to watch live. I am hyped as f and i hope will be a good match
Not sure about AKM (maybe he had already program for season 2 with the Utah Jazz so maybe is better for him to wait)
I would love to see Zappis (imho on Florida) and Davin( imho on Houston). Another interesting pick up could be Hafficool ( hitscan projectile and offtank) ( On LA Gladiators maybe?) FCTFCTN ( SF Shock or Philadelphia if Sado is kicked) KnoxX ( imho on Florida or any others team who has a free spot) same for ChrisTfer or Mowzassa. Maybe Grey and Kruise but alll dependes of what teams will need after the first half of the season....
I dont understand how people can defend someone and then saying that Blizzard is doing nothing....he deserves the ban and it will make comepitive better end of the story...(mid'-game ban not a good choices anyway)
Imho if he was spamming report as meme he deservea it! I like how Blizzard is going he has to do it with all rank and not only big ones
Kelelx WILL be over Avast i think...Kellex is a god
Really nice thought! But the most important things imho is put a real prizepool on Open Division...right now is no sense....
you will reach it soon my "near to the half of total glory " mate.
i need just more 77 post to reach you my freind
Yeah seems like LAV will be the team with the squad we can say the plurals vs the singles
123 one dream one love :(
One of the best and most underrated WEST lucio...pick him up cause he deserves it
Ye if they only have taked a main rein an hitscan not tracer and a flex they, in my opinion, coulded aspire to the title....also their lacking on staff roles is something i am worried about ....
Well Gigganti is not a casual team......also i think that EU Contenders was more close than USA ones. anyway i think they can showsn up as serial pretender to the throne if they pull out their best performances or fail if they didnt find a way to avoid post dive meta problems
100% agreed with your opinion but i think they can even be top 5 if they put out their best performances ( while i think this will not happen until Cwoosh situation will be resolved)
Can agree about CWoosh, logix not tracer heroes and no sub. But Mannetten is improved a lot and is absolutely one of the best offtank in the league( i was a not lover of him but he surprised me). Zebbosai is really good imho even if all people said is mhe....but the most disturbings things to me is that Houston Outlaws is ranked way better because they have synergi and FNRGFE core but they only arrived 3/4 on contenders showing a lot worst performances in front of Misfits....i agree they have a lot of lack but they will not be on the bottom. Maybe they will have difficulties before mid season sign and in the first period but they remain one of the strongest team and they wil prove that(even if i think all the League will be a lot more closer than people said and when i said close i mean that i will not be surprised if in the first 4 2/3 teams are not the favourites right now)....but this is my thought :) and i can understand your motivation( Reinforce in the heart)
Pixelfish is the only true god in community aahahah
I dont understand why people think Florida will be in the bottom od the rank.....they domeniate all regular season of contenders :/! If someone in Canada bring orisa is Mangachu not the answer is no
Philadelphia Fusion:
DPS: amazing dps side with the only true god ShadowBurn on genji and phara( he is also really good on mei and reaper).
People are complaining about snillo/Carpe overlap heropool tracer... but in reality they can both plays really good hitscan and their tracer playstyle is totaly different. Carpe is an outstanding "standard" tracer ( so he go from tracer duels and weak points of the other team) while snillo is a "focusing" tracer as seen on the World Cup( he always go against the most strong part of the team....against canada he was the Surefour nightmare...). So if they are gonna play against LA Valiant probably Carpe would be better( duel with Soon and going against Unkoe) while against LA Gladiatort snillo is a better choices( shut down Surefour and LA GLadators will lose all his dps power). Eqo is a really a god as mechanical player but he need to learn more game sense... but with these players and coaches he will learn fast how to win. He can plays projectile hitscan and offtank ( while is maynly knwoed for his projectile). Maybe an hitscan god is what the team dont have right now( but just wait Eqo and Snillo improve a bit and they will have it).
Tank: Offtank side perfectly cover: Zarya and Roadhog with the amazing Poko and the Dva with Hotba. While main tank is more uncertain: Fragi reinhartd god but with the Sado drama ( dont know if he will play or not) if they only have taked a wiston god( like KnoxX or Mowzassa or Tonic ) or a more Defensive main tank (FCTFCTN ) they would probably be a lot more dangerous.
Support: absolutely amazing. Neptuno/Boombox could be the third best support duo( besides Seoul and Dallas). Neptuno can flex a lot( main supp flex supp but also dps and offtank) and he has also an amazing sombra. He is knowed as the best mechanical lucio in EU...but they also have the more focused shotcaller lucio with Joelmeister. Also DayFly is probably a better ana than Boombox( while Boombox is untouchable on the zen).
Personaly i think they coul easily be in the top five(depends if Florida put off their best value or not) and also put off some great fights against the big three/four( Dallas Seoul London and maybe New York). And also they will probably have the greatest amount of european fans( While Florida loses a lot of fans with the Reinforce drama and the only 6 man roster).
Pro: they are almost complete and they can compete with everyone on papers.
Against: maybe they needed a better main hitscan not tracer (but their players will improve a lot) and they could have taked a main tank not Sado. (also, from the heart, they haved to take the two partners in crime Zappis and Fragi togheter)
Rest in peace Dennis. We will miss you :(
Ty! Well acctualy my idea is : Contenders T1 west T2 big teams on Ow Open Division and a T3 others...when OWL comea i will change my mind in T1 OWL T2 Contenders T3 acctual T2
Not really true...bur the others are really a minor minor teams....
After the finish of the second Season of the OW Open Division the T2 scenes is ready to a shuffle: with the big teams ready for the T1 and new born teams ready to take the throne of the scene.
ESL Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #74:
1 oompaloompas( team formed by the team capitain of CHP Flames mon0 and from the tank french player Chubz)
2 Kaser Littenz ( a group of danish players who is tryharding in the scene, we have players like Lind and naGGa)
3 Nemesis ( finland players who are trying to go out the T2 mid tier)
4 Last Rites (the new team of Corestar backed with some money is finnaly reaching some intersting position)
With no big name team ( except for oompaloompas who already had some interesting placements) the new wawes of T2 teams is making himself a name before the season 3 of the OW OPen Division.
ESL Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #75:
1 oompaloompas
2 eSuba ( best Czech team with ottr as swedish addition)
3 FC Lahti Menace ( finnish team backed by a football(soccer for usa) team)
4 Final Gaming (german language team who came from nowhere but is ready to contend top teams)
oompaloompas reach a great results beating eSuba 3-0. FC Lahti Menace seems ready for the new season of the Open Division after compete in some finnish tournaments.
OW Open Division Season 3 preview:
Top teams who will fight for the top prize:
Possible outsider:
Look at them cause they will grow:
NA presentation will come soon
General news: