Country: United States
Registered: August 21, 2016
Last post: September 1, 2018 at 1:30 AM
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Yeah I pretty much agree 100% with this though I've never been in a management position like you are. That video made me genuinely dislike Noah (previously had no strong opinion of him) and made me feel terrible for Agilities. He's just a kid. A kid in a massive spotlight on him along with all the pressure in the world on his shoulders to try to keep his dream alive.

Not to mention going into this "Last Chance" bullshit, he had to face two of the strongest teams in the league late in the season. They played Philly close as hell and Philly went all out and got unsurprisingly 4-0'd by NYXL. I thought Agilities did fine, he wasn't exceptional but he wasn't a hindrance either. He has plenty of potential and I believe in him. Are we going to get a "Last Chance" segment for SoOn and KariV too? What exactly did they do all of stage 2? Honestly made no sense why they singled out Agilities the way they did. He hasn't even gotten playing time and you are going to throw him in the blender like that?

Really hoping they don't make anymore night-time drama nonsense during their breaks again. Was seriously unprofessional and just an all around douche bag move.

posted about 7 years ago

Great job, keep up the good work my dudes

posted about 7 years ago

It's best of 5. So 3-0*

posted about 7 years ago

NYXL showing snillo's Tracer a lot of respect with that hard counter at the end of R66 defense.

posted about 7 years ago


Also, loving the stat-lines in the match page now.

posted about 7 years ago

As good as Philly has looked this stage I just don't see them having the depth and skill required to take down London. Birdring/Profit are just too damn strong.

posted about 7 years ago

Wherever I get Horizon Lunar Colony in comp. That map literally needs to be fucking deleted.

posted about 7 years ago

Fl0w3r and Nenne would be a top tier OWL DPS duo, let alone a contenders duo. RIP Mangachu since Fl0w3r basically plays everything he does better on top of being an exceptional hit-scan player.

posted about 7 years ago

I said I've written DF off before but I can't help but cheer for them every time they show signs of brilliance. Can't suppress the inner NV fanboyism I guess.

posted about 7 years ago

You locked up 1st place, again. You've established you're the best/deepest team in the league, again. Now please, just let Pine play every map of this essentially meaningless game.

posted about 7 years ago

I think the odds of GLA 4-0'ing Boston to qualify for the playoffs is highly unlikely (fairly sure they need to 4-0 since they lost their head to head vs. Philly and have a 2 map deficit overall). Then again, I didn't think GLA would be anywhere near playoff contention to begin with so what do I know?
3-2 Boston, Kazper and Striker slumped a bit early on in stage 2 but they seem to be back in form as of late.

posted about 7 years ago

Rascal's Revenge don't care if Dallas wins just wanna see Rascal pop off against his old pals and show the OWL/born in season8 generation of players that he is a top tier DPS.

posted about 7 years ago

What a fucking match, without a doubt one of the best of all stage 2.

posted about 7 years ago

Once Architect joins, it's gonna be sinatraa/Architect starting the vast majority of games similar to how NYXL almost exclusively starts SBB/Libero even though Pine is more than capable of starting for them. Danteh should be traded because he's far too talented to bench for any respectable team (please read this, Houston Outlaws). Super will more than likely pull a Fissure on Nomy and he can go bowling with iRemix on match nights.

All in all, their bench really isn't that long imo. Especially once it fully fleshes out. Though I have to give it to SFS's coaching staff. Being able to cultivate the existing talent on the team while waiting for the upcoming prospects to become eligible. Now they have a bright future, trade assets in Danteh, Nomy, Babybay and DhaK while maintaining a strong, versatile core starting lineup. Stage 3 and 4 should be interesting moving forward.

posted about 7 years ago

Apex Season 1 NV literally got lucky with Mickie and the meta (at the time was 3+ tank, S76, Ana/Lucio) literally falling into their lap, it couldn't have worked out better for them and they knew it. Talespin was a 1 trick Pharah player so he had to go but Mickie did not fill the gaps that NV needed, they were already completely and utterly stacked at that point in time.
I like Mickie on MT more than OT because his DVA was clearly not doing the job, but I definitely think the MT position is something the Fuel are going to need to keep looking at. You can't have 3+ "maybe" main tank players on your team. Taimou, cocco, Mickie ... which one is it going to be? We are at the half way point of OWL, it's time to finally iron out the starting rotation. They have a really great potential starting core of:

Bird - DVA/OT flex
Rascal - DPS, caller
EFFECT - DPS, flex OT if needed
Custa - IGL/support
chips - support

posted about 7 years ago

Hope Philly 4-0's LAV with ease while the entire roster of Seoul watches on helplessly.

posted about 7 years ago

Go ahead and start Gido on Zenyatta and Wekeed on hitscan Seoul. You guys earned that playoff spot now it's time to relax and let those bench players play.

posted about 7 years ago

I did not expect this to go to map 5 but goddamn Dallas is looking reformed in a serious way with the Bird on DVA and Rascal/EFFECT duo DPSing. I'm not sold yet on Mickie on Winston but maybe they'll let cocco back into the rotation soon.

