Country: Australia
Registered: November 4, 2015
Last post: February 9, 2017 at 8:52 PM
Posts: 3

i don't think everyone is entitled to their opinion if their opinion isn't really justifiable and harms careers. a deleted tweet quoting someone else's slurs (which were censored!) is not in any way acceptable grounds for kicking someone from a team. nor is "having sketchy clips" which afaik is the extent of mykl's offenses. it's counterproductive for the industry and unfair to the players to set such an unreasonable standard.

posted about 8 years ago

that clears it up a lot actually, thanks. calling lush a dps main was a bit hyperbolic anyway because it's pretty evident he can play anything well

posted about 8 years ago

hey team, our core support and dps aren't very flexible and it's definitely holding us back despite supports only ever playing one hero anyway. instead, we should pick up
a) a zarya one-trick to play "flex"
b) a hitscan dps main to play zenyatta

seriously though. i understand replacing players that don't fit, both new players are super talented, and gnb back on dps will be a boon.
i can't help but feel that spreadsheet's strongest asset - the military precision with which they execute pushes - will suffer, and it'll take a lot of work to rebuild that synergy. the conroar pickup especially just seems weird considering lack of versatility was one of the reasons cited as prompting this roster change.
hopefully it works out for them.

posted about 8 years ago