Country: United States
Registered: October 22, 2018
Last post: November 2, 2019 at 2:02 PM
Posts: 7

haksal, Fischer, Choi, scaler and shax have looked great all blizzcon

posted about 5 years ago

on this day we are all avec le 6

posted about 5 years ago

Who's going to tell him

posted about 5 years ago

coolmatt died so many times out of position on Ilios

posted about 6 years ago

mods please delete, i didn't mean to post twice

posted about 6 years ago

tracer isn't as strong now, and carpe pretty much plays SBB's hero pool almost as well as SBB does, and fleta is more flexible than SBB, so it makes sense to have him there in a meta where flexibility is key.

fury was probably chosen because of his strong performance in the owl finals, or perhaps Meko doesn't feel as strong on Zarya as he does on Dva.

not sure about the ark - anamo switch though, but both are really incredible supports.

posted about 6 years ago