Country: Canada
Registered: February 21, 2016
Last post: February 13, 2017 at 12:55 AM
Posts: 9

oh i'm sorry, i guess that came out wrong. looks like i stirred up some jimmies.

yes, it's obvious he wouldn't prematurely change his twitch. i just think clock's chances got so much smaller, iddqd is such a strong hitscan player already. that's all :o)

posted about 8 years ago

well as of the evening of Feb 11, clockwork still has an NRG tag in his twitch.


posted about 8 years ago

less meme and more focus on raw aim? makes sense to me.
winston getting a buff is nice, even though i hate no aim characters.

posted about 8 years ago

probation, basically? seems fitting.

basically probation + hope they let the ana/ nerf patch roll out first. i really want these guys to succeed, maybe a non tank meta would help.

posted about 8 years ago

Quake TF2 Masterrace @_@

posted about 8 years ago

sometimes i think my aim is getting worse from playing OW.... something feels off.

TF2, QL, dirty bomb, fights feel like they're pushing my aim.

OW just feels off. maybe it's all the abilities you don't have to aim, and how slow everyone is.

posted about 8 years ago

looks great man!

posted about 8 years ago

anyone lowering your sensitivities for more headshots? depends on the class obviously, im pretty sure im sticking to hitscan aim heavy classes, though.

OW running speed is pretty slow, but engagement distance can be both pretty close and mildly far, I can't quite decide just by watching streams. ET/Dirty Bomb/CS players sensitivities tend to be on the lower end so i've been contemplating lowering some.

I also notice most top players aren't even bothering to head shot :o

posted about 9 years ago

so what's the fov feel like now?

did more research, the new max fov in OW is 103

i'd imagine that's 103 horizontal, although i wonder how they scale for screen ratios.

i believe fov_desired 90 in tf2 is actually 106 in 16:9, so i can live with 103.

posted about 9 years ago