posted about 7 years ago

Going to be watching this match between my fingers, especially if Rascal gets the start again. It just hurts me so much to see my babies so battered and beaten at this point.

posted about 7 years ago

Seoul literally playing themselves out of the playoffs yet again with all these random roster changes in crucial matches.

posted about 7 years ago

Sinatraa himself has said he believes Striker is the best 1v1 Tracer in the game. I wonder if that fact will get into his head at all tonight.

posted about 7 years ago

Seoul should start Bunny and Munchkin both just to rub it in Houston's face.

posted about 7 years ago

Surprised no pulse/grav combo @ 2:55 D:

Nice video though, I was watching dafran's stream live on that last clip lol

posted about 7 years ago

While I don't see it happening, I would love to see both Danteh and Sinatraa playing at the same time vs. Mayhem. I know Babybay had a great showing vs. Houston last week but Danteh has been the team's MVP for a streak of weeks now. Guy is handling the pressure of potentially being benched and also upping his trade value massively in the event Sinatraa does seize his starting role.

Danteh and Sinatraa can both play Genji so I'm sure they will find opportunities to run them both.

posted about 7 years ago

I usually tab out or do something else during breaks between matches but this bit was actually pretty hilarious. Sideshow making Soe laugh about the Fusion kitchen access and wanting to use the bathroom were especially hilarious to me lol

posted about 7 years ago

Curious to see if what EFFECT talked about in his AMA will actually happen: him flexing to OT and Rascal/AKM duo DPSing. Would also be nice to see Custa on Zenyatta and chips on Ana, not the other way around.

You know, sensible changes.

EDIT: Snillo spotted

posted about 7 years ago

Houston and LAV are bleeding losses like it's their weekend hobby.

posted about 7 years ago

Apologies are only words. Stone him.

posted about 7 years ago

GLA runs Shaz on Tracer and Hydra on Lucio for the win ... my mind is actually blown.

posted about 7 years ago

I live for throws like that. And the top notch panning camera angle in the replay was 10/10.

posted about 7 years ago

Flashes of vintage TviQ

posted about 7 years ago

I thought the same thing. The way he answers is so blunt and ruthless. Downplaying the past accomplishments of EnVyUs, calling Mickie out without softening his words, directly mentioning the possibly of a coaching change, referring to Taimou as Hentaimou (last bit is a joke).

However I feel like maybe a lot of that is a cultural thing? I'm not Korean nor have I ever been around Korean culture well enough to make a proper judgment but maybe it's normal to be as honest as possible despite it not being the most respectful thing to see/hear? I gave him the benefit of the doubt but who knows maybe he's just 10/10 tilted and doesn't give a F anymore.

posted about 7 years ago

Feeling Mayhem 3-2. LAV is just struggling something fierce right now.

posted about 7 years ago

Bill Belichick

posted about 7 years ago

I read the entire interview when it came out and the only things that really seem like they could potentially seem drama related are him saying that a new coach was potentially coming and that he didn't think Mickie was doing a good job protecting his teammates on DVA.

Aside from that a lot of honest answers and interesting information like him considering flexing to a dedicated OT role and letting AKM/Rascal DPS duo for the remainder of the season.

posted about 7 years ago

GLA 3-1.
GLA 4-0 if JakeRat plays Tracer.

posted about 7 years ago

Nice, another flex DPS player for LinkZr to carry.

posted about 7 years ago

That was a blood bath.

posted about 7 years ago

Nano Widowmaker for the full hold. Rest in Piss DF's season.

posted about 7 years ago

Pretty much this. Not even going to mention all the questionable roles and hero picks because I could go on for paragraphs from just this one match.

What makes absolutely no sense to me was against Florida Mayhem they were up 2-0 then randomly subbed EFFECT out and let FLA back into the match. This week they are down 2-0 and now they don't want to make any changes at all? This is absolutely a coaching issue and it's becoming more and more evident with each passing week.

posted about 7 years ago

Start Custa on Ana and chips on Zen ... the ???'s continue.

posted about 7 years ago

Shanghai Drag0-17's

posted about 7 years ago

A win for Seoul means they tie NYXL for 1st place overall. A win for NYXL puts them in a fairly comfortable lead considering the Spitfire have been struggling as of late and the win vs. Seoul would give them a large map lead + head to head advantage. I expect both teams will treat this like a playoff game and hold nothing back.
Seoul 3-1

posted about 7 years ago

Arch/Super/Sinatraa, major power-up for the Shock. Really hoping Danteh doesn't get buried under the new additions though.

posted about 7 years ago

I'm done with DF, 4-0 BU.

posted about 7 years ago

It's not KR Overwatch unless I Get It.

posted about 7 years ago

So he'll likely take Babybay's role then?

posted about 7 years ago

What DPS does Architect typically play? Is he a flex DPS or a specialist of some kind?

posted about 7 years ago

The EU Contenders casters + desk have been top notch.

posted about 7 years ago

Go get it Kruise

posted about 7 years ago
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