Country: Scotland
Registered: December 16, 2016
Last post: August 8, 2019 at 7:49 PM
Posts: 16


posted about 5 years ago

BlessRNG i used to be an atheist BlessRNG but now i believe in Gods BlessRNG.

posted about 6 years ago

its coomin home, its cooomin

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago



posted about 6 years ago

theyre gonna do it, the absolute madmen

posted about 6 years ago

i double dog dare shanghai to win this, now they gotta

posted about 6 years ago

crackinlackin? very surprised to see him show up again, i thought he was totally off the grid - remember seeing him in cowleague a year ago, good on him to get signed like this

posted about 7 years ago

so no stream then?

posted about 7 years ago

with these changes it looks like blizzard were really intending zen to replace ana for most comps. rein might be less necessary with the divey nature of fights as well as the winston buff (and orisa being able to compensate somewhat for a lack of a rein), so much so that it might be worth people running dive defences most of the time, with choke control being less important. will be interesting to see, but hard to play.

posted about 8 years ago

snoops a good player iirc

posted about 8 years ago

cow league was what prompted me to post this here, though cow league is all voluntary and prizes are mostly viewer funded so that might mean it doesnt count??

posted about 8 years ago

how large does a league or series need to be to be featured on the upcoming matches section? some overwatch series go on with a few hundred viewers that dont get featured, does anyone that moderates this site have a policy for what gets featured, or is it just what you guys are aware of going on at any given time?

posted about 8 years ago

hes been a bit obnoxious on stream and to other people, and there was drama between him and gods before as well

nothing that big, but people amplify things

posted about 8 years ago