Country: Germany
Registered: January 7, 2017
Last post: January 19, 2020 at 4:19 PM
Posts: 29

ksp will 100% be on main roster

posted about 5 years ago

l m a o sure

posted about 5 years ago

putting neptuno over punk is a big yikes

posted about 5 years ago

how have you set the ingame setting?

posted about 5 years ago

Hey just wanted to know if setting it on ultra and turning off ingame reduce buffering is the best to go?
I've read it on reddit but theres different opinions about it

posted about 5 years ago

thanks Ill try them out.
But I cant find a lft/lfm channel on elo hell discord though?

posted about 5 years ago

I've peaked 4.5k this season and am looking for a team thats trying to get t3 or is already t3. where should I look?

posted about 5 years ago

I feel like my prayers have been answered

posted about 6 years ago

we a moba now with a nice top down view but actually played in first person

posted about 6 years ago

What is this tweets context?

posted about 6 years ago

Haven't seen him stream in a while. Does anyone know something?

posted about 6 years ago

are you serious? would be stupid to remove it

posted about 6 years ago

If a cavemen (ignoring modern diseases and other evolutionary disadvantages) would grow up in todays age he could perform just aswell.
In generel homo sapiens didn't change that much in this small timeframe.

posted about 6 years ago

i mean youre kinda right. mental illness has become a big problem

posted about 6 years ago

maybe I can watch map 5 when I wake up

posted about 6 years ago

big yay for eu peeps

posted about 6 years ago

Geoff Goodman

Sure. These changes started by seeing how far we could push the duration of her Stealth and Translocator abilities. As we pushed them out, it allowed her to play more and more as an scout/infiltrator for your team and also allowed her more time to pick and choose when and where she popped out to ambush her enemies.

So now she has infinite duration on both Stealth and Translocator, but we had to solve a couple problems that were caused by these changes. For one, she needed to be able to destroy the translocator, or it would often be stuck in some place she didn’t want it to be. To that end, you can now destroy it by looking towards it and pressing the Interact key. Also, Stealth giving you 75% bonus movement speed forever was… a bit strong. This bonus has been lowered to 50%. In addition, she can no longer contest objectives while in Stealth, since she that would just be super frustrating with infinite duration.

These changes are really interesting for her as now she is in complete control over when she reveals herself, allow her to time her hacks better for her team, or go for a back line ambush during a critical moment in a team fight.

I guess that was more than a hint. :thinking:

posted about 6 years ago

Whoru is in the academy team

posted about 7 years ago

I dont see streams anymore, or am I blind?
Galaxy a5 2017

posted about 7 years ago

holy shit sinatraa

posted about 7 years ago

Junkrat counters him hard.
Mercy is also hard to kill as him.

Theres just many better picks against stuff like that in current meta.

posted about 7 years ago

comments under streams while live. reset if they go offline (yea straight from hltv but had a nice touch)

posted about 7 years ago

Like what are they doing besides gaming? Studying? Working part time? Or is every "big" name in the scene playing full time?

posted about 7 years ago

Are there any lans in germany and scene websites like in german?
There were many in CS:S and CS:GO. Thats why I'm asking. Or is it simply too early and the playerbase is too small?

posted about 7 years ago

just curious about the players and why they didnt attend anything since december?

posted about 7 years ago

Are they really playing on live?

posted about 8 years ago

oh wow, I read "rescheduled" and thougt it would be later :p

posted about 8 years ago still shows 2:15?

posted about 8 years ago