Country: Libya
Registered: January 30, 2017
Last post: February 4, 2017 at 7:54 PM
Posts: 2

Who else can they beat when the only team T1 team from NA is ENVY ?

posted about 8 years ago

Out of the non-boyc the only team that could really come 2nd is DK, they have proven to be very close to the level of hREDS. DK is also clearly above Skitlite or ENCE. Panic has been quite lackluster, but could possibly beat ENCE.
Out of the non-boyc teams there is also voidchild who has proven to be better than panic. Don't think they are at the event tough.

If there actually were qualifiers we would probably looking at something like 1NiP, 2/3 hREDS/DK, 4 Skitlite, 5 VC, 6-7 Panic/ENCE

posted about 8 years ago