Country: United States
Registered: June 13, 2017
Last post: October 2, 2020 at 1:05 PM
Posts: 23


posted about 4 years ago

a GOAT returns

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

2-2-2 lock isn't the way to go - max 2 support lock is. then goats doesn't work but it still allows for triple/quad dps with ball, triple or quad tank, etc. 2-2-2 lock removes too many variables to still have a game that's both fun to play and fun to watch. another potential solution would be a 1 hero ban but i doubt blizz would do that considering brig would be the obvious choice

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

what a series... profit is a monster

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

This is an ABC Special Report: THE MUELLER REPORT.

posted about 6 years ago

map 3 was nutty. insane clutch from NYXL on their final OT push

posted about 6 years ago

AUS played very well but SK's level of coordination is just unstoppable. if the Aussies had faced anyone else they could've made semis. unluckers

posted about 6 years ago

Excited to see Envy back on the OWL stage. He looked great with MB not long ago - definitely deserves his spot

posted about 6 years ago

🕯 S E B 🕯 B A R T O N 🕯

posted about 6 years ago

did you read the article? LUL

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

this ended up being a shockingly close series, pleasantly surprised by T1w. they have a lot of potential

posted about 6 years ago

didn't the NA ladder accuse leviataN of wintrading before realizing he was an SA pro?

posted about 6 years ago

Dogman-Babybay pharmercy :thinking:
edit: Dogman McCree Wowee

posted about 7 years ago

KARIV PogCh--- Jebaited

posted about 7 years ago

aKm got Jebaited so hard BibleThump

posted about 7 years ago

a month ago i'd say 4-0 eU but now it's anybody's game tbh. eU have been struggling a ton recently, and although BP are arguably the worst team in the tournament, their improvement was especially visible during BP vs. C9 EU with Nesh and last week vs. Misfits as well. SharP didn't do as well as i'd have hoped vs. the new Singularity but by no means was his performance bad that week; he also stepped it up to the level we expect from a Contenders EU Tracer vs. Misfits. i'm not good at predictions but imma say 3-2 one way or the other

posted about 7 years ago

checked out the thread, seems pretty sketchy to me... the clips from his stream look mostly legit except for the start of the KR Zarya clip and most of the Anubis Zarya clip. i honestly couldn't tell you what is up with the weird shaking around the soldier in the Hollywood clip, that shit was just strange. maybe a bug with the aimlock toggle that sent it back to S:76 repeatedly?

i won't be one to judge the EG vs Kungarna stream clips because earlier in the game's history there was a spectator bug that made flicks look like aimlock - Taimou even got accused of aimbot because of it. in all the footage i've seen of Corey, when the toggle is off (if it exists), his tracking seems pretty decent but definitely not Tier 1/Carpe-level, but the flicks i mentioned above look too good to be true imo.

that being said, every time they showed Corey on today's stream it looked clean. there was just no way he could contest Carpe's skill

posted about 7 years ago

you got your wish Kreygasm

posted about 7 years ago