Country: United Kingdom
Registered: April 5, 2020
Last post: August 6, 2020 at 3:04 PM
Posts: 22

I spoke to her on twitter briefly, she said she spoke to Harry for 2 years and he was a "friend" so I'm guessing his views either got worse or she got fed up, I doubt she had the same views on women and only uploaded the worst screenshots she had rather than 2 years worth.

I personally don't see what the problem is, we can't expect everyone in the world to love men and women the same, some women hate men and some men hate women and I'm sure nastier shit gets said about them both.

But welcome to 2020 where anything remotely negative will most likely fuck your life up, walk on egg shells.

posted about 3 years ago

He's one of these delusional people who think free speech exists.

posted about 3 years ago

"I will admit Korean players are better at the gsme but there’s just no real emotion in it."

There's a difference between real emotion and no emotion, how in the actual fuck is saying someone shows no real emotion racist? you ever watched Americans play COD and CS:GO? that's real emotion does that make anyone racist? only to absolute snowflakes like you.

So now you can't prefer watching a specific nation because it's racist, does that mean I can't say I prefer watching British football because it's racist? you absolute fucking retard. Can Koreans not say they prefer watching Koreans or it's racist?

"Fans want to see the best players playing regardless of where they come from. OWL is a global league not just a Western playhouse."

Is that why the numbers are getting lower and lower? and calling OWL a global league is hilarious, delusional snowflake.

posted about 3 years ago

It's hardly being racist saying you'd rather watch non-Koreans play a game for the reasons you listed above, you think Koreans would rather watch a league full of American players? you think Chinese fans would love to turn up to stadiums to support full American teams week in week out?

Only idiot here is you throwing that word around.

posted about 3 years ago

Unfortunately, I'm curious to see if it still gets the support it does when it's a full on Korean league.

posted about 3 years ago

They have nothing to lose, there's almost zero hope for these players in OW as it stands so why not take a chance? and if Valorant does blow up and does well these players will be laughing.

posted about 3 years ago

Is that sarcasm or something?

posted about 3 years ago

Full Korean in the KOWL? not surprised.

posted about 3 years ago

So you're saying it was Covid that delayed this happening? you do know people are still working on games during Covid right? so that's not an excuse. I guess what made them do this now is the low number of viewers for OWL games and since people like free shit, I'm sure the numbers will increase a fair bit.

posted about 3 years ago

Players dropping like flies, wonder what all these millionaires who bought OWL spots are thinking.

posted about 4 years ago

Thrown out? he lost love for the game which is a worrying trend recently, even the pros who get paid what I'm assuming is a decent amount to play the game don't even enjoy it.

posted about 4 years ago

CS:GO players good enough won't leave CS for a game that might take off and you're assuming people that play OW don't have aim or something? sinatraa is an elite gamer and I agree with the Aussie guy, picking him up is a no brainer.

posted about 4 years ago

Yea BR games have no future in e-sports for me, problem is Valorant isn't a BR and it seems to be built for e-sports in mind whereas Fortnite was basically built for 8 year olds to dick about on. I knew Apex would never kick off and it made me laugh when people basically guaranteed it would be supported, hilarious.

I'm no fan of Valorant but after watching a short stream, you can already tell 10 minutes into it watching it will be MUCH easier than OW which is hectic as fuck, or maybe it's just me.

posted about 4 years ago

Well Riot are willing to put money into a game to make it a big e-sports, sadly you can't really say the same for Blizzard, they also know how to run e-sports titles and make them a success, again not something you can say about Blizzard.

If this game catches on it could easily be another Fortnite with even more potential for e-sports, I just wonder how many of the OWL pros will keep playing OW if Valorant does become massive.

In a years time Valorant might be competing with CS:GO and OW will be an entire Asian league, should be fun.

posted about 4 years ago

ok wait i didnt expect it to leak so im not ready lemme write up a twitlonger for the first time in my life>


posted about 4 years ago

Another nail in the OW coffin.

posted about 4 years ago

Agreed, but when you've used Twitch since the start of OW and you're getting 100k on average for every stream swapping to Youtube that let's be honest is not even close to Twitch in terms of actual streaming is madness.

posted about 4 years ago

I just wonder what all these owners who pumped millions into the league are thinking, I mean I saw games had around 50k viewers on YT it probably peaked but higher even then, that's a bit low for something that costs as much money as the OWL did. I'm not even sure if moving away from Twitch was the best option as well, sure YT might pay more but did the league need MORE money at the expense of a fanbase?

No idea why Blizzard didn't just look at CS and copy that as much as possible, you've got a shitload of LAN events to take part in and it also caters to multiple tiers of the game, you've still got young players coming through the tiers and getting into the big teams yet in OW everyone is retiring.

posted about 4 years ago

I love Blizzard in general but the way they handled OW was a disgrace and because of that I hope they suffer for it. On the other hand don't expect Valorant to live up to the hype, reminds me of Apex where everyone got all excited saying this and that, now what?

posted about 4 years ago

I just hope the right people are provided the proper information to make a decision on and not let it come down to the social media judges as per usual.

posted about 4 years ago

The "girl" was 17 and he was what, 21? people acting like she was 11 and he's the next Jimmy Saville.

posted about 4 years ago

I'm still looking forward to the future of OW when it only seems to be the people inside the OWL and the Asian scene as backup, let's be honest ain't nobody going to take players from the European scene anymore so in a year or two it will be 100% Asian and I just wonder how long Americans/Canadians and Paris/London can keep supporting that shit, time will tell.

Especially with Valorant now the big hype, people hanging on to OW by a thread will be jumping ship as they almost certainly have no future in the game.

posted about 4 years ago