Country: United States
Registered: June 3, 2017
Last post: July 21, 2018 at 9:17 PM
Posts: 23

pine switching to a zarya into a pharah AND with only 1 minute is a decision i'll never understand

posted about 6 years ago

is it too soon to say custa really got shafted by london?

posted about 6 years ago

profit literally threw

posted about 6 years ago

If the concept of consent and statutory age is based on brain maturity, shouldn't the age be set at 25 when it's ACTUALLY fully developed?

posted about 6 years ago

looking for the meaning of life in a comedian feelsbadman

posted about 6 years ago

I think what you are saying has some logic to it, but in the end, it is as obscure as you saying Blizzard is worried about viewership tanking in East Asia because of what EQO did -- no one in East Asia would really know about what EQO does unless it is publicised/no one in East Asia cares about the soft bigotry of low expectations unless it's publicised

posted about 6 years ago

but what about iremix and the soon to be benched bischu though :/

posted about 6 years ago

mainwhile no one bats an eye at cocco

posted about 7 years ago

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd no one bats an eye for cocco

posted about 7 years ago

gee... why does this have a casting couch vibe

posted about 7 years ago

shouldn't it be transparent?

posted about 7 years ago

zunba and the dps carried, rjh and tobi were not performing as well

posted about 7 years ago

you are entitled to your opinions, but it doesn't mean they are right
the term "clutch" is commonly used as generation1 had described

posted about 7 years ago

is it common etiquette to scream in korea? if it is it's fucking annoying

posted about 7 years ago

yaoyao just announced his retirement on weibo

posted about 7 years ago

2 gravs with no follow up feelsbadman

posted about 7 years ago

Chinese fans are shouting "fuck american immigration officers" after the game hahaha
america numba one (at cockblocking)

posted about 7 years ago

anyone thinks the green HUD for australia is annoying to look at?

posted about 7 years ago

FYI, MY v BLK was 4-1 not 4-0

posted about 7 years ago

to be frank, all the roster drops are making me a bit numb, to make things happen you gotta be able to let the past go, I suppose
good luck to Hyped and his career should he choose to pursue Overwatch further

posted about 7 years ago

going to mainland = might get sick
hongkong superiority still exists yo, mainland peasants!

posted about 7 years ago

"one was not"

so ONE > Majority

posted about 7 years ago

TBH he's been the weakest link on the team recently, often charging into enemy (or get bullied) and dying first

posted about 7 years ago