Country: United States
Registered: November 30, 2016
Last post: March 15, 2017 at 11:04 PM
Posts: 5

Aw bummer I wanted to watch Super Friends

posted about 7 years ago

I think LG is onto something. I think the sister teams will be worth the investment, especially considering the success of Lunatic-Hai's teams. I wouldn't be surprised if the coordinated scrimming makes both Loyal and Evil top 5 teams in NA.

posted about 7 years ago

The only time this kind of thing is ok is when YouTubers like MindFuzz do tutorial videos on how to climb the ladder starting at bronze. IDDQD's stream was interesting because he could showcase amazing skill, but he effectively ruined the game for hundreds of bronze players. I'm not mad at him for his past issues with pro teams or anything. I just think it's a shitty thing to do to beginners.

posted about 8 years ago

Yeah, why not? Picking up friends from sites has worked for me in the past. No reason it shouldn't here.

posted about 8 years ago

This is the first time I've started getting a kick out of e-sports since Leffen beat Mango for $1,000 in ssb melee. I'm new to Overwatch and honestly garbage, but I'm looking for a team to follow and I like the looks of Rly Cool Guys. This site seems pretty neat, so I'll be sticking around here, I think.

posted about 8 years ago