Dude it's by google and posted on this small forum by a guy who posts relatively frequently I think you'll be alright
Country: | Switzerland |
Registered: | November 2, 2015 |
Last post: | March 30, 2019 at 3:42 PM |
Posts: | 1065 |
Dude it's by google and posted on this small forum by a guy who posts relatively frequently I think you'll be alright
Doesn't really address what he actually said but whoever those people are in that anti-gale discord seem to be idiots.
Beautiful man
You inferred a lot from this guys 5 words, Guinea. Also Richard Lewis seems have a similar mindset to that of most of this community in not liking the way Blizzard is going about OWL
Big win for 4Legs
Fixed spread would definitely be better but probably wouldn't happen because spread is not that big of a problem.
To be honest everyone should be a feminist
Gods is underrated, the boy can do work
Lmfao hydration trying to fly around when facing dafran soldier and a zen
Are you retarded or did you just not read the tweet
LiNkzr can do much better than this team
Edit: I'm retarded
I mean milo did the same when nrg got slammed, I think this is funny though
Oh shit I saw a csgo 1v1 tournament by GeForce at that theatre and it's really cool.
Gale is an actual retard and so is anyone who is defending him. Saying a woman can never do x task as well as a man is sexist, unless the task can literally only be done by men. Plus there are all those Chinese teams that have women and they're probably better than whoever this guy is.
No he's saying that kaiser being in a tough financial situation means that he had to make a hard decision
Yes that is what he's saying
French Polynesia
FeelsBadMan wish the best for the man
I think it's more "hey we are going to be trying people out for your spot, if you want, you can have a tryout of sorts to prove if you should keep your spot."
put Seb Barton on lucio
That was tried and it failed
Vonethil might be a good fit for this team tbh
Although there may be bad blood between him and iddqd
Winz doesn't actually use a mouse, he just sits on the payload and switches from healing to speed when needed.
I had MA pegged as the strongest team in the group, envy should be able to sweep the rest of the games
Ahahahaha that envy video is the best. The article about flower and pine is also really good
Group B looks a lot stronger than group A
When you say stream graphics most people think about the stream display as in sub alerts and donations. You mean his bio or information or whatever. It still says he plays for selfless in his info plus I don't think he ever has selfless stuff in there.
Admirable already downfrags all his posts
Dafran just got back to NA I doubt he would come to NA if the team was just about to be dropped
This actually looks pretty cool
You're right, I was thinking more along the scene being OWL plus a development league. I think there will much fewer orgs buying teams and just a lot of mix teams in the occasional tournament.
Then explain what you think it is
League =\= Scene
Considering the way blizzard seems to be directing OWL it most likely will be the main OW scene in the same way the NFL is for football.
Also way to go out of your way just to trash nrg
Overwatch league is supposed to be the competitive scene
Another 3 bite the dust
On trial =\= signed
C9 talespin?
There's more than enough EU talent for the role they need so they really shouldn't have trouble finding a competent replacement.
ez for Liam "Mangachu" Campbell
His online genji is against NA teams
Would be cool to see LG Evil win this
Smh people shitting on faze without seeing them on LAN
Yeah when billionaires are buying spots splyce will definitely he able to afford a spot.