harsha Harsha Bandi
Country: United States
Registered: October 21, 2016
Last post: August 7, 2018 at 10:23 PM
Posts: 135
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Hooey will no longer play on the team, he is just still under contract

posted about 7 years ago

Update: added these guys

Pirin “Kitta” Singapan (Strategic Planning & Analyst)
Zach “Sovereign” Bent (Player Development & Scouting)
Jeremy “Jerkkit” Wong (Head Coach, Team Manager & Analyst)

posted about 7 years ago

i can only be so erect

I came first, what do I win?
A lovely bowl of kimchi.


posted about 7 years ago

what kind of attitude is this?? fuck a team that wants to get better?? if hulk can't keep up, he deserves to be kicked. simple as that. you earn your spot and fight to keep it in any competition. doesn't matter if you built it with your own two hands.

posted about 7 years ago

all NA pros that have played vs EFFECT in scrims claim he has the most ridiculous tracking they've ever seen

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

lol owner of the site doesn't even have 1 nerd star what a noob

posted about 7 years ago

added the names

posted about 7 years ago

the one trick thing is a joke about zachary, who is known to play basically genji only

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

[5:52 PM] Harsha: @C9 Mendokusaii youre not playing this weekend right?
[5:52 PM] C9 Mendokusaii: Nope

posted about 7 years ago

he's getting his teeth pulled this weekend so i do think they'll actually be using a sub

posted about 7 years ago

dafran is Danish

posted about 7 years ago

They are all Europeans that live in a gaming house in Canada, yes.

posted about 7 years ago

flags don't represent the organization, they represent where the players live

while i agree that rogue and envy should not be referred to as "american" teams, this is the easiest way to tag teams given how many mixed rosters exist.

posted about 7 years ago

i don't understand why people ask for evidence when people clearly won't give it because it'll put OTHER'S lives in jeopardy.

either trust thorin or don't - asking for evidence makes no sense.

posted about 7 years ago

Thank you for the advice, I'll take it into consideration :)!

posted about 7 years ago

i mean i don't know what you're going on about at this point, envy received an invitation several weeks ago and nrg was the third option after immortals

posted about 7 years ago

they did not retract NRG's invitation, EnVy accepted one that was on the table before

NRG will not attend because they were the third choice

posted about 7 years ago

read the report mate

posted about 7 years ago

according to a lil birdie

posted about 7 years ago

check the timeframe buddy

if it's not clear, eunited and dignitas's matches vs misfits were not covered in this edition. both teams looked to be similar but slightly weaker levels before (dig moreso than eunited), but the upsets will certainly mean a lot going forward. both have looked good in playoffs.

posted about 7 years ago

Selfless holding up a "We Escaped" sign after getting into the top 10

posted about 7 years ago

originally a hindu religious symbol, adapted by buddhists in northern india/nepal, taken by nazis later on

posted about 7 years ago

rofl why is this dude so mean...

posted about 7 years ago

You Guys Get Paid?
Laser Kittenz
Team SoloMid

posted about 7 years ago

an EFFECTive pun! admirable would be proud...

posted about 7 years ago

lol wow overwatch has fangirls already

posted about 7 years ago

You misunderstand—3 million is absolutely the standard for this type of investment, but seeing the big names made me wonder whether they'd put in more.

Don't have a link handy for twitch, but the company has reportedly invested 3 million into both C9 and TSM while securing non-endemic sponsors for them (such as AXE).

posted about 8 years ago

Seems surprisingly low—even Twitch has invested more into Cloud9.

posted about 8 years ago

For the record, I think Regi receives a bit of an unfair characterization because he is the only known figure in management. Not everything that Team SoloMid does is by Regi, despite his name's being attached.

posted about 8 years ago

Don't like reporting on rumors without proof, sorry for baiting :(

posted about 8 years ago

I think they are true.

posted about 8 years ago

sand :admirable2:
shrewz :admirable4:

posted about 8 years ago

admirable is spamming this thread hoping to get the legendary fifth star. luckily he's chasing his tail. it doesn't exist.

posted about 8 years ago

Very easy to say these things about orgs as an outsider. Alicus has a lot of influence and pull, but to my knowledge he isn't even looking for an org. Laser Kittenz will be the brand name moving forwards while they secure investors.

I do agree that Zaprey does seem a bit overconfident though!

posted about 8 years ago

i was told information i did not know at the time this morning

Update: spOh is no longer a free agent and is playing with new amateur team Straight Outta Comp Queue. The team is composed of many high level players who have not been in the professional scene for a while.

posted about 8 years ago

I think you are heavily underrating Rogue and overrating both FaZe and Fnatic.

posted about 8 years ago

Fnatic competed in NGE before dropping out to go to Korea

posted about 8 years ago

I agree, it seems rather low for teams of this caliber. Even NGE with their four-team LAN had a 100k prize pool.

Edit: Oh, just realized the entire thing is online. Makes more sense then.

posted about 8 years ago

Sumtingwong news??? PogChamp

posted about 8 years ago

Turn and run before it's too late.

posted about 8 years ago

When I log in in the morning and see interesting debates on the news and editorials, people even posting their own essays to the forums and some beautifully crafted shitposts... well... it just warms my heart.

lol soft lil bitch

posted about 8 years ago

^ and he calls himself a journalist....

posted about 8 years ago

As of now, Red Reserve has not made it clear whether they plan to relocate the team to a team house or whether they will continue online as they have before.

posted about 8 years ago
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